Sunday, January 5, 2014

Picks And Shovels Of Gold (How To Make Money With Your Computer) - Business - MLM

I remember hearing about and even reading about the gold rush of yesteryear. People were coming from all over the place to dig for gold. Hoping to find the gold, hoping to find the mother load, hoping to get rich and be free, if you know what I mean.

As you know not many of them saw that dream come true, at least not the ones that were digging for the gold. What I am trying to say is the smart people got rich, the ones that where sailing the supplies needed to dig for that gold. The ones that were sailing picks, shovels, and the little shaker thingies that strain the dirt so people can see what's in it, so they could see if they had found any gold.

Can you see where this is going? The right business is your gold, the right program is your gold, the right product is your gold but if you still need the picks and shovels to braking, digging, and for prospecting,

(that's what looking for gold was called back then and even now). You have to sift through a lot of people to find the right ones for your business or program.

The ones that are sailing the picks and shovels are still making the money to this day, getting rich on the fact that you are looking for your gold and they have what you need to prospect for it. Leads, solo ads, classified ads, commercials, infomercials, mail blasters, traffic exchange, safe list, credit base safe lift, phone broadcasting systems, etc, etc, etc

What if you hade the right business?

What if you had the right program?

What if you had the right product?

What if your picks, your shovel, and you shaker thingies is your gold?

What if your prospecting (gold) system is your business, your program and your product?

Let me explain.

You pick is to brake through the hard surface. This would be your ad copy or your brodcast system. In other word what you use to get your message out to the masses.

Your shovel is used to dig out what your pick has broken through. This could be your web site or link capture page. Your prospecting system that is used to capture your prospects info so you can fallow up with them. At this point you are still digging through the dirt and straining it out with that strainer thingie.

Then finally you find GOLD IN THEM THERE HILLs!!!

A system that is both your pick, your shovel and ultimately your GOLD!

Believe it or not there is such a system.

It dose exist.

There is GOLD In Them There Hills!

You do not have to go looking for this gold. I'm just gonna point you in the right direction, show you exactly where to go to find it.

Here is your Picks and Shovels of Gold

Come and get it!


Happy Prospecting!

iAutoblog the premier autoblogger software

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