Friday, January 31, 2014

Where do my Taxes go? - Internet - Free

Where do my state taxes go?Normally I'd say that it's fairly self-evident... but even I'm not quite that gullible... and neither should you be. But that's a subject for another post.

How about those Federal Taxes?

Huh, you're kidding right? I'm sure that we could guess about the hundreds of places that your Federal Taxes COULD be seen (very costly) at work. But to-date our Federal Government has really never been held accountable for the whereabouts of "your tax dollars at work".

All we can do is fortune-tell. But what we DO see is suspiciously evident programs and products that our government has exorbitantly paid for with money that comes from "somewhere"... Oh, of course from your wallet and mine.

And why? Because WE TRADED PART OF OUR LIVES TO EARN THAT MONEY... AND THEY NEED IT MORE THAN US! DUH! It certainly makes sense to me!

Sort of like "cause & effect" folks... It don't take a rocket scientist to see the money go from his pocket... go into that "black hole" (aka Federal Taxes) and presto... out comes a vastly overpriced program or product that is often defective or virtually useless.Here's one embarrassing example of "our tax dollars" (more like a $8 Billion of them )... that our elected officials (and their lackeys) would rather you NOT hear about... Looks pretty Black and White to me, but YOU BE THE JUDGE:

This video is here to demonstrate that the TSA's insistence that the nude body scanner program is effective and necessary is nothing but a fraud, just like their claims that the program is safe (radiation what?) and non-invasive (nude pictures who?).

The scanners are now effectively worthless, as anyone can beat them with virtually no effort. The TSA has been provided this video in advance of it being made public to give them an opportunity to turn off the scanners and revert to the metal detectors.

I personally believe they now have no choice but to turn them off.

Please share this video with your family, friends, and most importantly, elected officials in federal government.

Make sure they understand that your vote is contingent on them fixing the abuse that 200,000 passengers face from the TSA on a daily basis.

I'd like to thank:

Legislators who have stood up to the TSA - especially Dr. Ron Paul & Sen. Rand Paul

.and all those who have both publicly and privately stood up to the TSA.


I'm publishing this video because I want the world to know how much danger the American Transportation Security Administration is putting all us all in with their haste to deploy the expensive, invasive nude body scanner program.

When the machines came out, we were told that the invasion on our privacy, doses of radiation, and trashing of our Constitution were necessary because the old metal detectors weren't good enough. That "non-metallic explosives" were a threat, even though no one has boarded a plane in the US with any type of explosive in nearly 40 years.

But while America was testing these devices, Rafi Sela, who ran security for Ben Gurion airport in Israel, which is known for being one of the most secure airports in the world, was quoted saying he could "overcome the body scanners with enough explosives to take down a Boeing 747," and Ben Gurion therefore refused to buy scanners.

The US ignored this warning, and Mr. Sela never publicly explained his statement. But it stuck with me.

As a scientist, engineer, and frequent traveler, as well as the first person to sue the TSA when they rolled out the scanners as primary in Nov. 2010, I studied and learned about both kinds of scanners currently in use by the TSA.

Here are several images produced by TSA nude body scanners. You'll see that the search victim is drawn with light colors and placed on a black background in both images.

In these samples, the individuals are concealing metallic objects that you can see as a black shape on their light figure. Again that's light figure, black background, and BLACK threat items.

Yes that's right, if you have a metallic object on your side, it will be the same color as the background and therefore completely invisible to both visual and automated inspection.

It can't possibly be that easy to beat the TSA's billion dollar fleet of nude body scanners, right? The TSA can't be that stupid, can they?

Unfortunately, they can, and they are. To put it to the test, I bought a sewing kit from the dollar store, broke out my 8th grade home ec skills, and sewed a pocket directly on the side of a shirt.

Then I took a random metallic object, in this case a heavy metal carrying case that would easily alarm any of the "old" metal detectors, and walked through a backscatter x-ray at Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport. On video, of course.

While I'm not about to win any videography awards for my hidden camera footage, you can watch as I walk through the security line with the metal object in my new side pocket.

My camera gets placed on the conveyer belt and goes through its own x-ray, and when it comes out, I'm through, and the object never left my pocket.

Maybe a fluke? Ok, let's try again at Cleveland-Hopkins International Airport through one of the TSA's newest machines: a millimeter wave scanner with automated threat detection built-in. With the metallic object in my side pocket, I enter the security line, my device goes through its own x-ray, I pass through, and exit with the object without any complaints from the TSA.

While I carried the metal case empty, by one with mal-intent, it could easily have been filled with razor blades, explosives, or one of Charlie Sheen's infamous 7 gram rocks of cocaine.

With a bigger pocket, perhaps sewn on the inside of the shirt, even a firearm could get through. It's important to note that any metal object of any size can use this technique. .and I don't urge you to try to bring contraband through security, as the nude body scanners often have false positives: so while the metal on your side might get through, a button on your shirt or a sweaty armpit might "look suspicious" and earn you a pat down anyway.

Now, I'm sure the TSA will accuse me of aiding the terrorists by releasing this video, but it's beyond belief that the terrorists haven't already figured this out and are already plotting to use this against us.

It's also beyond belief that the TSA did not already know everything I just told you, and arrogantly decided to disregard our safety: anything to force Americans to give up our liberty to the federal government and our tax dollars to companies that are in bed with that government.

The nude body scanner program is nothing but a giant fraud, which should come as no surprise after the Fast & Furious scandal that sent thousands of guns to Mexican drug cartels and cost a Customs and Border Patrol agent his life.

THIS is a disgrace. So let's fix this problem - now - before the terrorists take this opportunity to hurt us: the TSA must immediately end the nude body scanner program, and return to the tried-and-true metal detectors that actually work, and work without invading our privacy, as well as implement better solutions for non-metallic explosives, such as bomb-sniffing dogs and trace detection machines.

The TSA is worse than ineffective: they are an epic fail placing us all in danger. Beyond the scanners, Demand of your legislators and presidential candidates that they get rid of this $8B a year waste known as the TSA and privatize airport security.

Ask for their commitment to our rights in exchange for your vote. And no matter which party is in the White House or holds on to Capital Hill, the issue of ending TSA abuse is of interest to all Americans;

it's NOT a partisan issue. We must all stand together and demand an end to the organization that molests our families while placing us in danger by directly ignoring blatant security flaws.

iAutoblog the premier autoblogger software

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Getting Money Out of Metal Detecting - Hobbies

A metal detector should not be bought solely on the suggestion of one person (no matter how good a friend). If you are new to the hobby, you should realize that long time detector users can be very committed to the particular model and brand of detector that they have been using. They are generally unfamiliar with anything newer or different. As you can probably tell metal detectors are very useful not only to find that cherished earring but for our everyday safety and well being. This is a great invention that will be here for years to come.

The metal detectors in airports, office buildings and prisons for example help ensure that no one is bringing a weapon onto the property. Consumer oriented metal detectors provide entertainment to people and give chance in discovering hidden treasures. Metal detectors work on the principal of electromagnetism and their effects on conductive metals. The high-powered coil of metal, called the transmitter, uses the battery power to generate a penetrating magnetic field. As the electromagnetic field enters the ground, anything metallic will become charged with magnetism.

How to Derive Maximum Value from a Metal Detecting Business If your favorite pastime is metal detecting, did you know that it can easily become a source of income as well as provide other benefits?

Getting Money Out of Metal Detecting

The beeping sound that metal detectors make is like sweet music to your ears, isn't it? That sound is something you'll rarely hear however if you allow your exploration to be hindered by small but easily avoided mistakes:

Always take your time when sweeping the area. As long as there's no deadline to meet, you have all the time in the world to carefully and thoroughly explore every millimeter of the place. Use the best equipment possible. Most metal detectors are manufactured for a targeted setting at mind, so don't make the mistake of using the wrong equipment for the wrong site. Be sure that you understand how your equipment functions because overlooking any important feature may be the sole reason why you haven't discovered any valuable finds.

In connection with that, make sure that you have a checklist ready for metal detecting equipment. Besides a metal detector, you also need flashlights, extra batteries and bulbs, digging tools, electronic gadgets, and a digital camera among other things.

Mention the words metal detector and you'll get completely different reactions from different people. For instance, some people think of combing a beach in search of coins or buried treasure. Youve got to buy a metal detector that could withstand normal wear and tear longer than its competitors. The longer the metal detector can serve you, the better your return on investment will be.

Any place there is construction and the ground is being cleared, that is a great place to start treasure hunting. Successfull treasure hunting starts with having the right metal detector. But which type of metal detector should you get? Complete info on metal detectors and treasure hunting at

Go to your local " do it yourself " coin operated car wash. Look for the place where they dump the contents of the 25 cent vacuum cleaners. Search the piles and see what a gold mine they are for coins and rings. Will smaller children be using this detector? If this is to be a family detector then it is critical that you consider the size of the detector including how short the pole can be.

If you are planning to buy a metal detector, you should check out the features of each before buying one. Metal detecting is a fun hobby but having the wrong equipment can cost you time and money. Practice still makes perfect. To avoid enraging your neighbors, use your own yard to practice creating holes. Practice regularly and as often as you can. It's better to have a variety of sites to practice in to ensure that you have adequate skills no matter where your next dig is. The best time for metal detecting is right after heavy rain. Invest in proper rain gear to prevent yourself from catching a bug. You need all your strength to beat the others at finding hidden treasure.

Other Fields that Require Metal Detecting Skills

If money is not the primary source of motivation behind your passion for metal detecting, perhaps you'll gain more joy from using your skills in any of the following situations: Lost and Found - You can help people recover missing items with the use of your metal detecting talents. Whether you should charge them or not is entirely up to you!

