Sunday, April 8, 2012

Metal Detectors - Frequently Asked Questions - Hobbies

Metal detector is the electronic device employed in detecting traces of metal, from the ground, cargo or a person. Metal detectors can penetrate effectively through wood, soil and other materials that are non-metallic.

Okay so how does it work?

It uses electromagnetism's principle. This typically, is comprised of an electronic box, a receiver antenna, a transmitter and battery case. With the use of its battery power, the metal detectors transmitter creates a magnetic field. Let us say if an item (metallic one) passes through a metal detector, this then becomes magnetized. In receiving the signature of electromagnetic, the metal Detectors receiver automatically delivers a signal to its electronic box. A speaker then amplifies this signal. This then produces a beeping sound that indicates a metal contamination.

Are there different kinds of metal detectors?

There is, depending on your specific situation, there are different kinds of metal detectors that are available. There are metal detectors made exclusively for gold. Likewise, a special metal detector is available for hunting relics. The other prominent kinds are for underwater metal detectors, the coin detectors, and the walk-through type of metal detectors. The other popular type is the Multi-purpose metal detector.

Product effect, what is it?

When you have something passing through a metal detector, food stuff tends to create and generate a signal even if there is no metal present in it. This is called product effect. This is mainly attributed to factors that include fat content, acidity, moisture content, temperature and salinity.

Here are some common factors that have an effect on metal detectors sensitivity.

The following are the product effects, the size and/or form of metal contaminants; the metal detector's opening size are the factors or components that affects a metal detector's overall sensitivity.

Is there a typical warm up period for metal detectors?

For proper detection of metals, your metal detector needs a warming up for about 30 minutes after you turn it on.

Can a metal detector detect rustic and burned metals?

Yes. However, a metal detectors' sensitivity of detection is solely based on the orientation and shape of its contaminants. It is also hard to notice the minute particles.

Non-metallic contaminants, can a metal detector detect that?

No, metal detectors can't detect any non-metallic contaminant/s.

What accessories do you need in using a metal detector?

You will be needing the following; a pair of gloves, knife, probe, gator digger, and a ground cloth.

What precautions do I need in cleaning my metal detector?

In cleaning the main unit of your metal detector, use hot water that is not higher than 40 degrees (in centigrade). The detector's head must be thoroughly cleaned from dirt and other particles present. You also need to clean your metal detectors conveyor belts with the use of a neutral detergent and soft bristled brush.


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