Sunday, January 26, 2014

John Harun Mwau Facebook- Metal Detecting Secrets - Business - Ethics

John Harun Mwau Facebook Of course, if you live in an area where gold was found in its natural form, it's wise to buy yourself a detector specificly designed to locate small nuggets. The general purpose detectors will locate bigger size nuggets, but those are far and few between these days, but lots of small nuggets is a whole lot better than none. These specialty detectors are not cheap, but you get what you pay for. It may not be a bad idea to meet some local detectorists in your area and learn what detectors they use before parting with your hard earned cash. The soil conditions could be a problem for some metal detectors, so do some research or consider joining a local club first.

Minelab GPX-4500 - $5000Fisher Gold Bug 2 - $850Whites Gold Master GMT - $800Some people can only afford one detector, but live in an area or occasionally travel to do some beach or nugget shooting, and dont want to invest in several different models. Is there such a beast you ask? Well, yes, though the choices are very limited at this time, I will list a few multi-purpose machines here, but in my personal opinion, I would rather buy a detector that was made to do one type of hunting and do it well. But that is only my opinion, you don't have to agree with me. Regardless, here are some models to consider: Garrett Infinium LS - $1000, thats about it for all-in-one really, there are several dual purpose that combine relic and nugget hunting, or was originally designed as a nugget hunting detector, but turned out to be an exceptional relic detector as well.Whites MXT Tracker -$800, Tesoro Lobo SuperTRAQ -$700,There are certain detectors that are designed to go several feet an d detect large objects, such as a chest of pirate gold coins or maybe an old sewage pipe (more likely), but if you are looking for a known cache, it might just be what you need to get to it. Low budget If you're just thinking about buying your first metal detector and unsure where to start, here are the most popular and affordable beginner metal detectors.GarrettAce 250 $230, Whites Prizm II $250, Tesoro Compadre $200, Tesoro Silver uMax $250, Bounty Hunter Tracker IV $160. Despite the low price these will find gold, silver and a variety of coins.High bidget For beginners with unlimited budget who are not afraid of electronic gagetry, and must have the best detector for his money. Minelab E-TRAC - $1500,Whites Spectra V3 - $1500, Teknetics T2 - $800,To make it simple, there are two basic categories of underwater detectors: A VLF - that can discriminate against iron and unwanted junk, and a Pulse Induction or PI - that can detect deeper then a VLF, but you'll be digging every nail and bottlecap without knowing it. Here are a few examples - VLF: Minelab Excalibur II $1200, Fisher CZ 21 $1000- PI: Whites Surf PI Dual Field - $900, Headhunter Pulse - $700

There are many different detectors, some are more complicated than others. The basic ones are easy to get used to, with less features and buttons. Turn it on and off you go! You can't get around practice though, and the more complicated the detector, the more practice you will need. Which is the best detector? What is the best gold detector? Read some of the user reviews to find out.Hunting tips : Another hint or tip would be, as you're going along, if you start finding lead or coke or spotting broken pottery, this could be a good sign for you of past activities or concentrations of people. Many coins and relics have been found in these areas for the patient treasure hunter.All the trash items you dig up, please remove them, or you and your treasure buddy may dig them over and over again, year after year. Also, there might be another target hiding under it. Remember, the ground gets cycled or moved by the plow each season, bringing artifacts and coins up for your discovery .When you find a coin or nice relic it is recommended to grid a small area around the find. A proven method is to walk slow, in half steps and overlap your coil sweeps. Keep track of where you have been in your grid by using your foot prints or if needed draw, mark, stake or use land marks for your grid square. Also, to grid or detect in the opposite direction or to use a different machine can reveal additional relics. If you turn up more items, then expanding the grid would be a good idea.Of all the treasure hunting tips UK, this is of prime importance!Unlike hunting for U.S. coins were you may choose to set you discrimination levels high to avoid digging unwanted signals, in England keep your discrimination levels low. Here's why. The Celtic, small hammered silver, and bronze Roman coins may range in the nickel, and pull tab, and tin foil, discrimination range and can be very faint signals. With high discrimination levels a person will pass right over, not hearing them. Th e smallest coins and cut hammered coins will read as tin foil. When in doubt, dig. You may discover your best find ever. In most cases the larger loops that come with your machine helps for depth and ground coverage. Smaller loops may be appropriate for stubble fields in some cases. If you have any questions as to which detectors or equipment you may want to bring, feel free to email or call.Here are some metal detecting hints tips in regards to treasure cache hunting in the UKMany cache/hoards have and will be found in England.It is recommended all large deep targets be dug. Some machines may indicate these targets as an overload signal. Try to avoid giving up the dig. You may discover a nice relic like a crotal bell, or even a hoard/cache of coins or jewelry. When a hoard/cache is discovered try not to disturb the find and find area. Seek help from your tour guide and the local authorities for proper recovery, documentation and recording.Public beaches metal detecting tips First: research whether or not a beach is private or public. If it is private make sure you have permission! If you're looking for modern treasure, you may want to visit the beach and note where the majority of the people are sun bathing, playing, or swimming. This is the place where you should search to discover recent losses such as jewelry or coins.When seeking older finds, here's some tipsWhere the sand is very deep, there is very little chance of discovering old finds. Try to find areas where the sand and shingle levels are low, (not deep) or where the hardpack may be exposed. Most beaches have a hard surface below the sand and shingle, and this is where the majority of the older finds will be found because coins and artifacts quickly sink down through the upper layers of the beach. Research old boat landing sites or if you know of a beach where shipwrecks are known, search these beaches thoroughly after any storms. You may need to set the discrimination level so that i t ignores the salt, or reduce the sensitivity as well with some detectors. Search parallel to the sea. By doing this, the sand you cover isn't going between dry and wet, making some detectors loose balance all the time. Look for patches of black sand on the beach because this is a good sign that the top layers of sand have been washed away and you can get to the lower levels and therefore the older finds. Make sure you don't leave any holes, even on the beaches. Always take away all the trash you find! Do not go on the weekend: Although it may seem tempting to go during the peak hours, there are simply too many people present to find places hunt. Furthermore, most hunters also go on the weekend, so you will reduce your competition by avoiding these time. Instead go during the week, or even better, go on Sunday evening after a busy weekend.Take your time: Be sure to walk slow, sweep your detector from side to side, and keep the coil close to the ground. Most detectors have a cone shaped search pattern, so it will not detect the entire width of the coil.Dig up everything: Even if you detector recognizes trash, dig it up. Some small rings register as trash on detectors, so you never know. You may have found a "diamond in the rough." Wait for a rainstorm: Rain will lower the sand level and you'll be able to find some deeper treasures that may have been out of the detector's reach before. Further, detectors usually work better when the ground is wet, so your odds of finding something valuable are greatly increased.Clean up after yourself: Make sure you refill any holes that you have dug on your hunt. Joggers, children, and others can fall in the holes and hurt themselves, or they may just complain and have detectors banned from that area.With these tips, your next hunting trip to the beach will be more lucrative than your last!John Harun Mwau Facebook

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