Sunday, June 24, 2012

Gold Mining Equipment and Gold Ore Processing Machinery - Business - Sales

Gold is the most common ore in the earth crust and it even appears on the moon and in the aerolite?In some parts of the earth crust, 15km under the earth's surface, feldspar accounts for 60%. Feldspar is the main component of igneous and is also common in metamorphic rock and sedimentary rock.Feldspar is one silicate minerals which contains calcium, sodium and potassic. Populary speaking, feldspar is divided into two kinds: orthoclase (potash feldspar) and anorthose. The difference between them is the splitting included angle, orthoclase 90 degree and anorthose smaller than 90 degree.

High technology gold mining equipment, such as gold detectors, elegant modern dredges, and lightweight sluices will allow a new generation of gold miners to strike pay dirt, because the gold is there.It has just been too hard to get to until tod.Another possibility for selling your used equipment and supplies is to place them with .There is no fee for placing items on consignment but a negotiable 10-20% commission will be charged for that service when the item sells . To place items for sale on consignment the items must be sent to GOLD FEVER PROSPECTING. The cost of shipping the item to us is the responsibility of the seller. Insurance is recommended. If the seller withdraws the item from consignment the seller is responsible for the shipping and handling cost of returning the item to the seller.

For really large chunks of material, it may be necessary to initially break down the large pieces with hammers. Sometimes heavy-duty chisels can also come in handy in this part of the process as one breaks down large chunks into fist sized and smaller pieces that can be more easily handled.The classic old mortar and pestle was the method used by early day miners to crush their ore specimens for testing. You can still buy these things today at most prospecting stores - they are made of cast iron and last a long time and work fairly well. It just takes a lot of elbow grease and work to break up the rock.

A slightly different version of mortar and pestle work is a variety called hand stamp crushing. A heavy cylinder of iron is welded to a long rod and placed inside a pipe or tube which is just a bit larger than the diameter of the iron cylinder. This iron cylinder is picked up and dropped onto the ore, much in the manner of the old time stamp mills. This method seems to be popular in Australia.

A more expensive but certainly faster and easier method is to use a small jaw crusher, such as is used in preparing samples for assaying. I have one of these in my garage and it is pictured at the right. For those thinking bottle crusher about processing larger quantities of ore such as hundreds or even thousands of pounds of rock from mines, there are several manufacturers that sell small portable hammer and impact mills. These mechanized crushing systems can generate some very significant dust, and so when using them is important to consider methods for dust control or elimination.

Finally, once gold ore crusher the rock is fully crushed we get to the part about separating out the gold from the crushed rock. Often, this is accomplished simply by very careful panning. Panning is the most suitable method if you only have an amount of rock less than about 15 or 20 pounds. On the other hand if you are going to be processing large quantities of rock on a regular basis such as would come from the workings of a hard rock mine, you will need some sort of automated system to process your crushed materials.

If you really are going to be working with ores from a hard rock mine, perhaps the best method for the small minor is the use of the a small shaking table. A good table is fairly bulletproof in one set up operates well on its own, and does an efficient job of capturing small gold particles. Such equipment isn't cheap of coarse but if you're going to be handling thousands of pounds of rock, it's just too much to consider panning as an option for processing.

Another possibility that needs to be considered is the use of mercury in capturing the finest gold particles from your ores. In most instances if you are just handling a few gold Quartz specimens Gold Mining Equipment that you find here and there, the use of mercury will not be worth your time. In some cases the gold in the ore is extremely fine sized, and using mercury to capture it makes sense. This is also true for operators processing large quantities of hard rock material. I've done up a web page on using Mercury to capture fine gold and you can view it here.

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