Make History - Be a part of an exciting archeological project by utilizing your metal detecting skills to uncover historical artifacts. Such digs might even require you to travel to various exotic places.

Provide Justice - You can help solve a crime by assisting your local police force in finding crucial evidence that could give justice to victims, both dead and alive. Your metal detecting business can be non-profit or not; what matters is that you have fun. How are your "mental detection" skills? Some youth professionals never notice that they're working with children in distress. Not noticing makes it more likely that you might add to the child's burdens, and these children already carry a heavy load. You may also miss any cues that show that this is a child who could one day explode in violence.

Schools everywhere are using metal detectors to help filter out violence. The metal detectors can very easily (for this is why they are used) detect a knife or gun. Police stations and Airports use them as well. Some users put a rubber band around the knobs to keep them from moving or becoming loose. You should buy a metal detector that is light weight. This is important when you are detecting things on a riverbank or body of water. Find the best gold metal detector today and start treasure hunting!

The Garrett Enforcer G-2 is the smallest body scanner and sensitive enough to detect even the smallest of knives or guns. The most popular one is the Super Scanner. It can detect hatpins as small as one inch.

iAutoblog the premier autoblogger software

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Canon Rebel T1i Digital SLR: One of 2012?s Best DSLR Cameras for Beginners - Hobbies - Photography

15.1 MP CMOS Digital SLR Camera with 3" LCD and EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS Lens

The canon EOS Rebel T1i was voted one of 2012's best DSLR cameras for beginners. The outward appearance of the T1i is very similar to the XSi, with a few minor changes such as the addition of jacks for a microphone on the front and a speaker on the back. One of the main distinguishing features is the silver Mode dial. The weight is good, not much heavier than the XSi's 25.4 ounces (720.3g) with lens, battery, and card. It's comfortable and feels solid.

The T1i, also known as the EOS 500D, has excellent image quality, one of the best on the market. It boasts fast performance, and HD video capture. What makes the T1i so popular is how far improved their ergonomics are over earlier Canon DSLR's. Now, it's easy to just shoot, where previous Canon DSLR's were a little more difficult to get started with.

The Rebel T1i incorporates the best from its more expensive counterparts into a more affordable, compact package. The Rebel T1i boasts a 15.1-megapixel sensor like the EOS 50D, and records HD video like the 5D Mark II. The T1i falls neatly into the company's DSLR product line between the XSI and the 40D. The Rebel T1i is perfect for the beginner/intermediate photographer who wants higher resolution, a better autofocus system, and HD video.

The T1i is packed with features. It boasts an all-new CMS sensor, DIGIC 4 Image Processor, a 3" Clear View SCD with anti-reflective and scratch-resistant coating, and compatibility with the EOS System of lenses and Speedlites. The T1i offers Full HD video at resolutions up to 1920 x 1080. An HDMI port has been added for connections to high definition TV's and monitors to view your images and video. The entire package is simple and easy to learn, even for the beginner.

An innovative new feature is that you can press the PLAY button while you hold the T1i in one hand. That means this is Canon's first DSLR that allows shooting with one hand. You can press play, zoom and scroll while holding the camera, all with one hand.

The Canon Digital Rebel T1i is also very light weight; it feels like it's all plastic, but in fact, it has a metal lens mount and is made of very tough plastic. It's light and it feels like it could take quite a beating. The textured rubber surface of the Canon Rebel T1i's grip feels slightly tacky, and our fingertips have much better control of the camera.

The important feature for most photographers is the still image quality at 15.1 megapixels. The only other DSLR that offers this quality, near this price point, is the Canon EOS 50D or the Pentax K-7, both of which are much more expensive.

Image adjustments, called Picture Style, are the same as other current Canons: you get up to 4 for your selection of contrast, saturation, color tone and sharpening. The T1i even has a depth-of-field preview button.

The T1i is sold in a kit with the veteran f3.5-5.6 18-55mm IS lens. Canon is also making available just the camera tor those individuals who already own a lens collection.

Canon T1i Features

* DIGIC 4 processor

* 14-bit analog-to-digital conversion

* Kit lens: EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS lens

* 1.6x focal length multiplier

* 3" high resolution LCD with 920,000 pixels, 640 x 480, wide viewing angle

* Variable ISO: 100; 200; 400; 800; 1,600; 3,200

* Dimensions: 5.1 x 3.8 x 2.4

* 3.4 frames per second continuous shooting

* 3.5 Max Aperture

* Adjustable exposure from -2 to +2 EV in 1/3 or EV; increments in all exposure modes

* Auto exposure bracketing (AEB) from -2 to +2 EV in 1/3 or 1/2 EV increments in all auto-exposure modes

* Movie mode allows capture of up to 29 minutes of video

* HDMI output for direct playback on HDTV's

* Easy to use - graphical user interface (GUI)

* Image-stabilized kit lens

* Shutter speeds from 1/4,000 to 30 seconds and bulb settings for increases

* Comprehensive software package

* Electronic self-timer with a fixed duration of 10 or 2 seconds

* Image storage on SD or SDHC memory carts

* Minute increments in saturation control

* Weight is 18.6 oz, including batteries

* Live View mode includes Live, Face-detect, and Quick

* Dust removal technology attempts to eliminate the need for sensor cleaning

* Highlight Tone Priority (HTP)

* Automatic Lighting Optimizer (ALO)

* Creative Auto mode

* Movie mode captures 1080p at 20 fps, 720p at 30 fps, and 640x480 at 30 fps

* Mini-HDMI out port for connection to HD televisions

* High ISO noise-reduction-expanded ISO increases options in low-light

* Peripheral illumination correction corrects for vignetting

* Picture Style menu has six present plus three user-defined settings for contrast, saturation, sharpness, and tone

* Continuous Shooting mode capturing as many as 170 images up to 3.4 fps

* Continuous Shooting Mode has Shutter speeds of 1/500 second or faster

* Shutter button design allows follow-up shots without refocusing

* TTL autofocus with 9 focusing points

* Built-in E-TTL II retractable-type flash with red-eye reduction

* E3 remote control socket and IR remote control window

* Red-eye reduction via pulse flash

* IR detection turns off LCD to reduce glare and battery drain

* Optional external hand grip/battery pack adds secondary shutter release and control wheel as well as AE lock and focus point buttons for vertical-format shooting

* PictBridge; Direct Print capability to selected Canon photo printers

* Print/Share button enables quick and easy printing and image transfer

* Print quality is excellent, making sharp 13 x 19" prints

* NTSC/PAL selectable video out connectivity

* Compatible with over 50 lenses and accessories

* Digital Print Order Format (DPOF) and Design Rule for Camera File System (DCT) compliant

* Picture Styles makes choosing and customizing color modes fast and easy

* USB 2.0 connectivity with TWAIN driver for PC and Adobe Photoshop plug-in for Macintosh

* Selectable auto-rotation feature rotates on the camera or only in the computer

* Fast autofocus

* Good macro performance

* Auto white balance handles most situations very well

* Great shot-to-shot , shutter lag, and cycle time numbers

CMOS Sensor

The T1i has a 15.1mp CMOS Sensor with impressively low noise and excellent detail. The high megapixel count is impressive; however, as you ascend to higher resolutions, you need to ensure the lens on the SLR can resolve that much detail. The included 18-55mm IS lens is functional, but high resolution really shows the quality of the lens. If you're using the proper lens, the quality is amazing, especially for the price. Skin tones, textures, colors are reproduced very accurately.

This new sensor does raise the resolution from the XSi's 12.1mp to the current 15.1mp. The sensor and processor combination on the Canon T1i produces sharper images with greater detail. Canon has managed to improve image quality, raise ISO, and increase resolution.

This camera uses 14-bit Analog-to-Digital conversion when creating JPEGs for smoother color transitions; and RAW files are saved as 14-bit files. RAW images will benefit more fully from the 14-bit depth, making for more accurate 16-bit images in programs like Photoshop.

DIGIC 4 Processor

Canon uses the new DIGIC 4 image processor in the Rebel T1i. The new processor is said to offer improvements in processing speed necessary to handle the 15.1mp files with reasonable speed. It also keeps the noise down when compared to the Canon XSi, despite the smaller pixels. DIGIC 4 has much greater power and this is the reason the T1i can incorporate new features like menu animations and expanded ISO.

The DIGIC 4 processor appears to process or save the 15mp images in the same time as the DIGIC 3 Processor on the XSi, even in RAW and .JPG mode. At higher ISOs, the sensor and the DIGIC 4 produce images with less overall noise compared with its predecessors. It seems to handle the larger 4,752 x 3,168 at a slightly reduced speed of 3.4 fps, with a maximum .jpeg burst of 170 frames or 9 RAW frames. You can also now capture RAW images in all of the T1i's modes, whether in Basic or Creative Zone.


The nicest change her is the new sensor's high ISO capabilities, running from 100 to 3,200, with the two expanded settings: 6400 and 12,800. For the first time, a Rebel-series camera has ISO expansion available and the amount of expansion is significant. Not only is the Canon T1 the first Rebel to offer ISO 3,200, but the two expansion settings enable ISOs 6,400 and 12,800, offering greater opportunities in low light than ever before. The T1i can be expanded to 6400 and 12800; however, the pictures taken one these two setting are ISO 3200 images pushed to ISO 6400 or 12800 by the DIGIC 4 processor. These pictures are extremely grainy and contain a lot of noise.

The Rebel T1i's ISO button sticks up from the surface more, making for easier activation, especially when changing ISO while looking through the optical viewfinder.

Auto ISO setting is new for this class of Canon cameras. It works perfectly for scenic photos, but a little less perfect for action because it cannot be adjusted for desired shutter speeds. It is, however, much smarter than Nikon's because it automatically shifts itself based on your zoom setting.

