Monday, June 25, 2012

12 Proven Email Subjects for a Killer Response from Your MLM Prospects - Business - MLM

Multi-level prospecting or MLM prospecting is a necessary marketing tool in a technologically savvy world, but it's not always easy to get through to prospects. To get a prospects attention one must differentiate between a good and bad subject as well as distinguish what makes a prospect keep reading and respond.No one likes to be ignored. It's important to remember that your prospect has probably sorted through and ignored many MLM prospecting emails throughout the course of their daye nd although your campaign is targeting many prospects, you want to make each and every prospect feel as though they are being individually recruited. So, what makes a great email subject when MLM prospecting?Firstly, if possible, personalize the subject by using the prospects name. This direct approach will demonstrate your credibility before the email is even opened. A great email subject is also brief, interesting and appealing.The subject should contain keywords relative to what is being marketed. Finally, the subject should be timely. If you are promoting a sale, encourage your prospect to take advantage as soon as possible by using action words such as "Act now!"Of course, the right subject depends on the purpose of the MLM prospecting campaign and will vary depending on the goals of each campaign. With that in mind, here is a list of 12 effective email subjects:1. Mr. Smith, have you seen this on Facebook/Twitter?2. Mrs. Smith, we have a new product we think you'll love!3. Ask something to do with what you're selling. i.e., if you are selling theater tickets: "Did you see Madonna in Aida?"4. Mr. Smith, did you read this?5. Mr. Smith, this is for you.6. Highest Priority Message for Mr. Smith7. Mr. Smith, Save on groceries, now!8. Exclusive! Act Fast!9. Success begins with _____10. Something relevant to the prospects interests i.e., Want to increase your sales?11. Use statistics i.e., 1 in 3 new year's resolutions have already been broken12. Make a top 10 list of relevant things i.e., Top 10 ways to make money fastOf course, only use an email subject that is relevant to the campaign as well as of interest to the prospects. If Facebook and Twitter are not marketing tools you use, then do not use them in an email subject. It's important to not to mislead a prospect - after all, a successful MLM prospecting campaign encourages its prospects to read enough of the email to respond. This email is, hopefully, the first step in building a successful relationship.When deciding what email subject you think will be most effective in yourMLM prospecting campaign, think about your own inbox and what makes you click and open an email instead of deleting or ignoring it. More than likely that email is personalized, brief and relevant; and hopefully you will read and respond to that email as someone will soon do to yours. Your email subject is your first impression - and we all know what they say about those, so choose a subject that is appro priate for your campaign and it will leave a lasting impression. Happy prospecting!

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