Friday, March 8, 2013

MLM Prospecting: Prospecting The Fire Personality Type - Business - MLM

MLM Prospecting is really a necessity when it comes to building your MLM business.....I mean it is Key! Nonetheless, it must be noted that there are 4 predominant personality types you will want to be aware of.

Over the next series of articles, I will examine each of the four of these prospective distributor personality types at length and point out not simply what makes each of these tick, but also the best way to these folks and turn these qualified prospects into new network marketing business partners.

Now a lot of people refer to these types of personalities as Fire, Ice, Wind, Water or Red, Blue, Green, Yellow or perhaps Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring. But, it doesn't matter how you equate the type to any of these, the reality is that the qualities are just about the identical for each. Additionally, a number of people have a mixture of these traits; I refer to this as bleeding personalities, and so keep that in mind.

Do not forget that MLM prospecting isn't all about the potential distributor talking and you simply answering, but as well as you assuming a bit of control and asking questions too. Not every person is going to choose to join you nor do you want all of them on your team. Make an effort to mirror your potential customer as best you can, but figure out what to look for!

The very first personality type I want to talk about in this article is...

The Fire PersonalityThe one thing you have to know about these folks is that they are extremely motivated by MONEY. If there's a buck to be made or an opportunity to make money, these types are going to find it!

Second of all, these personality types CAN'T STAND bosses and being told what to do. Especially if they discover a cause in their eyes not to do something simply because it disturbs with their vision, they will likely incinerate the rules and rebel. Also, they are Extraordinarily Impatient and will also talk over you if you don't get to the point or start to bore them. I am guilty of this trait, I have to confess.

Just remember, these aren't bad folks, they are merely no-nonsense, head strong individuals!

Now, how would you transform these combustible personalities into an MLM Prospecting advantage?

To begin with, Talk about the MONEY. Begin discussing your company's compensation plan and let them start to see how they can generate an obscene amount of cash rather quickly. Go over the Bonuses, the Residuals and if possible, hook up these individuals to another person in your upline or crossline that's also a fire personality; these people are inclined to respond to Leadership, therefore be sure you will be able to connect them with someone who will be able to mirror their intent to make money.

In the following post, I will be discussing the Ice Personality and the ways to effectively use MLM Prospecting techniques with the Ice Personality.

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