Canon's Auto ISO is optimized to choose lower, cleaner ISOs in exchange for the slowest shutter speed you can hold safely. For most people, this Canon Auto ISO system is superior to Nikon's because it's easier to use. However, Nikon's system is slightly better for people and action photos because the lowest desired shutter speed can be set to 1/125 (or anything else), and the Nikons will then use higher Auto ISOs than Canon to try to maintain 1/125 is lower light, so images of people won't get blurred.

Canon's Highlight Tone Priority prevents bright highlights from appearing white. Highlight Tone Priority prevents the ISO from going below 200 or above 3,200. If it's set to "ON", you'll see D+ on the LCD on playback if you're looking at shooting data.

New Flash

This camera also uses the very small Speedlite 270EX, a new flash that is easy to pocket and is an accessory flash that won't threaten to flip the camera over. It weighs only 5 ounces and has reasonable range. The flash head zooms manually from 28mm wide angel, to 50mm coverage, 89 feet with a telephoto, as ISO 100, and can flip up to 90 degrees. Like other EX Speedlites, the 270EX transmits color temperature information to the camera. This flash is powered by two AA batteries.

The menu allows you to control the flash for manual exposure adjustment. If you're not using the manual exposure adjustment, the camera controls the flash's exposure via E-TTL II. If you want to bounce flash off the ceiling when shooting in vertical mode, you'll still require at least the 430EX, but for basic snapshots, the Speedlite 270EX looks like a handy accessory.

It has the best flash exposure system of any Canon camera. It has a built-in pop-up flash, the 18-55mm IS. It is unusual compared to earlier Canons and will give perfect exposure every time! You'll get exact exposures even when the flash is the only source of light, and great fill-flash when use to fill in shadows, indoors or out.

Daylight fill also works excellently; however, the little pop-up flash doesn't have enough power to work at more that about 5 feet in daylight with the slow 1/200 sync speed.

The highlight of the specifications is the 15mp APS-C size CMOS sensor and the nine-point user-selectable autofocus system. It offers some great new features and the image-stabilizing kit lens is a great asset. It accepts all EF and EF-S lenses. You can take 500-700 images per battery charge. It can focus and shoot in .2 of a second. In bright conditions, it can focus and shoot in .e of a second, and even in dim conditions, it can focus and shoot in .6 of a second. The frame rate and the nine-point AF system are fast enough to keep up with children and pets.

The improvement in low-light focusing is a great argument for upgrading to this camera. The higher resolution and video capability is also very enticing. If you require high-resolution, good high ISO performance, or 30 fps movie taking, in this price range, it is unbeatable. There's no better LCD on any other Canon SLR, and weight and handling are the best Canon's ever offered. It has greatly improved ergonomics, and it works better than any earlier Canon.

It would be difficult to find any digital SLR that gives you all the capabilities and growth range of the Canon T1i. It's easy to learn and use. This camera performs better than other DSLR's that have Movie mode. The Canon Rebel T1i's image quality is fantastic; it is one of the best values on the market, offering Canon 50D quality in a significantly less expensive package.

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Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Metal Detecting Spots For Very Young Beginners - Hobbies - Collecting

Regardless of what several "experts" might suggest, there is one maxim that's always followed in metal detecting, no area is absolutely picked clean. As long as there is constant foot traffic, chances are, there are things persistently being dropped or lost in there.

This is just what is commonly recommended to parents of intrepid, younger enthusiasts, specifically those that aren't into metal detecting themselves. Often, because of the youngster's interest, parents are compelled to do a little understanding quickly about the passion. Usually, they begin reading up on the forums while researching for any suitable metal detector for children. This is crucial especially if they themselves have no knowledge with the device whatsoever.

However for the unwitting parent, that's a perfect tip of the iceberg. Right after acquiring the all-important metal detector, they have to help their young hunter learn to function it-metal detectors for kids are usually designed for simple and unfussy use, to ensure that at least, is a relief-and then, locate a spot to go an their metal detecting journeys.

Whilefor the really young metal detectorist, parents might make do with backyard hunts for quite a while, we can't really say the same for the somewhat older, and even more curious youngsters. Sooner or later, they will hanker for an "authentic" hunting experience and ask to be escorted to the seaside or to a nearby park where they could take their best metal detectors for a true whirl. But upon checking online sources, it might discourage parents, feeling the strong pull to protect their children from a disappointing experience.

So, take heart. As many other professionals and just plain common sense say, parks, beaches, parking lots, as well as other popular typical places for metal detecting are not as bare or empty as some specialists might have you ever think. With the continuous movement of visitors, the chances for dropped coins and such are pretty high. Those might not be the quality value targets that a younger treasure hunter's dreams are made of but still, a find is definitely satisfying. As soon as they hear their metal detectors beeping, the thrilling excitment of finding is important.

As many brands you can find available in the market and as broad the cost range is for treasure metal detectors, purchasing one isn't the same as getting a number of hamburgers and french fries. Particularly in these times where you're trying to get the most out of every purchase. How do you evaluate if a treasure metal detector will certainly be a excellent expenditure for yourself with regards to the usage you'll get out of it.

In a suitable scenario, you can test out the hobby first. Once you know a metal detecting fan who either owns one or more metal detector or is ready to lend you theirs, that's a perfect alternative. Out of that, only two options are remaining to you: rent or buy.

Numerous avenues rent out treasure metal detectors at a pretty reasonable charge (several approximately $10/day). Okay, here's the but; they are generally for people doing unexpected metal detecting like lost jewelry in their yard or garden. Learning the basics on the leasing and achieving to discover the several attributes might end up pricing you a enormous percentage of the value of a treasure metal detector-one you can hold.

iAutoblog the premier autoblogger software

Monday, January 27, 2014

What are the best metal detectors for sale? Metal locator purchasing guidelines and treasure hunting advice for amateurs. - Technology - Gadgets and Gizmos

Treasure hunting can be a thrilling pastime - imagine the thrill of discovering traditional coins, jewelry and private objects. Additionally, if you are aware of what you are doing, treasure hunting can simply become extraordinarily profitable too. Regardless of if you're searching for concealed treasures for fun or for profit, you'll need to obtain a decent metal detector. What are the best metal locators for sale? How to choose one that can offer good performance at an affordable cost?

What are the best metal detection device for sale? The truth is there are various metal detection gizmos currently available at the market and every one offers different capacities and is sold at a different cost. Professional treasure hunters often opt for high-quality metal detectors with complex item detection capacities. In case you are a beginner, and especially if you're reluctant to waste lots of cash, it's recommended that you opt for an inexpensive metal detection system that may be used for the kinds of items you are intending to search.

Put simply, you have got to figure out 2 basic things: what quantity of cash are you ready to spend for a metal locator and what is the main sort of items that you are going to be hunting for.

When you figure out your budget, keep an eye out for the best metal detectors for sale which can be used for the type of treasure hunting you are interested in. As an example, if you plan to search for items in bodies of water, target your attention solely on metal detection devices which can be used under water. If you are keen on coins, jewelry and relics, check out which are the best metal detection systems for sale inside your budget that can offer good detection of these sorts of items. In the event you have an interest in finding silver or gold items, direct your attention only on products that may distinguish between different sorts of metal.

Aside from their kind and cost, the best metal detectors for sale alter as per the additional features they have. As an example, some metal locating devices offer separation functionality between junk and valuable items, some metal locators have voice alerts and the like. Although not all supplementary features of a metal detection system are very important, it is great to focus on these characteristics when comparing a few matching products.

Basically, these are the three important things to keep under consideration when trying hard to figure out which are the best metal detectors for sale. In fact, regardless of what your choice is, you shouldn't worry very much. When treasure hunting is your true pursuit, your very first metal locator purchase won't be your final!

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Sunday, January 26, 2014

John Harun Mwau Facebook- Metal Detecting Secrets - Business - Ethics

John Harun Mwau Facebook Of course, if you live in an area where gold was found in its natural form, it's wise to buy yourself a detector specificly designed to locate small nuggets. The general purpose detectors will locate bigger size nuggets, but those are far and few between these days, but lots of small nuggets is a whole lot better than none. These specialty detectors are not cheap, but you get what you pay for. It may not be a bad idea to meet some local detectorists in your area and learn what detectors they use before parting with your hard earned cash. The soil conditions could be a problem for some metal detectors, so do some research or consider joining a local club first.

