Sunday, September 2, 2012

Why Traditional Network Marketing Prospecting Techniques like Recruiting Friends and Family Don't Work! - Business - MLM

Why Traditional Network Marketing Prospecting Techniques like Recruiting Friends and Family Don't Work!

By Jason-Dennis Stewart

Traditionally, one of the major network marketing prospecting techniques taught to most newcomers to networking marketing by their upline mentors goes something like this: "Talk to everyone you know, don't leave anyone out!.... Your friends and family will appreciate you bringing them this exciting opportunity, and they will want to support you as well as make an income for themselves".... Sounds great, right? When I first got involved in network marketing way back when, it sounded great to me too. However, I learned from experience that there are some fundamental flaws with that theory. What if you have a very limited size family or social circle? What if, as was my experience, NO ONE in your family or immediate social circle is interested in your opportunity? These types of issues lead to the frustration of many newcomers to the network marketing industry, and ultimately their exit from the industry.

So enough of the problems... Here is the solution. In order to achieve success in network marketing, a person must pay attention to actual marketing techniques. There are network marketing prospecting techniques that will allow you to get your opportunity in front of those that are outside of your social circle. The key to prospecting is to attract people, but remember, people are attracted to leaders, and they follow leaders, not particular network marketing companies. The more you can establish yourself as a person who demonstrates knowledge and credibility, the more your downline will grow. Here are a few tips in that will assist you in your building your credibility and promoting yourself as a leader.

* Video Marketing - The use of video marketing is a very powerful (and FREE) tool that allows you to build relationships with a large viewing audience. People feel more comfortable with you when they are able to see you, and if you share information that is useful to them, you will be able to quickly establish yourself as someone from whom they will take advice (such as taking a look at a business opportunity!!). Sites like are the perfect way to share your videos for free.

* Blogs and Discussion Boards - Many network marketers use blogs to and discussion boards to talk about their business opportunities as well as the benefits of the products and services that they promote. The blog format allows others to comment on your opportunity and for a "conversation" to take place. Having "conversations" even online, allow you to build relationships with people that may be potential business partners in the future.

* Educate your new downlines - This may be the most important thing to remember. Don't just stop at telling your downlines to "take action" and "stay consistent". Your success as a network marketer depends upon your ability to get those that decide to join your downline up and running (and making a profit) quickly. Having a marketing and prospecting strategy with specific steps that they can duplicate is the key to the growth of your organization and ultimately, to your success.

Get more network marketing prospecting tips and techniques that high - income earning network marketers use to build massive organizations. For a limited time, Jason-Dennis Stewart shares techniques that will allow you to grow your network marketing business without cold-calling, pleading with friends and family, and without facing rejection. Get your FREE access here!!

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