Saturday, September 29, 2012

Fisher Metal Detectors: Getting Started and Upgrading to the Fisher F75 Metal Detector - Hobbies - Collecting

Fisher metal detectors are considered among the best. I have been detecting for some time and recently upgraded to the Fisher F75 model? Why? Well let me tell you

When I retired, I wanted to do something with my time. Not just anything; I had a few criteria. After working as a linesman for the phone company, I did not want to punch a clock--I wanted to do something where I could get lost for hours on end. On the flip side, I always enjoyed working outside, not confined to an office or cube. I am particularly amenable to the changing weather--I am not bothered by cold or heat, sun or snow--so I wanted to find some way to get active out of doors. I also wanted to keep moving--I didn't want to sit idly watching TV or do anything crafty.

After dismissing quite a few ideas, I found a website for Fisher metal detectors. Ha! That's it, I thought. Treasure hunting would offer everything I needed--the outdoors, a little physical activity, no scheduling parameters and I could do it for a half hour and quit or whittle away a whole day if I were so inclined.

Then I saw the prices. Holy smokes! Not so great for someone now living on a fixed income. But I kept on--the Fisher F75 metal detector was completely out of the question at nearly $1200. My first car didn't cost that much. But these Fisher metal detectors had a pretty wide range of prices, and I found a cheap-to-middle-priced detector for about $300. Okthat I handle without taking my blood pressure medication.

Needless to say, I fell in love with metal detecting. Sometimes my wife or a friend would join me, other times I'd while away the hours alone in my own thoughts. I got out at least once a week for a half day or longer hunt, and I also kept the detector in my car in case I got "a feeling" about a spot as I was out and about. I found some old jewelry, some coins--and it was great fun looking up their value and realizing how old some were--and, honestly, a lot of pull tabs and bottle caps.

After about six months, I decided to treat myself to the Fisher F75 metal detector. Since I loved the hobby so much and planned to keep it up as long as my knees would, I thought I'd upgrade to the best in class equipment. Now, if anyone asks about metal detecting (and sometimes, even if they don't) I tell them how reliable and great Fisher metal detectors are--I should know!

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