Minelab GPX-4500 - $5000Fisher Gold Bug 2 - $850Whites Gold Master GMT - $800Some people can only afford one detector, but live in an area or occasionally travel to do some beach or nugget shooting, and dont want to invest in several different models. Is there such a beast you ask? Well, yes, though the choices are very limited at this time, I will list a few multi-purpose machines here, but in my personal opinion, I would rather buy a detector that was made to do one type of hunting and do it well. But that is only my opinion, you don't have to agree with me. Regardless, here are some models to consider: Garrett Infinium LS - $1000, thats about it for all-in-one really, there are several dual purpose that combine relic and nugget hunting, or was originally designed as a nugget hunting detector, but turned out to be an exceptional relic detector as well.Whites MXT Tracker -$800, Tesoro Lobo SuperTRAQ -$700,There are certain detectors that are designed to go several feet an d detect large objects, such as a chest of pirate gold coins or maybe an old sewage pipe (more likely), but if you are looking for a known cache, it might just be what you need to get to it. Low budget If you're just thinking about buying your first metal detector and unsure where to start, here are the most popular and affordable beginner metal detectors.GarrettAce 250 $230, Whites Prizm II $250, Tesoro Compadre $200, Tesoro Silver uMax $250, Bounty Hunter Tracker IV $160. Despite the low price these will find gold, silver and a variety of coins.High bidget For beginners with unlimited budget who are not afraid of electronic gagetry, and must have the best detector for his money. Minelab E-TRAC - $1500,Whites Spectra V3 - $1500, Teknetics T2 - $800,To make it simple, there are two basic categories of underwater detectors: A VLF - that can discriminate against iron and unwanted junk, and a Pulse Induction or PI - that can detect deeper then a VLF, but you'll be digging every nail and bottlecap without knowing it. Here are a few examples - VLF: Minelab Excalibur II $1200, Fisher CZ 21 $1000- PI: Whites Surf PI Dual Field - $900, Headhunter Pulse - $700

There are many different detectors, some are more complicated than others. The basic ones are easy to get used to, with less features and buttons. Turn it on and off you go! You can't get around practice though, and the more complicated the detector, the more practice you will need. Which is the best detector? What is the best gold detector? Read some of the user reviews to find out.Hunting tips : Another hint or tip would be, as you're going along, if you start finding lead or coke or spotting broken pottery, this could be a good sign for you of past activities or concentrations of people. Many coins and relics have been found in these areas for the patient treasure hunter.All the trash items you dig up, please remove them, or you and your treasure buddy may dig them over and over again, year after year. Also, there might be another target hiding under it. Remember, the ground gets cycled or moved by the plow each season, bringing artifacts and coins up for your discovery .When you find a coin or nice relic it is recommended to grid a small area around the find. A proven method is to walk slow, in half steps and overlap your coil sweeps. Keep track of where you have been in your grid by using your foot prints or if needed draw, mark, stake or use land marks for your grid square. Also, to grid or detect in the opposite direction or to use a different machine can reveal additional relics. If you turn up more items, then expanding the grid would be a good idea.Of all the treasure hunting tips UK, this is of prime importance!Unlike hunting for U.S. coins were you may choose to set you discrimination levels high to avoid digging unwanted signals, in England keep your discrimination levels low. Here's why. The Celtic, small hammered silver, and bronze Roman coins may range in the nickel, and pull tab, and tin foil, discrimination range and can be very faint signals. With high discrimination levels a person will pass right over, not hearing them. Th e smallest coins and cut hammered coins will read as tin foil. When in doubt, dig. You may discover your best find ever. In most cases the larger loops that come with your machine helps for depth and ground coverage. Smaller loops may be appropriate for stubble fields in some cases. If you have any questions as to which detectors or equipment you may want to bring, feel free to email or call.Here are some metal detecting hints tips in regards to treasure cache hunting in the UKMany cache/hoards have and will be found in England.It is recommended all large deep targets be dug. Some machines may indicate these targets as an overload signal. Try to avoid giving up the dig. You may discover a nice relic like a crotal bell, or even a hoard/cache of coins or jewelry. When a hoard/cache is discovered try not to disturb the find and find area. Seek help from your tour guide and the local authorities for proper recovery, documentation and recording.Public beaches metal detecting tips First: research whether or not a beach is private or public. If it is private make sure you have permission! If you're looking for modern treasure, you may want to visit the beach and note where the majority of the people are sun bathing, playing, or swimming. This is the place where you should search to discover recent losses such as jewelry or coins.When seeking older finds, here's some tipsWhere the sand is very deep, there is very little chance of discovering old finds. Try to find areas where the sand and shingle levels are low, (not deep) or where the hardpack may be exposed. Most beaches have a hard surface below the sand and shingle, and this is where the majority of the older finds will be found because coins and artifacts quickly sink down through the upper layers of the beach. Research old boat landing sites or if you know of a beach where shipwrecks are known, search these beaches thoroughly after any storms. You may need to set the discrimination level so that i t ignores the salt, or reduce the sensitivity as well with some detectors. Search parallel to the sea. By doing this, the sand you cover isn't going between dry and wet, making some detectors loose balance all the time. Look for patches of black sand on the beach because this is a good sign that the top layers of sand have been washed away and you can get to the lower levels and therefore the older finds. Make sure you don't leave any holes, even on the beaches. Always take away all the trash you find! Do not go on the weekend: Although it may seem tempting to go during the peak hours, there are simply too many people present to find places hunt. Furthermore, most hunters also go on the weekend, so you will reduce your competition by avoiding these time. Instead go during the week, or even better, go on Sunday evening after a busy weekend.Take your time: Be sure to walk slow, sweep your detector from side to side, and keep the coil close to the ground. Most detectors have a cone shaped search pattern, so it will not detect the entire width of the coil.Dig up everything: Even if you detector recognizes trash, dig it up. Some small rings register as trash on detectors, so you never know. You may have found a "diamond in the rough." Wait for a rainstorm: Rain will lower the sand level and you'll be able to find some deeper treasures that may have been out of the detector's reach before. Further, detectors usually work better when the ground is wet, so your odds of finding something valuable are greatly increased.Clean up after yourself: Make sure you refill any holes that you have dug on your hunt. Joggers, children, and others can fall in the holes and hurt themselves, or they may just complain and have detectors banned from that area.With these tips, your next hunting trip to the beach will be more lucrative than your last!John Harun Mwau Facebook

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Saturday, January 25, 2014

Metal Detecting Guide Book For Newbies - Self Help

So, you've got obtained a brand new or old metal detecting gadget from a web based merchant or some other place. Ok now what? To hit your objectives along with your modern metal detector, you should keep 1 or 2 things in thought and apply them into action.First, obtain a book on Metal Detecting to provide you with directions along the way.A critical aspect in great results with metal detecting is to be familiar with your metal device as if your best companion or a lot more. To achieve this, you have to read every tip of the guide-book that was purchased together with your metal device. Then, read through it continually. Look at the metal detecting book for any problem you will have. For any re-sold metal device that won't be sold with a guideline, visit the manufacturer's web-site since several downloadable tutorials for outdated models might be available. Furthermore, you must watch any Slides or videos that had been purchased with your metal device.Upon getting familiar with the guide book, you should get your metal device outside and apply it. Applying does make perfect. Scatter some metal coins, rings and a lot of junk materials in the courtyard and check each switch and feature. Adjust the positioning on the concealed coins to know the way it alters the effectiveness of your metal device.Another strategy is to proceed right in and scan your lawn, a city park or simply a close school yard. This requires some work nonetheless it's the right procedure to research your metal device. It will take roughly 21 hours of training to get familiar with the metal device after i commence using it.You will need to have read the producer's manual at least 10 times and move with it along on countless explorations! Figuring out your metal device may be the main key to being proficient and pleased with your metal surveyor.

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Friday, January 24, 2014

Book About Techniques Of Metal Detecting - Self Help

So, you might have ordered a brand-new or pre-owned metal detecting device from our online outlet or somewhere. Ok now what? To achieve your goals using your latest metal detector, you should keep a number of things in your thoughts to get them into action. Before anything else, you will need to purchase a guide book for Metal Detecting to assist you in the process.An essential element in accomplishment with metal detecting tips will be to appreciate your metal gadget like your best pal or much better. Find out what each operation does and what every part is all about.For any pre-owned metal gadget that was not bought having a guide, look at the manufacturer's website to find downloadable instruction books for their earlier models. At the same time, make sure you watch any films or video lessons that were bought together with your metal gadget.Right after getting well-versed with the guide, you should get your metal gadget outside and train. Conceal some loose change, ring s as well as some junk pieces in the garden and try each key and function. Alter the range with the covered materials to note the way it influences the effectiveness of your metal gadget.Another procedure can be to go right in and survey your garden, a community park or possibly a local school yard. Listen closely and be careful about your gadget at each setting. Unearth every find. This needs some work nevertheless it is the perfect method of study your metal gadget. Normally it takes approximately 22 hours of testing for being proficient while using the metal sensor when you begin using it.You need to have read the maker's manual a minimum of 3 times and bring it along on several excursions! Knowing your metal gadget is the essential answer to being competent and quite happy with your metal sensor.

iAutoblog the premier autoblogger software

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Metal Detecting For Beginners: Helpful Tips To Get You Started - Hobbies

Hobbies are something that almost everyone has. Most of the time, these hobbies do not produce any income, they are just something meant to pass the time and break the boring void that might exist if such habits did not. However, there are some habits that allow you to do both: break the monotony of life and potentially make some money while you are at it. Metal detecting is like this, and metal detecting for beginners is not as complicated as you might think.

There are a few things that anyone needs to know when they are just starting out. However, through the upcoming paragraphs, you are going to get a look at a few of the things that everyone needs to know if they are going to be successful with this hobby. The more you know about the process, the more likely it will be that you will find true treasures that have been lost.

The first thing that you are going to have to consider would be the fact that there are plenty of these products around. Perhaps knowing what they are would be a good place to begin. Basically speaking, these are indicators of metal objects that have been buried for one reason or another under some level of sediment or earth.

But the trouble is, many people do not realize just how involved this process could be if you really wanted to be successful with it. Perhaps the best thing would be to start small and just learn the ropes of the hobby itself, so that you can become much more successful down the line. This means purchasing a mid level detector and picking a few less populated areas to get going.

You should start by digging for anything and everything that is tripped up by the detector. This is going to give you clear ideas as to what specific noises often mean when they are made by the device. The idea is that the more familiar you become with these ideas the more discerning you are going to be able to be.

You should be aware going in that you are going to be uncovering much more garbage than you are lost treasures of years gone by. You should be prepared for this by carrying around a handy receptacle, or finding some means of properly storing the garbage. Many have found it is good to bag up these pieces and rummage through them one more time later on. This will give you an opportunity to ensure that what you thought was garbage actually is.

