Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Volvo Stands Firm As Treasure Hunt Bloggers Get More Excited - Autos

The excitement builds up for the final episode of the Pirates of the Caribbean trilogy which is scheduled to be released on May 25. Even the blogosphere is set ablaze with more guesses. Bloggers are asking: "Is Captain Jack Sparrow going to make it?" Aside from this, another mystery that bloggers intend to unravel is this year's Volvo's treasure hunt.

It can be recalled that last summer, the Swedish automaker buried the Volvo XC90 SUV tricked out Pirates of the Caribbean-style. The online hunt for real treasure drew over 100,000 participants worldwide. Since the inception of the online treasure hunt, thousands of would-be treasure hunters have been eagerly awaiting news of the 2007 event.

The automaker is staying quiet, except for one email sent earlier this month inviting past participants to register for the hunt this May. The email was met with enthusiasm. Additionally, bloggers are getting restless about this year's treasure hunt.

One blogger said: "Arrrgghhhh! I can smell treasure. Looks like we're getting closer to discovering what Volvo has in store for us hearty pirates. Check out this photo I dug up. It can't be long now, mateys!" Another excited blogger said, "Wow! That's all I can say. I have been kicking myself for months for not solving it correctly. Thank goodness for redemption... Arrrrrrrrrr!"

One blogger uttered motivating words: "I can't wait fer another chance at the booty! Bring it on, Volvo!" Another netizen said, "High Tide is comin'! Get ready to set sail!!!! We're goin' on a Voyage to find the TREASURE!"

It seems that excitement is increasingly growing each day that even Volvo brake pads could not handle the intensifying build up. And the wildfire has spread to chatters. They said, "Volvo's got some new treasure and it's up for grabs. There are rumblings of a treasure hunt coming, sure to challenge even the toughest buccaneers around. You can bet all the rum on the ship that this hunt isn't for the lily-livered (that's faint of heart to you land lovers). If you had the good fortune (and what pirate doesn't?) to play in last year's hunt, you must be scratching your head thinking, 'Surely Volvo can't make the hunt and treasure any better than last year.'"

One chatter answered, "Well, you're dead wrong, me hearty. The treasure this year will shock even the toughest swashbucklers out there. Start sharpening your wit, dust off your olde compass and keep your eyes peeled. You don't want to miss this one! One more thing before I go raise my pirate flag, check out Looks like my old acquaintances Captain Jack Sparrow and 'Bootstrap Bill' Turner might have heard the Volvo hunt rumor too..."

"We love the hunt blogs, it's so exciting for us to see how revved up people are for this year's hunt," said a representative from Volvo Cars, who would speak under the condition of anonimity at this stage of the game. "But we're taking no chances this year and we're keeping our cards close to our chest - we know how talented and dedicated our treasure hunters are from our experience of last year's hunt. All I can say is, be patient. We're putting the final touches on plot twists and high seas trickery. You'll hear soon enough and you won't be disappointed."

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