Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Handheld Metal Detectors And Stun Batons Are Security Guard Essentials - Business - Security

Security guards are often trusted with securing not only a person or business's property but often they are in charge of securing people's well-being and ultimately their lives. Security guard is a profession that is sometimes looked at as being "cushy" and I think it is a bit unfair when you consider exactly what is being asked of these security professionals and oftentimes the responsibility that is bestowed upon them, especially when you consider what many of them are earning. Any wise business owner that is employing security guards should definitely consider arming these brave men and women with 2 things, and those are stun batons and handheld metal detectors.Let's first discuss the importance of handheld metal detectors and why they are an absolute must for some security personnel. Obviously these metal detectors are not going to be useful for all security professionals but any that are in charge of screening people when they enter an establishment should have one wi thout question. Handheld metal detectors are reasonably inexpensive, especially when one considers that we are talking about a device that can literally save lives, require no special training to use and are extremely effective in detecting even the tracest amounts of metal. They are also self-calibrating which means they don't have to have their sensitivity settings messed with on a constant basis. The alternative to these security scanners is of course to have security professionals do the old fashioned pat down at the door which is more time consuming, ineffective and potentially uncomfortable for both security guard and patron alike. Stun batons are something I think a much larger group of security guards should possess. After all, security guards are often the first, last and only line of defense and this could potentially mean involving themselves in a physical altercation. For the salary most of these professionals are making the least their employers could do would b e to arm these professionals with a means of defending themselves in an effective, non-lethal, humane and legal way. This can all be accomplished with a stun baton. Stun batons, like all stun devices work by incapacitating the attacker using a very powerful, yet non-lethal current of electricity that interrupts and disables the attacker's neurological pathways. Stun batons are another device which take no special training to operate and are a much better alternative to firearms or fists in the event of an attack. If you are a security guard or have security professionals in the employ of your company please make sure these brave men and women are armed with one or both of these devices as it could very well mean the difference between life and death.

Stay Safe,Carl Vouer

To see handheld metal detectors or stun batons please visit us online.

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