It can be tedious at first, but you should really take the time to learn the hobby for all that it is worth. If you are coming up dry on runs, you should go to hotspots for metal detecting like beaches. The ground is in a constant flux around bodies of water, and so metal and goodies are getting stirred up all the time.

Metal detecting for beginners was the object lesson of this article, and hopefully some of these tips and pointers will come in handy as you set out. This hobby takes patience, but it can prove to be emotionally and monetarily rewarding if you are dedicated to it.

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Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Proven MLM Prospecting Systems that Work Online - Business

If you are serious about building a moneymaking social marketing business, you want to focus on finding a considerable number of mlm prospecting systems that can work for you.

Here are one or two proved elements to help you get started...

Why Establishing a Prospecting System is Critical

Unlike a standard affiliate agreement that pays you a commission for each product or service personally sold, in internet marketing you can also get paid on the efforts of those you recruit or sponsor into the business.

With MLM you not only get paid for the sales you make personally, but you earn some money for each sale every one of your team member makes as well .

Although you will only make as an example $1000 a month in commission from your own sales, if you've a large downline your earnings can be significantly larger, and this additional income is passive.

The more people you have in your downline, the more you earn, it is as simple as that. That's the great thing about social marketing ; once you can concentrate on recruiting other hard working folks into your downline, you are really leveraging their time to make you money.

So what are these Prospecting Systems?

To build a successful internet marketing business that pays you passive income from other people's efforts, you'll soon understand that you must spend the majority of your time hiring other folks to make that income for you.

The ones that make serious incomes in network marketing are the ones that are serious about inducting and leveraging other folk's time.

So what does an MLM prospecting system do exactly? It is simply a means of promoting your opportunity to others who may have an interest in learning more, and by using an easy presentation and by enlightening them about your opportunity you can get a decision thereafter. It's a yes or no answer. And that is it. That is how internet promotion recruitment goes.

Bear in mind, there aren't any wrong methods to build a successful MLM business.

Many successful marketers have made significant incomes thru face to face contact with friends, family, and people they know. Some have built significant businesses by inviting groups of folk to their houses, or hiring conference halls and presenting the chance to hundreds of folks immediately.

Some reaches success by purchasing qualified MLM leads, and confirming them themselves. Some people place adverts. The new way to attract others into social marketing opportunities is thru the Internet.

Don't hear folks when they tell you to use one particular methodology, the best system can only be what does it for you.

You can also employ a considerable number of different prospecting systems ; again it's what you're comfortable doing that's significant.

Did you know lots of folks or have a lot of mates or a large family? Maybe you are accustomed to public talking.

Perhaps you are most effective speaking to a bunch of folks, but if not, it's often best to keep clear of that strategy.

Are you cushty picking up the telephone and establishing harmoniousness with people who have expressed an interest in starting their own business?

If that is so then sifting and sorting thru leads on the telephone may be a great match.

If not, then despite your most honorable intentions, likelihood is that you will stop prospecting and recruiting long before you ever produce a wonderful result.

If you're ready to spend the time building a website, driving traffic and waiting a while for results, then online promoting is your calling. There are tons of MLM prospecting systems that can be found online which will help you in creating qualified leads, and which can produce much needed money flow, irrespective of whether they join your opportunity this is the same as putting your business on auto-pilot.

Here is the one we recommend.

iAutoblog the premier autoblogger software

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Disadvantages of gold mining shares - Business - Product Reviews

- The quantity of a gold mine's reserves is never accurately known. Gold mining reserves (and their poor relative 'resources') are assessed by miners' core drilling programs which sample a prospective gold seam to measure gold concentrations in the rock at different locations. The amounts discovered in chemical analysis are extrapolated over a wider area to identify the likely reserve amount overall, but there is no guarantee it will be found during the extraction of commercial gold mining. Consequently there is a risk that recorded reserves do not reflect reality. Human nature gets in the way of accurate sampling, especially in companies whose function is principally exploration rather than the operation of mines. Prospectors raise money by encouraging investors that there is gold underground, and although a great deal of effort may be made to keep the process honest you only have to overlook a couple of poor rock samples (let's just call them damaged) to manipulate the l ikely reserves upwards. In the end the investor must trust both the geologists and the company's financial controller - both of whom may have to make the occasional fine judgement. It is almost always in their interest to err on the side of optimism. A pessimistic outlook rarely got a gold mine built.

- There can also be unforeseen engineering problems in extracting ore. These can increase the production costs, and only small percentage increases can eat into the mine's profitability.

- Another issue is that the costs of the mine can be borne in a currency other than dollars - the trading currency of the output. Exchange rate movements can greatly affect mine profitability by creating currency translation adjustments - both profits and losses.

- Perhaps the greatest variable is shareholder sentiment. Because of the wide attraction of gold shares during good gold bullion markets the shares tend to outperform not only gold, but also any reasonable valuation of the mine's future cash-flow. Investors are often not familiar with the yield numbers they should expect on a mine compared with - say - a supermarket, because whereas there is no reason that using a supermarket will wear it out, the mine certainly will be worthless within a few years, once its ore is gone. So the return must pay back both the original investment and provide some profit during its life. A 20 year lifetime mine must yield in excess of 5% per annum before it makes any profit for the long-term investor at all. Few gold mining shares can do this, so in effect the share price of many mining shares already discounts a substantial bullion price improvement. That is an indication that they could be overvalued.

- Adding to the problem of evaluating the investment quality of even well-established mines is the fact that their accounts are unusually opaque. Many people (including your author) who are perfectly comfortable with general purpose financial statements, for ordinary commercial businesses, start to tremble when presented with gold mining company accounts.

- Corporate culture is another problem. These days many companies (not just gold mining companies) are run more for the benefit of their managers than their shareholders. Many managers don't like paying dividends because it diminishes the cash pile remaining for staff salaries and new corporate adventures - like exploration or takeover activity. Very few gold mining companies could be accurately described as vehicles for the straightforward exploitation of underground gold ores in the interest of shareholders. Instead the assets can become the playthings of boards of directors whose best interest tends to be served by punting shareholders' money on opportunities which are sufficiently credible to grant a possible future beyond the current working mine's life. In the absence of strict and generous dividend policies shareholders in gold mining companies are investing in the strategic competence of their board at least as much as in gold.

These disadvantages of gold mining shares have got worse in recent years. Exploration businesses which have found gold in smaller countries have been forced to build roads, hospitals, schools and other social infrastructure, as well as repair the damage they do. The host government is quite quickly able to assess the value of a newly discovered resource, and to load the permission to mine accordingly. The social costs have increased far faster than the value of the gold found.

Gold mining shares are a potentially risky but simultaneously exciting investment. They tend to be reasonably correlated to gold prices but typically much more volatile, and subject to many variations which are independent of bullion market forces. Buying gold bullion is less expensive on dealing costs.

Choosing the right gold mining stocks - or even just the right gold mining index to follow - is crucial. But while individual gold mining companies can offer the potential of high-risk returns, the gold mining industry as a whole is facing growing problems of cost, politics and finance.

iAutoblog the premier autoblogger software

Monday, January 20, 2014

Top 10 Prospecting Tips - Business

Top 10 Prospecting Tips

FREE Lead Generation Training Webinar reveals the Top 10 Prospecting Tips this #1 income earner in a Network Marketing Co., with thousands of reps, used to generate roughly 50 leads/day, ABLOLUTELY FREE, and you can do this and generate free leads too!

These ten prospecting tricks, 10 X 2-10 leads/day/trick equals roughly 50 quality leads/day for FREE for your business!

Prospecting tip #2 was the one that blew me away! It's quite possibly the funniest and most creative marketing trick I've ever heard of, and it literally had me laughing out loud. The best part is that it works like clockwork to attract serious, quality leads to you, all of which are guaranteed to ask you about your business!

It is what's duplicable that builds your business, not just what works. You must have clarity in your lead generation system to build a money making system.

All the celebrity named marketers you have heard of never quit. If you want to live the lifesyle they have achieved, you will need to put in the kind of work that they put in.

Tactic #1 of Top 10 Prospecting Tips

Use the system. What system are we talking about?

My Lead System Pro is the best mlm lead generation system on the planet. A copy/paste, step-by-step how to, video and recorded webinar training that is like nothing else there is out there.

Tactic #2 of Top 10 Prospecting Tips

Work events. Which events do we work?

I am not talking about putting on events, I am talking about working events. Events advertised in your local paper,, charity events, highend events, car shows, boat shows, etc..

Pick two per week, and don't give out, but GET as many business cards as possible without introducing what it is you do.

And then the next day follow up on the phone, "Hey, [first name], I met you at [event] and we didn't get a chance to talk much, but I was just wondering if I could ask you a question?"

How to cold call is to turn your prospects into your warm market. This is not cold calling, you have already met.

Wait for answer. "Would you be open to a side project that doesn't interfere with what you are currently doing"?

Is this MLM? Absolutely, if it wasn't I wouldn't be involved with it.

Tactic #3 of Top 10 Prospecting Tips

Ask For Referrals.

"Hey, you have got to know someone who has been affected by this economy or lost their jobs, would you mind if we see if they would like to see this?"

No, really? You can't think of anyone you know who is struggling?

And then call them back again and ask for another referral. "I talked to these people and they seemed really interested, is there anyone else you can think of?"

These and many more Top 10 Prospecting Tips revealed in this FREE webinar training for building an online internet business that duplicates. These tricks are already working for you competition, so you need to stay in the game.

What you do your prospects will expect to have to do. Make your system duplicable and simple to do so your people will also do what you do.

Would you be open to a side project that doesn't interfere with what you are currently doing?

