Monday, June 16, 2014

Key Things You Need To Know About Metal Detecting - Hobbies

Metal detecting is a fascinating hobby. There arent many like it that can just give you such a top notch thrill. However, way too many people go into this hobby, without arming themselves with knowledge, and end up doing a vast number of things wrong. In this article, Im going to touch on just a few things that I think you must know before you venture into the land of coin collecting, relic research and hunting for treasure.

One thing that a lot of beginning metal detecting fanatics dont think about is the law. Yes, there are a number of laws governing the activity of metal detecting, such as where you can actually carry this activity out. For example, in many, if not all states, you cannot go hunting for metal in grave yards. Naturally, youll want to check with your local laws, but Id keep away from cemeteries. Most metal detecting forums wont even allow you to discuss metal detecting in cemeteries.

You need to have a method to identify your finds. Naturally, this is going to depend on what it is youve found. For example, lets for argument sake say youve gone out searching for coins and youve found something that looks like an old 1937 penny and you want to know how much its worth in the condition that youve found it. In that case, youre either going to need to get yourself a coin collecting book or take it to an expert. Yes, metal detecting goes off into other areas as well that you might not be so well versed in. Be prepared for this.

Finally, and this is another thing beginners dont think about, there is cleaning your finds. I mean for crying out loud, youre not going to leave the darn thing in the condition that you found it, are you? Well, every metal needs to be cleaned differently. Youre not going to clean that 1937 penny the same way youd clean a piece of gold. At least I hope not. So, you guessed it, youre going to need several books on cleaning metals unless you can find one that covers it allfrom pennies to whatever.

Yes, metal detecting can be a lot of fun. It can also be a lot of work after the fact as well. There are rules and regulations, mostly government made, that you have to be aware of and you certainly need to know what to do with your find after youve found it.

In my signature, is a review of great resource that should help a lot. Metal Detecting Tips

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