Monday, October 15, 2012

Effective MLM Prospecting Methods For Aspiring Top Earners - Business - MLM

Are you aspiring to become an MLM top earner? Sure it's a gigantic challenge, but it can be done. If we take a look at highly successful home based business owners who has made it to the top of the networking food chain, we can derive a huge amount of inspiration and motivation. You should take a look at the prospecting methods of succesful MLM leaders and incorporate these secrets into your own business.

There are many prospecting methods that you can learn from the masters. First, you have to be aware that these top earners are not doing any "voodooh" or mystical stuff that allows them rake in the profits. Contrary to popular belief, successful networkers do extremely simple prospecting methods, and so should you! The reason why it's important to do simple prospecting methods is because you need to do something that your downline can easily duplicate. When there is massive duplication and action in your downline, that's when results really happen.

One example of a simple online prospecting method is to start your very own blog. This is not difficult. You can get a free blog from Wordpress or Blogger platform. No need to create an extremely fancy blog. Just create a blog using a free and user friendly platform. A blog is like a journal, where you share your thoughts and invite people to view them. The good thing is, you can insert pictures of yourself from recent company events, you can make announcements about upcoming seminars and product launches, and you can gradually build a massive following online. If you stick with me, I'll show you how to do it.

Writing direct response ads is another great prospecting method. If you take time to learn simple direct response advertisements and post them on your own website, you can literally get hundreds of customers and business partners at will. This is simple, but not easy. Learning how to write extremely effective ads is the hard part, and is worth learning. If you can create your own landing pages, email newsletters, and website sales letters, you will be on your way to the top of the food chain. Again, I can show you how to do it.

Of course, good old offline prospecting still works today. You can advertise in local newspapers, or give away postcards and calling cards to people you meet. Another good offline method is referral prospecting. Ask your closest friends and trusted associates if they know somebody who might be interested in an additional income stream. Most people are afraid to do this, but I've personally sponsored dozens of folks this way. If you ask for referrals, you eventually get what you ask for. That's how simple it is.

There are other MLM prospecting methods that will propel you to become the top earner that you are supposed to be. You can learn these prospecting secrets in my website, and I will even give you free stuff that you can benefit from. The important thing is that you don't give up and you continue to persist no matter what.

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