How are you doing with generating leads online? Remember, building your business is not just what works, it's what duplicates.

iAutoblog the premier autoblogger software

Friday, January 10, 2014

Treasure Hunting: A Great Way To Enhance Children's Logically Thinking Skills - Education - K-12 Education

Children probably fall under most curious groups of human beings who always search for new things and try to explore the world around them. When they are engaged into searching for new facts, they become very curious. Treasure hunting games are a great way of nurturing the children's enthusiasm, curiosity and logical thinking. When parents and schools organize fun filled events for kids, they can include a treasure hunting game for them. Children of all ages love to play this game. In the ancient times, treasure hunting was a profession. People's curiosity towards knowing the unknown was the start of this profession.

Archeologists do treasure hunts to enrich the history of the universe. It is due to the great archeological works that we get a better understanding of our history, how the universe works, and all other hidden secrets of our universe. This task of exploring the unknown facts now has become a very popular game. There are also video games based on treasure hunt activities. These video games also positive influence child development as like other games, these games don't have bloodsheds. While playing treasure hunt games on computers or television sets, children become an active participant and get engaged wholly. This sparks their logical thinking skills, makes them think more deeply and look at things from a different angle.

Lucid thinking skills are developed among children who take part in treasure hunting activities. There are a variety of ways through which we adults can plan a treasure hunting session for our kids. The first important thing while planning such sessions is to select the place where the treasure hunt would take place. As children would be the participants, so the place needs to be children friendly. Say for example we are choosing a park to conduct such sessions; the fencing should be tall enough so that the children can't jump over them.

The second thing is to create a list of thing which would be used as treasures. The treasure may include a pencil box filled with beautiful crayon pens or a casket full of chocolates or even a beautiful doll. Next comes the setting up of rules for the game, as whether there would be a group who will jointly search for the treasure or there would be single treasure hunters. It is best go for a group search because this will teach leadership and also make them aware of how to work in groups.

Depending upon the age of the children involved in the play, parents or the organizers of the event can set the clues. If it is for young children, then the clues can be simple, and understandable. And if it planned for children have just crossed their adolescence, then there need to be easy clues. If the children fail to understand the clues, they may feel reluctant to play the game. Sometimes a clue cannot be found. It is a good idea to make an extra copy of the clues and directions for such a problem. Treasure is not fun only, but when children get reward for their achievement, they feel like taking part into more constructive activities.

iAutoblog the premier autoblogger software

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Disadvantages of gold mining shares - Business - Product Reviews

- The quantity of a gold mine's reserves is never accurately known. Gold mining reserves (and their poor relative 'resources') are assessed by miners' core drilling programs which sample a prospective gold seam to measure gold concentrations in the rock at different locations. The amounts discovered in chemical analysis are extrapolated over a wider area to identify the likely reserve amount overall, but there is no guarantee it will be found during the extraction of commercial gold mining. Consequently there is a risk that recorded reserves do not reflect reality. Human nature gets in the way of accurate sampling, especially in companies whose function is principally exploration rather than the operation of mines. Prospectors raise money by encouraging investors that there is gold underground, and although a great deal of effort may be made to keep the process honest you only have to overlook a couple of poor rock samples (let's just call them damaged) to manipulate the l ikely reserves upwards. In the end the investor must trust both the geologists and the company's financial controller - both of whom may have to make the occasional fine judgement. It is almost always in their interest to err on the side of optimism. A pessimistic outlook rarely got a gold mine built.

- There can also be unforeseen engineering problems in extracting ore. These can increase the production costs, and only small percentage increases can eat into the mine's profitability.

- Another issue is that the costs of the mine can be borne in a currency other than dollars - the trading currency of the output. Exchange rate movements can greatly affect mine profitability by creating currency translation adjustments - both profits and losses.

- Perhaps the greatest variable is shareholder sentiment. Because of the wide attraction of gold shares during good gold bullion markets the shares tend to outperform not only gold, but also any reasonable valuation of the mine's future cash-flow. Investors are often not familiar with the yield numbers they should expect on a mine compared with - say - a supermarket, because whereas there is no reason that using a supermarket will wear it out, the mine certainly will be worthless within a few years, once its ore is gone. So the return must pay back both the original investment and provide some profit during its life. A 20 year lifetime mine must yield in excess of 5% per annum before it makes any profit for the long-term investor at all. Few gold mining shares can do this, so in effect the share price of many mining shares already discounts a substantial bullion price improvement. That is an indication that they could be overvalued.

- Adding to the problem of evaluating the investment quality of even well-established mines is the fact that their accounts are unusually opaque. Many people (including your author) who are perfectly comfortable with general purpose financial statements, for ordinary commercial businesses, start to tremble when presented with gold mining company accounts.

- Corporate culture is another problem. These days many companies (not just gold mining companies) are run more for the benefit of their managers than their shareholders. Many managers don't like paying dividends because it diminishes the cash pile remaining for staff salaries and new corporate adventures - like exploration or takeover activity. Very few gold mining companies could be accurately described as vehicles for the straightforward exploitation of underground gold ores in the interest of shareholders. Instead the assets can become the playthings of boards of directors whose best interest tends to be served by punting shareholders' money on opportunities which are sufficiently credible to grant a possible future beyond the current working mine's life. In the absence of strict and generous dividend policies shareholders in gold mining companies are investing in the strategic competence of their board at least as much as in gold.

These disadvantages of gold mining shares have got worse in recent years. Exploration businesses which have found gold in smaller countries have been forced to build roads, hospitals, schools and other social infrastructure, as well as repair the damage they do. The host government is quite quickly able to assess the value of a newly discovered resource, and to load the permission to mine accordingly. The social costs have increased far faster than the value of the gold found.

Gold mining shares are a potentially risky but simultaneously exciting investment. They tend to be reasonably correlated to gold prices but typically much more volatile, and subject to many variations which are independent of bullion market forces. Buying gold bullion is less expensive on dealing costs.

Choosing the right gold mining stocks - or even just the right gold mining index to follow - is crucial. But while individual gold mining companies can offer the potential of high-risk returns, the gold mining industry as a whole is facing growing problems of cost, politics and finance.

iAutoblog the premier autoblogger software

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Gold And Silver Parties Are Profitable And A Lot Of Fun - Business - Affiliate Programs

Niceville gold and silver parties, in Niceville as well as gold parties in other areas of Florida and all over the nation, are starting to appear more frequently. Although they have been in existence for several years, it is only now that they are becoming more common. The price of gold is higher than it has ever been and gold dealers are seeking out scrap gold wherever they can find it. Many people have gold that they don't want, often this takes the form of broken jewelry. Sometimes a person may have a piece of jewelry that is just not used or wanted and the gold content is worth much more than they originally paid for the piece and they are more than willing to sell it.

Essentially a gold party is hosted at someone's house and neighbors and friends are invited over to bring their gold. A professional gold dealer is there to evaluate and make offers on the gold. Those selling their gold are paid in cash at the party. The host of the party will earn a commission for all of the gold that is sold. This takes the form of a percentage of the total sales and is typically 10%, but can vary depending upon the gold dealer.

The advantage to a dealer for doing this is that the dealer will have access to gold that might not otherwise be available. Many people don't bother to walk into a business that buys gold. They might not even know the best place to sell their gold. There are many different types of businesses that buy gold. It is easy though, for a person to walk down the street to their neighbor's house, surrounded by familiar faces. In all likelihood the prospective gold seller will know the host of the party and feel comfortable in his or her home. Of course there is no commitment, and people can have their gold appraised free of charge.

For large parties, dealers will often offer catering; food and drink for everyone as gold is being evaluated and exchanged for money. This is a perfect environment to put smiles on everyone's face. For the host, you not only have a lot of fun with friends, but you will be getting paid to throw a party. This may be the only situation that this will ever happen. Many of these parties will combine gold with silver. The price of silver continues to climb and people will usually have silver as well as gold. In fact, many people will often have more scrap or unwanted silver than gold, so it will pay for a host to have both metals evaluated and purchased.

Niceville gold and silver parties can be hosted throughout many areas of the United States. If you are interested in this type of fun and money making activity contact your local gold dealers to find out which ones are engaged in these types of parties. Always make sure that the gold dealer is both license and insured before you host a gold party in your home.

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Tuesday, January 7, 2014

On The Net Gold Buyers - Are They The Most Beneficial Option For Promoting Your Gold Jewellery? - Business

The reality is, this small business product genuinely operates for the business individual and the consumer. Each parties generally create a good revenue within the nearby gold getting and promoting approach. The gold jewelry is offered to a refinery and melted into bars. Everyone makes a profit.In present day globe, these local gold buyers have to compete using the on the internet gold buyers. Plus the fact is, on the web gold buyers typically can provide much more money to your undesirable jewellery. Why, for the reason that they're refineries. Refineries would be the location exactly where all of the unwanted gold jewelry finds its technique to. For those who promote immediate to the refinery, it is possible to reduce out all of the center males in the method and place the most cash inside your pocket. I'm sure, it is a "No Brainer".Defend Your self within the On the internet Gold Promoting OrganizationFor those who choose to opt for an on-line gold purchaser as your st rategy to promote your gold jewelry, you definitely need to have to guard yourself in opposition to fraud and getting cheated. A lot of people in the business call it the cash for gold fraud. So how would you safeguard yourself from the cash for gold rip-off? It is straightforward. Just check with the Much better Business Bureau to determine if you will discover any grievances. The truth is, in case you can uncover no trace of that corporation in the BBB database, I would suggest that you store about.Any respected organization in the gold buying and selling business will have some complaints filed using the BBB. Why? Simply because a lot of people are emotionally connected to their jewelry and get offended once they don't get provided as much because they feel they really should. A further reason is the reality that most people don't have any idea in the genuine value of their gold. Considering that most gold jewelry is made of 14K gold, the payouts from any gold buyer just don't match the higher expectations of the typical customer.

