Sunday, October 28, 2012

Is Your Metal Detector Hobby Too Much - Hobbies

Some who do metal detecting as a hobby get complaints from family and friends. "Oh no, not that again!" they'll say as you pull out your trusty metal detector. Before you start looking for new friends, let's examine the evidence and decide if your hobby really is getting to be "too much." Are you putting your search for treasure in front of your greatest treasures, your family and friends?

Do you metal detect every day? For some this may be a good amount and others this could be too much. Some could do this once a week and it would be the right amount and others it could be just too much. The key is understanding how it's affecting you. Do you enjoy your metal detecting? If so, this is a good sign. Some who are so intense about metal detecting actually don't enjoy it. They are obsessed and quite frustrated with it. They do it every day and are thinking over and over about the treasures they'll find. If you are enjoying the amount of metal detecting you do then you probably are doing a good amount of it.

Are you avoiding events with family and friends? Now, if every once in awhile you'd rather go to a historical site to metal detect instead of visiting your Great Aunt to talk about her teacup collection, we really can't say we blame you! But when you are missing out on family birthdays, other celebrations and fun events just so you can go metal detecting, this is a cause for concern. It is a sign that metal detecting may be a little too overwhelming for you.

The key is to enjoy it and to not let it rule you. We all know what it's like to hope you find that great and amazing treasure. Especially if you have found interesting treasure in the past - you have hope you'll find something great again. But when it becomes like a job where you are punching in and out like a mill-worker, this is another critical sign that your hobby is taking a serious toll.

Are you obsessed with finding one particular and great treasure? Some metal detectors we know have a very specific treasure in mind they hope to find. Now if you do that's okay, we all have our dreams. But if this dream becomes like a nightmare, this is actually unfair to you. If all you can think about is finding this gold coin or jewelry, it is time to consider letting go of the dream so you can return to enjoying your hobby again. You deserve to take pleasure.

So what can you do about the family and friends who complain about your metal detecting? Well, it really depends on what they do and say. Sometimes you need to pay some extra attention to them. They may be feeling neglected for their own reasons that have nothing to do with your metal detecting hobby. Some may be jealous you have found a fun hobby like metal detecting and need help finding their own. Why not teach them about what it is you do exaclty so they can enjoy it too?

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