Friday, September 21, 2012

Buying a Metal Detector, Find Out Where to Look! - Computers

But group metal detecting events that team up with historical and restoration associations are popping up. Holding group hunts where all historically relevant finds are donated to the historical or preservation and restoration groups. With all the restrictions being placed on people going hunting with their metal detecting device, these events are a welcome opportunity to show that a great majority of metal detectorists are responsible hobbyists.People's love of hunting with metal detecting tools is driving more events to be geared toward education and responsible hunting. Teaching young detectorists not just tips and techniques in hunting but also instilling an abiding respect for the environment and for history.Also, difficulty in exercising their right to enjoy metal detecting, and in some places, even just carry along metal detectors has spurred enthusiast to band together and support the campaign for the Public Lands for the People, fighting to the right to public lan ds and keep them open for metal detecting along with camping, fishing, and other hobbies.With such drive and support, expect more and more people to be trooping around all open places with their metal detectors. Both in the name of personal enjoyment and in the service of the community and the environment.Metal detecting what a great hobby. Years ago early 70's I was in a barber shop waiting to get a hair cut and they had some treasure magazines on the table. As I was looking Through the pages it showed all these guys with their metal detectors showing off all the gold bullion, coins, and other artifacts they had found. Well that's all it took I was hooked. After my hair cut I ran over to the local book store and bought every magazine on treasure hunting and metal detectors I could find.After I got home I read front to back all the magazines twice. My wife came over to see what I was doing, she gave me one of those looks and walked away, what does she know. Ok Now what type of metal detector to buy? As I look through these metal detecting magazines there was allot to choose from. So many different styles of metal detectors, some cheap some go take out a second mortgage.Anyway I go the cheap metal detector route. After all how hard could this be, wait for a beep and dig up some treasure. Off I go to my local Wal-Mart with dollar signs in my eyes and dreams of being in one of those magazines. Ok got my new metal detector for only forty bucks and head back home. Take it out of the box start to read the instructions here comes the wife again, she takes a look shakes her head and walks away, go put on some make-up you scare me.After reading the instructions and setting up my metal detector with the one knob it had I was ready to find some treasure. We lived in a fairly older home so I thought there might be some good stuff buried in the lawn. After about four hours of swinging this thing and hearing every type of beep imaginable I though my house wa s build on a landfill. My metal detector finds included cans, nails, aluminum foil, and rusted out iron. How could this be not one red cent.

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