Actually because the price of gold has climbed to file highs, new customers have cropped up all above the web and on Tv. At the exact same time, numerous long-time buyers have increased their Tv and e-mail marketing in order to 'stand out' from the competition. All these messages may be somewhat puzzling. Which buyers definitely pat essentially the most and pay the fastest? Which firms can you trust to honor their delivers and give safety for your property during the transaction? They are all reasonable issues which you have to have answers to just before you select which purchaser to deliver your gold to for a cash payout.Unresolved complaints tell an vital storyYou'll find various approaches offered for you to 'check out' any prospective gold buyer beforehand. 1 beneficial way would be to enter the buyer's company title into your net browser adopted because of the word complaints e.g. (ABC Gold Buyers - Complaints). You'll be taken to listings of this kind of grievances on sites including "Rip Off", "Complaints" and numerous others. Consider somewhat time to scroll through these and acquaint yourself with these consumers that have various unresolved complaints.The complaints you might uncover will detail a myriad of difficulties such as: Unreasonably modest payments in comparison with real worth; sluggish payment; no payment in any way; bounced checks; and no communication with the seller to resolve mentioned problems. If the purchaser you're contemplating appears prominently, my guidance is the fact that you appear elsewhere.Gold purchaser evaluations can conserve you a good deal of timeDuring the previous year or so, a number of websites have already been printed online that do the investigative work for you. These independent evaluation web sites will pick three to 5 (or more) gold buyers and look into their unresolved complaints; how high a portion of existing real gold worth they spend to sellers; how speedily sell ers obtain their payments; how dependable they are - and a lot a lot more. When the investigations are finished, the assessment website will rank the consumers they have investigated based on their findings and generate a recommendation or endorsement.In case your time for that thorough investigation of gold buyers is limited, I strongly suggest which you make use of an assessment web site to assist you make an informed choice about who to promote your gold to. They'll support you to speedily uncover out those consumers that really should be prevented by a knowledgeable seller of damaged or undesirable gold jewelry. And from the way, most buyers may also obtain your silver and platinum items also.

A gold buyer is one of these small business minded people who is going to store for valuable gemstones and specifically gold. You'll find plenty of people nowadays who are already fond of obtaining their very own gold, and gold buyers are amongst the top causes for that widest existence of gold nowadays. It is the work of those consumers to purchase and resell specific outdated items of high quality and on this manner they can be able to gain bigger profits from it. Getting a purchaser is one of the most important careers in the organization industry, considering that you happen to be the ones accountable for the correct choices of those high characteristics gold that are becoming produced in to the best jewelry.This is also among the glamorous income careers that you do since it is possible to possess the chance to buy and promote that treasured gold inside the world. Whenever you aim to turn out to be one of those gold buyers in the world, then all you need to do at firs t is to make some analysis with the numerous gold buying organization in order to ascertain on in which you're going to purchase gold. You also need to familiarize yourself from these fundamental kinds of gold as well as the a variety of carats that it's got, at the same time because the colour, clarity and its weight. In an effort to get much more concept to be able to turn out to be one of the efficient purchasers, you could also job interview and consult the support of these expert gold buyers inside your place and acquire some insights from them on how you happen to be about to generate a profitable gold acquiring home business.It is possible to also discover those numerous techniques in acquiring gold and use it throughout the commence of one's company. To be able to gain extra information and skills in gold getting organization, you an also decide on to be concerned with trainings becoming conducted by these professional gold buyers. They can educate you using the poin ts that you simply have to have to discover 1st so that you can be successful together with your gold buying company. As a way to turn out to be an effective gold buyer, you also have to have to discover on the way to realize these particulars of gold to be able to understand the real gold from those fake types. You'll be able to also attempt the use of those gold testers to be able to make sure which you are shopping for the actual 1.

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Monday, January 6, 2014

Good Reasons for Renting Gold Metal Detectors - Hobbies

Gold Metal detectors are commercially available but expensive. You should be knowledgeable enough to know if detector offered to you has the best quality. Make sure that all the important devices or parts are complete and running according to its uses.

Since, gold hunting is profitable, you need to have the best quality of this kind of detector for you to have more detection from different areas and places with lesser delays and giving you more accurate readings or results. But even if you have the best detector, you should know the main purpose of your detector.

Gold metal detectors are mainly not for detecting gold and their different kinds. In short, this detector is not actually for the use of gold hunting. The truth is that most of detectors are not accurate or less effective in areas especially with gold nuggets. As these areas having gold has a higher amount of minerals.

Gold Metal detectors are also for gold hunting but in the process of mineralization or detecting even the little amount of minerals that is present in gold. In the planning technique when you are prospecting for gold bars, it only gives flakes of gold as a result. Upon gold prospecting, it requires more endurance and patience and so much effort in using detector for tracing gold for not only once or twice of trying but it needs many times to detect for the whole area .

Since detectors are expensive, it is not advisable to buy one if your goal of using this devices is only for gold hunting and using it for only twice a year. That is why it is more advisable to rent for this kind of detector just for a single purpose or reason, gold hunting.

Because of these reasons, many owners seeking for gold used to abandon and sell their device because they never found any gold for number of times of prospecting. They used to give up their best quality detectors and selling it to a lower price.

With these instances, I highly recommend not buying a gold metal detector; instead you look for persons whose willing to lend their device to you. You can also search for other gold seekers that you can rent their detectors. The rental price is more practical than buying expensive detector. There are also some that has an option of renting both detector and their service. They will be the one to use their gold metal detector in looking for gold nuggets. Mostly, they are more familiar areas with prospecting gold nuggets. Since detector is a device with lots of operation to do so it requires a more professional to operate. Operating this kind of detector is a complex procedure and even the results that need a professional on interpreting it.

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Sunday, January 5, 2014

Picks And Shovels Of Gold (How To Make Money With Your Computer) - Business - MLM

I remember hearing about and even reading about the gold rush of yesteryear. People were coming from all over the place to dig for gold. Hoping to find the gold, hoping to find the mother load, hoping to get rich and be free, if you know what I mean.

As you know not many of them saw that dream come true, at least not the ones that were digging for the gold. What I am trying to say is the smart people got rich, the ones that where sailing the supplies needed to dig for that gold. The ones that were sailing picks, shovels, and the little shaker thingies that strain the dirt so people can see what's in it, so they could see if they had found any gold.

Can you see where this is going? The right business is your gold, the right program is your gold, the right product is your gold but if you still need the picks and shovels to braking, digging, and for prospecting,

(that's what looking for gold was called back then and even now). You have to sift through a lot of people to find the right ones for your business or program.

The ones that are sailing the picks and shovels are still making the money to this day, getting rich on the fact that you are looking for your gold and they have what you need to prospect for it. Leads, solo ads, classified ads, commercials, infomercials, mail blasters, traffic exchange, safe list, credit base safe lift, phone broadcasting systems, etc, etc, etc

What if you hade the right business?

What if you had the right program?

What if you had the right product?

What if your picks, your shovel, and you shaker thingies is your gold?

What if your prospecting (gold) system is your business, your program and your product?

Let me explain.

You pick is to brake through the hard surface. This would be your ad copy or your brodcast system. In other word what you use to get your message out to the masses.

Your shovel is used to dig out what your pick has broken through. This could be your web site or link capture page. Your prospecting system that is used to capture your prospects info so you can fallow up with them. At this point you are still digging through the dirt and straining it out with that strainer thingie.

Then finally you find GOLD IN THEM THERE HILLs!!!

A system that is both your pick, your shovel and ultimately your GOLD!

Believe it or not there is such a system.

It dose exist.

There is GOLD In Them There Hills!

You do not have to go looking for this gold. I'm just gonna point you in the right direction, show you exactly where to go to find it.

Here is your Picks and Shovels of Gold

Come and get it!


Happy Prospecting!

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Saturday, January 4, 2014

Search For Some Of The Cash For Gold Canada Options While You Sell Jewelry In Canada - Business - Sales

For every Canadian, gold is one of the most favored precious metals as it is with other parts of the world. Canada being rich with gold refineries and gold mines offers an admirable pricings and opportunity for sell of gold jewelry. While for every Canadian it's a matter of comfort to purchase and sell jewelry in return of cash for gold. Many online gold buyers exist in Canada, who offers admirable pricings to your broken and unwanted gold with ample cash options through their direct collaboration with gold refineries.

Finding cash for gold Canada is not at all a difficult option. But you need to take appropriate precautions while you plan out for sell of jewelry through any prospective gold buyer. You can choose among the brick and mortar business houses dealing with gold. But they often seem to offer you less value in return of gold as the cost factors on account of business overheads vary quite much. But with the evolution of online technology and associated evolution of ecommerce platform has allowed Canadians to sell jewelry through dedicated gold buying platforms.

Although most of the Canadian gold buyers offers you ample cash for gold in Canada and that too in an ethical manner, there still exist chances for possible frauds and business relation misconducts by some of them. To safeguard your interests while you plan to sell gold ornaments you need to consider 4 aspects prior to realizing your selling decision.

Aspect#1: Cross check the reliability of the prospective gold buyer:

You need to cross check the reliability and authenticity of the online gold buyer through their credit certification and business registration numbers. This will allow you to take an informed decision regarding a safe and secure selling of gold ornaments in return for cash for gold Canada.

Aspect#2: Verify the returns:

You need to do some research online regarding the buyback options for scrap gold. You need to do a comparison of the pricings and the prevailing market rates for selling of gold jewelry.

