Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Treasure Hunts Can Be Fun For The Whole Family - Entertainment

Most people enjoy a great treasure hunt. It seems like while we were kids that we got a chance to participate in them quite a bit; whether it was hunts our moms or dads created for us, at birthday parties, or associated with school activities. I remember when I was a child, Santa Claus would often hide one of our presents and leave clues for us to find it. It was really fun, and it was normally our biggest and very best gift that was hidden. Oh what a great treasure to find! As grown-ups it is a lot more difficult to participate in truly fun and exciting treasure hunts, but there are still options available which could fill the void for all those Indiana Jones wannabes.

Geocaching is a great way for you to treasure hunt. The way geocaching works is that people hide a cache or "treasure" and tell the geo coordinates for where the cache can be found. Frequently the cache is a metal box of some kind with a log book and something to write with in addition to a few fun assorted items. When a cache is found, the geocacher signs the log book and may choose one of the "treasures" from the cache and is encouraged to leave behind something else in its place. Although that's a description of a common cache, caches will differ in their purpose and size. Some caches are quite small for instance a film or match container. These usually just have a log in them and tend to be for the pleasure of the hunt. Often caches may be hidden in places where there is something appealing to see or a great view. Geocaching is certainly one way to obtain your treasure hunting fix.

Metal detecting is another modern day form of treasure hunting. Utilizing a metal detector, you can get out there and find all sorts of old buttons, pins, coins, and jewelry. It can be really thrilling hearing the tone tell you that there's something beneath you and then digging for your loot. There are plenty of places to go metal detecting, but one which might turn up some great stuff is around old homesteads. Years ago some people did not put their money in banks, they would bury it. Generally they would bury it close by their house, and very often where they would have the ability to see it from the house for example in view from the kitchen window. Some other frequent places were dog houses or chicken coups where there would be a "built in alarm." Metal detecting can be another fantastic option to do a little present day hunting to find real treasure.

Finally, another way that you can do some modern day treasure hunting is to look for groups that put on treasure hunts. You will still find those that love treasure hunting and will create hunts for others to take part in. Some actually offer quite a bit of cash for solving the clues and locating the treasure. A few of these will charge you for the clues and some of them are free. There aren't a great deal of these groups out there, but there are some and they can be super fun!

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