Wednesday, July 18, 2012

How to Create a Funded Proposal Marketing System, Part I - Marketing

If you're new to network marketing or not quite sure still yet what the term "Funded Proposal Marketing" is, it is simply a method that describes how marketing will pay for itself. It is profit that is created that will cover the cost of your marketing, or advertising, for the leads that are generated. I don't know about you, but this was exactly what I was looking for.

Let's say, for example, an "Adwords" campaign is developed where you enter a bid for $1.25 a click. The traffic is directed to your capture page, which generates a 33% opt-in rate. That would indicate that 1 out of 3 individuals that come to the capture page will opt-in by filling out the form and this will be a lead for your MLM business.

In this example the lead that was generated would roughly cost you $3.75 ($1.25 x 3 = $3.75).

You have a choice here to pay for each lead at $3.75 out of your pocket, or a step could be added, where your $3.75 MLM lead would be recouped.

The wise choice here is a no brainer. By adding the step for your marketing so it will be sustainable, and therefore your money will not run out before you would ever be able to generate enough MLM leads for your business.

You still have the other choice of "old school" prospecting methods to grow your business, where the total cost of the leads will come out of your pocket. This usually takes the form of marketing flyers, buying the leads, and product samples. This upfront money, utilizing this "old school" method for your MLM business, is a process used to recoup your lead and advertising costs, if and when you sponsor one of these leads into your downline.

Utilizing this "old school" prospecting techniques for your network marketing creates a much bigger problem, and trying to build your business using this method is suicide. As I have mentioned in an earlier post, only 1-3% of these leads will end up ever joining your downline. So without the funded proposal marketing plan, you would be missing out on potential income from the remaining 97-99%. This is why Marketers go belly-up. When the "Proposal Marketing System" is set up properly, you will be making money off of the 97 - 99% of those MLM leads that decide not to join.

More to come...........To your success

iAutoblog the premier autoblogger software

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