Aspect#3: compare the offers from prospective buyers:

Once you make selection of prospective gold buyers from the available options you need to call for quotations for your precious ornaments. You can sell jewelry only to that particular gold buyer who will offer you maximum cash for gold. You can also keep check of the pricings on offer through telephonic confirmation and email conversations. With these simple yet effective steps you can always take an informed decision.

Aspect#4: Check out for return policy and secure transportation:

This is one of the most vital aspects as you must be aware of the return policies of the prospective gold buyers who are supposed to offer you cash for gold Canada. If you are ever unsatisfied with the valuation of your dearly own products you can always ask for return of your ornaments. Also a check on the secure transportation option like transportation with insurance coverage can help you a step further in conducting a secure online selling of your scrap precious metals whenever you need them.

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Friday, January 3, 2014

Gold, A Lesson In Refinement - Business

I've recently taken up gold prospecting as a hobby, and it has engendered an interest in me for the entire process of gold production. Finding the gold is great fun, especially when I think about my bank account, but what happens next is truly interesting. The gold must be separated from superfluous impurities by a gold refinery and then processed into a usable form.

Bullion is common, as it is uniform and can be easily sold and transported, perhaps to suppliers for the information technology industry. It is also not uncommon to process the gold into jewelry or some other form to be sold at an even greater price. In any case the whole process has deeply interested me.

I've checked, and one of the local universities offers classes in goldsmithing. It is all-inclusive, and includes units on gold refinery, mold making, casting, and producing and polishing the final product. Luckily, the university is only a short drive from my home and I am friends with several of the students there, one of which lives just down the street from my house.

If we carpool, we can save money, thereby maximizing the benefit of the profit we would be getting from our adventures in gold. In the end, not only will I have more college credit, which doesn't matter much because I already have my degree, but I will have some real world skills that can translate into a lasting legacy.

I would really like to become proficient in gold prospecting, gold, assaying, gold refining, gold smithing, and most especially golden prosperity. I love having a reason to spend time in the great outdoors, and gold prospecting means that I can get paid for my hobby. We've been focusing on panning, but intend to purchase a dredge, a sluice, and other more modern gold prospecting equipment. For the time being, we are studying books and videos on methods of gold prospecting and organizing a prospectors association so that we and other interesting parties can get together to share experiences and techniques.In that respect, gold prospecting can be considered the perfect hobby; it brings prosperity, gets you into the great outdoors, and builds a community of like-minded individuals. It's no wonder that people sometimes compare gold prospecting to a religion, and why the world's religions have such a great interest in gold. It all seems to be part of the same thing.

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Thursday, January 2, 2014

Gold Prospecting - Hobbies

How popular is gold prospecting?

Gold prospecting as a hobby is getting bigger and bigger and as gold prices skyrocket and the economy tanks further, gold prospecting will only continue to grow.

Now let me roll back the clock a bit and start by saying that back in 94' I had just purchased a brand new Baja Bayrunner center console fishing boat and being into fishing I would always look for some shows on that particular sport and there wasn't much to be found. Now, you can go to the outdoor network or one of the other outdoor related channels on tv and find fishing shows all day long, and I think that as a growing hobby, gold prospecting can get to the point where there are at least more than just one show on tv.

TV networks starting to take a closer look at gold prospecting for entertainment.

Take a look at Gold Rush Alaska on the Discovery Channel, that was their highest rated show ever!! It beat out Deadliest Catch and all the rest of their line up, which kind of reinforces what Boomer and I have been saying for years and that is.. that the market is out there, and there are more and more folks joining the ranks for their shot at finding gold. Its fun, its good exercise, its camping, its enjoying the great outdoors, and if your lucky...well then... its also profitable, but if not, then at least you always have fun.

What is it like prospecting for gold out there in the middle of nowhere?

Picture this....your driving your 4x4 down a trail, 35 miles from the nearest paved road, you locate a nice clearing off the trail with plenty of area's to work your drywasher or metal detector, enough room to set up a couple of tents and have a nice fire so you pull over and in an hour or so, boom! You are all set up and ready to spend the next two or three days having fun, when the sun goes down you fire up the grill, throw on some big ol' fat steaks with some whole sliced tater's and some veg-all and your ready for a feast.

After dinner you pull out the radio, pop on your I-pod and enjoy some music, light the campfire, crack open some frostie's and then threaten all your buddies with the fact that you will be the one who finds a 1 ounce nugget this weekend...and come up with a game plan for tomorrowwhilst spinning some yarns of the past. If you haven't done this aren't living!!

Now lets just say for the next two days you don't find any gold, could you then call it a bad trip?? No way! Don't forget there's still fun in the hunt! Next time you will just have to find a better spot that's all, good thing is... you haven't seen another person or vehicle go by the entire weekend, just the peaceful serenity of the desert interspersed with the mechanical yet beautiful chug-chug of a drywasher or the audio threshold of your metal detector, it does NOT... get any better than that! Now you might not roll the way we do, and you don't have to, just to have fun, sometimes just being out there is fun enough.

So as the years go on and this hobby of gold prospecting grows, so will the information, new websites will pop up, older ones will get bigger and better, and maybe...just maybe, there will be a whole variety of gold prospecting shows on TV as well, but until then, there some great gold prospecting books as well as some good gold prospecting related online forums to keep us entertained as well as motivated in the off season. As a pal of mine and well known gold prospecting author named Jim Straight is quoted as saying "A detector sitting in a closet only findsdust"How true that really isstay well my friend

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Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Four Steps to Gold Prospecting - Business - Leadership

1. Find2. Ask3. Listen4. SortYou've heard it before. Attitude is everything. Well, guesswhat? That's true. To be successful in Network Marketing,you have to take the correct attitude or posture and itstarts with prospecting.The dictionary defines "to prospect" as to explore, tosearch or to examine for something.When you talk to a potential business builder, do youexplore, search or examine or do you try to convince theperson by telling them how good your business is and howmuch better it is than anyone else's?You've heard about prospecting for "gold" and the famousCalifornia "Gold Rush." When prospecting for gold, the firstthing you need to remember is to find a place where you canexpect to find gold. You won't prospect in the stream inyour back yard unless your backyard lies in the middle ofgold country.Once you find the potential stream, you need to gather yourtools. As a gold prospector, you would plunge your sifterinto the stream and gather up a lot of muck, which you hopealso contains gold.You'll sift through it until you find some shiny gold stuff,which might be gold, then again might not.You separate out the real gold from the fools gold. You'venow got one or two or three or however many nuggets of realgold.Keep repeating the process until you're rich.The same procedure goes for finding those golden people.The number 1 step to prospecting gold in Network Marketingis:1. FINDFind the gold fields. Your prospects imply gold to you. Youwant the golden women and men to join your business. Thatmeans, people who are serious about business opportunities.You Can Advertise.Unless you have a huge budget, you're not going to advertisein general magazines, newspapers or ezines. You'll want togo with the Business Opportunity streams.You Can Buy Leads.They vary in price and in quality. You can pay big bucks,like $5.00 a lead for pre-qualified individuals who haveactually been called and talked with on the phone. You canalso pay.50/lead for older leads that may or may not beinterested.You Can Get Free Leads.You can put up a website and drive traffic to it and/orstart an ezine. As people respond to you, they are freeleads. The marketing company I work with Free Leads For Lifeteaches people how to do just that.The number 2 step in successful prospecting gold in NetworkMarketing requires you to dig deep into your potentialstream and begin to:2. ASKProspecting is about them, not about you. Ask them aboutthemselves. First of all...Are they seriously looking for a business opportunity?Do they have time to talk now?What kind of work do they currently do?Are they achieving success at their chosen work? Do theylike it? Are they working full time? Part Time?What prompted them to answer your ad?What do they want out of a home based business?Are they planning to do the business part time while theycontinue with their career or are they looking for areplacement?Are they serious? Or just curious?What kind of income are they looking to gain?Are they looking for a business just for themselves? Or dothey plan to go into partnership with another? A Spouse?Once you've asked the questions, you must listen to theanswers as part of the the sifting for gold process.3. LISTENDon't waste your time with people who are not serious. Youshould get a "Yes" or "No" answer to the first question. Ifthey say yes to looking for a business opportunity continuewith the questions.If no, just say "Thank you, have a great day. Goodbye." IfMaybe... don't be afraid to let them go. Maybes aren'tserious. you might test it further by telling them that youare only looking for serious people who are committed tomaking a good income and if they don't know whether or notthey are serious, then they are probably not what you'relooking for.You want to find out right away if they have the time totalk. If not, you'll want to make an appointment, stressingthat they should call you if something comes up that wouldprevent them from keeping the app ointment. Be considerate ofyourself and your time. Make them considerate too.What they are doing now can tell you a lot about theirpotential in your business. A person who currently holds aresponsible position is more likely to take responsibilityin his or her own business. Look for leadership. At the sametime, you don't want to pre-judge. Many a gold nugget hasbeen found encased in dirt.You don't want to spend 30 or 40 minutes on the phone withsomeone only to have them say at the end that they have totalk it over with their spouse. Get that information firstso that you can arrange an appointment to speak to both atthe same time.Your time is precious, don't let anyone waste it.Then finally, you need to separate the real gold from thefools gold4. SORTProspecting means collecting decisions, then sorting thosewith potential to succeed and those without.You don't want to receive yeses at any cost. You onlywant a yes from the person who can become a leader and ateacher.You'll soo n find yourself rejecting the nos before they havea chance to reject you because you'll recognize those peoplethat will require you to put extra time into them afterthey've joined, only to find them falling away in the endanyway.Once you become adept with the 4 step system, you'll beginto attract the golden people you seek. They will recognizeyou as a leader and want to follow you and learn to becomeleaders too.Remember, it's easy as 1-2-3-4. -- Find, Ask, Listen, Sort.

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