Friday, June 15, 2012

"Truth and Consequences of Warm Market Prospecting" - Business - MLM

Warm market prospecting is like an admission to yourself that you have no idea how to target a market. Although warm market prospecting is a crucial piece of the puzzle, real marketing knowledge can greatly expand your sphere of influence. The only thing I would question is the idea that warm market prospecting is an essential part of network marketing.

Many leaders tell their newbie to make a list of 100 of their family and friends, their 'warm' market, and then present the business to them.I am here to tell you that your warm market list alone is not going to help you build a residual income business in the long run. If you're like most distributors, you were taught (by a well-intentioned sponsor) to approach your warm market with a "selling" mentality. You're really asking your so called warm market to suspend their belief in what they already know about you in order to pretend that you are now suddenly the next expert in the XYZ business and well on your way to being the next Richest Person In Babylon because of your expertise in newest the proven system, fantastic product line, and of course a great compensation plan you now represent!.

Prospecting is locating people that fit the profile of the customer you know from research is the type of person who is most likely going to purchase the product or service you are marketing. Talking to your warm market first is obvious because it is free and a point of reference for the hopeful network marketer The process of prosecting is to findcustomers and maintain a list of people who may be of interest to your business opportunity or the products you are promoting. Because warm market marketing has a longer prospecting time-line, the best course of action is to set up strategies that include your warm market but are not based on your warm markets acceptance or activity in your business.

You need to find another prospecting avenue beyond your circle of friends. That is where prospecting systems come into the picture. Of all the network marketing strategies available to you, prospecting is the one you will use every single day no matter what.

In the MLM market place there often has been the facade of "I have something to tell you about that will change your life", but beneath the surface many MLMers are really just hoping to change their own lives You can let others punge into the depths of their warm market to their heart's content, but you must be clear on your strategies and tactics for pitching your MLM other ways.

Currently there is a strong movement away from warm markets and more toward finding your niche and the customers you build a relationship with and serve. People are tired of pressuring their friends and family The trend is toward seeing MLM as a true business and following tactics and strategy that have worked for years in storefront busineses.

It it a great time of opportunity and change what use to work no longer does, people are much more savvy these days and with the advent of the internet can check out the claims and disclaimers on companies and products!! It is truely an exciting time to realize your goals through a new way of working within the MLM industry and its traditional marketing mode. I challenge you to contiulally learn the tools available to you both on and off the net.

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