Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Black Belt Recruiting Techniques For Your Network Marketing Business - Business - MLM

Black Belt Recruiting is a network marketing course that is created by none other than Mike Dillard - the founder of the Magnetic Sponsoring system and the Better Networker network marketing community.

In this course, he teaches you how to recruit 10 to 20 network marketing reps without begging, pleading or badgering your prospects to join your business opportunity.

One of the main reasons why Mike Dillard created this course is because many people are very poor when it comes to network marketing prospecting. It stems from the fact that most people who claim to be network marketers, know next to nothing about marketing at all. Not because they don't have a degree in marketing, but rather their hodge-podge prospecting techniques like cold calling dead beat leads and calling all your friends and relatives to buy your products under the guise of 'family business support' is nothing but brute force hard selling.

Dillard claims that Black Belt Recruiting will help you to get even more results in your network marketing business if you are willing to do exactly the opposite of what your uplines in traditional network marketing prospecting tell you to do.

In essence, by changing your prospecting method (by not acting so desperate) and keeping in mind that the ball is always in your hand, will lead you to become the hunted instead of the hunter.

Black Belt Recruiting emphasizes on the following techniques and mindsets:

- The less you hard sell, the more reps you sponsor- How to get your competitors to spread your name without them even knowing it- How to get people who already decided not to join your business to pay you money- How to get your prospects so excited that they will sign up without even knowing what company or team they are joining- How to sponsor sales reps into your business by knowing the right words to talk to them- The basic psychology about prospecting other network marketing reps in other business opportunities- A trick that will get people at parties and social gatherings to come to you and ask you about your network marketing business.

By adjusting your mindset and choosing the right words, you will rarely hear the word 'no' from your prospects again because you know how to approach them the right way. All in all, Black Belt Recruiting shows network marketers how to stay in control of their network marketing business instead of letting the prospects push you around.

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