Saturday, February 1, 2014

Gold ETF Trading For Beginners - Finance

Gold etf trading for beginners and taking advantage of the gold market using the GLD exchange traded fund to generate consistent profits in any market condition.

As I mentioned before, the past 5 months have been very frustrating for most traders as we are stuck in this sideways price action. I also noted that August to December is generally the stronger months for gold. Although gold has been under selling pressure during the last 4 weeks I think there is light at the end of the tunnel. It's usually the darkest before dawn, but there are some hurtles for gold to over come before we are in the clear which I explain below.

1 - The Gold Mining Stocks Index

An 10 year chart with a cup and handle pattern complete with a breakout. Gold mining stocks have continued to collapse below their support level. This does not mean gold is going to follow but it is a red flag which needs to be noted for future long entry points. Gold mining stocks in general are seen as volatile and high risk types of investments so I understand why investors are unloading their positions to lock in profits. Gold mining stocks are pushed below long term support level.

2 - Gold Stocks Index

An 8yr chart of the price action of gold stocks and you can see that they are currently testing long term support levels. If this monthly bar closes below this trend line then long term investors should be sitting in cash until we have a new opportunity to enter long or short. The HUI generally makes the move before the price of gold so I follow the HUI in all time frames. The HUI is testing long term support.

3 - Performance Chart (Gold Stocks vs Price of Gold)

The past 2 years, from 2006 to present gold stocks have slowly been underperforming the price of gold. This is generally not a good thing to see if we want higher prices for gold. But the good news is that gold stocks appear to be reaching levels at which new rallies have started. Gold stocks under performing the price of gold but near support.

4 - Daily HUI Chart

I follow the HUI like a hawk as it fine tunes my entry and exit point for trading GLD, DGP and DZZ funds. Last month the HUI made a lower high and a lower low which is a red flag. While I don't predict prices I am thinking these lower prices for gold stocks are just panic sellers over extending a sell off. I would really like to see an August rally kick into place. The HUI makes a lower high and lower low on the daily chart.

5 - GLD Gold ETF Trading Signals For Beginners

While gold stocks have been selling down, gold has so far been able to hold some ground. As you can see in the chart below the last three months gold has made higher highs, and higher lows. Currently gold is testing Major Support at the 200 EMA. Gold ETF GLD at long term support still holding its ground.


My analysis of gold above explains that gold stocks and indexes are oversold and are at major support levels. Thus an August rally is not out of the picture and we could have some favorable setups in the near future. I would prefer higher prices, but in the end movement is movement and we can profit in either direction evenly.

GLD gold etf trading for me is the most accurate trading vehicle I have come across. I have been using my proven trading model which avoids the price gaps and keeps risk under 3% for each trade. GLD makes it simple to profit from the markets using a proven trading model for trading long and short term gold setups in all market conditions (bull, bear, and sideways).

My focus for short term trading is simple. Wait for a breakout which satisfies my trading model, enter the trade and then exit 50% of position on the first sign of weakness. Exit second half on a trend line break. etf trading for beginners is low risk I provide GLD ETF signals which generate 2-5% profit within 2-10 days unless prices continue to run then we lock in a much larger profit. I generally have 10-20 trades per year with gold.

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