Thursday, June 20, 2013

Gold, A Lesson In Refinement - Business

I've recently taken up gold prospecting as a hobby, and it has engendered an interest in me for the entire process of gold production. Finding the gold is great fun, especially when I think about my bank account, but what happens next is truly interesting. The gold must be separated from superfluous impurities by a gold refinery and then processed into a usable form.

Bullion is common, as it is uniform and can be easily sold and transported, perhaps to suppliers for the information technology industry. It is also not uncommon to process the gold into jewelry or some other form to be sold at an even greater price. In any case the whole process has deeply interested me.

I've checked, and one of the local universities offers classes in goldsmithing. It is all-inclusive, and includes units on gold refinery, mold making, casting, and producing and polishing the final product. Luckily, the university is only a short drive from my home and I am friends with several of the students there, one of which lives just down the street from my house.

If we carpool, we can save money, thereby maximizing the benefit of the profit we would be getting from our adventures in gold. In the end, not only will I have more college credit, which doesn't matter much because I already have my degree, but I will have some real world skills that can translate into a lasting legacy.

I would really like to become proficient in gold prospecting, gold, assaying, gold refining, gold smithing, and most especially golden prosperity. I love having a reason to spend time in the great outdoors, and gold prospecting means that I can get paid for my hobby. We've been focusing on panning, but intend to purchase a dredge, a sluice, and other more modern gold prospecting equipment. For the time being, we are studying books and videos on methods of gold prospecting and organizing a prospectors association so that we and other interesting parties can get together to share experiences and techniques.In that respect, gold prospecting can be considered the perfect hobby; it brings prosperity, gets you into the great outdoors, and builds a community of like-minded individuals. It's no wonder that people sometimes compare gold prospecting to a religion, and why the world's religions have such a great interest in gold. It all seems to be part of the same thing.

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