Monday, October 14, 2013

Prospecting and Your MLM Business - Home - Home Business

To succeed in MLM, you must be able to find and close a sufficient number of qualified prospects. The lack of that single activity is the biggest reason a large majority of the people in an MLM business will not make the money that they could. The reason they fail is that most of the presentations they make are with unqualified prospects (friends, family, etc) who cannot be closed. To make matters worse, their attempts to recruit everyone they talk to causes so much resistance that most prospects will not talk to them again. As such many people simply stop once they have failed at recruiting the people that are in their immediate warm market.

Prospecting and a constant source of new prospects is the life of your business. Learning the skills to be able to prospect efficiently, effectively and enjoyably will enable you to meet with prospects that need, want and can afford your products and services. As a direct result you will recruit more business builders, more customers, your confidence will soar, and you be able to build consistently superior income stream.

Unfortunately much of what you will need to learn will come as a direct result of trial and error. Yes, you simply have to start prospecting, take some rejection, and learn the hard way. Now, with that behind us the good news is that there are a number of things that you can do to help ease the process.

Preparation Sessions: Do your planning with someone that is successfulPractice: Yes, practice sessions with your upline will help. Prospect: As the famous saying goes, Just Do ItWork with a Mentor: Getting mentored by a pro is a huge plusEvaluation: Evaluate your results and make the required adjustments.

While all of these tips will help in the overall process you must have prospects to qualify and then approach. As I always recommend you will want to find local venues that provide you with the opportunity to find new prospects. For many people such as myself there are a large number of options available for you to choose from and it is simply a matter of discovering what works best for you. Regardless of the venue, measure your results and make sure that you are spending your time wisely. Do NOT network for the sake of networking. If your business is not growing as a direct result of your networking, find a new venue to do your networking and to promote your business.

Secondly, tap into the vast number of prospects that are on the internet looking for a way to recession proof their finances. If you are not using a lead generation or prospecting tool on the internet you are not giving your business the maximum chance for success. The good news is that you do NOT need to be a techie in order to take full advantage of the internet. If you are willing to put in the time and effort there are systems available that will provide you step by step guidance on setting up your system, provide ongoing training to ensure you have all the latest information to succeed, allow you to build your list of prospects, generate revenue to offset the cost of your marketing, and most importantly build your primary business.

After researching a large number of systems I must say that I am VERY happy with the results that I have been able to achieve. More importantly, a number of my business associates have been able to achieve the same results. Regardless of which system you decide to use make sure that it is a duplicatable system that you can pass on to your team members with the expectations that they will see results comparable to yours.

Once you have a constant stream of new prospects you will want to remember a few simple guidelines.

Follow up with your prospects every 3-4 weeks or on a schedule that makes sense for your business. Remember that only a small percentage of your prospects will be ready to make a decision the first time that you call. Most prospects will not want to make a final decision until you have presented prospecting offers at least three times.

Your prospecting offer should be short, to the point and clearly state who you are, what you are selling, and a couple of key benefits of your business. Finish up with Is that what you want? With all of your follow ups, mention a couple new key benefits. That will help eliminate most of the rejection that is caused by traditional cold calling.

If the prospect says No or I am not interested, simply tell them good bye. Do not press the prospect, try to engage the prospect in a conversation or ask any questions. By doing so you will ensure that your call is the most pleasant sales call they ever get. As an added benefit your chances of being asked not to call again will be dramatically reduced.

Always be in a "Disqualification" mode. Be determined to spend your selling time only with High Probability Prospects. Disqualify low probability prospects quickly and courteously. Dont allow desperation or anxiousness to deter you from taking the high road.

Accept the fact that prospecting really is a numbers game. With more people in your prospecting system combined with consistent and ongoing phone call follow ups will increase your odds of success.

Keep accurate records of your prospecting sessions. The most successful network marketers keep accurate records. The simple act of keeping records will cause your subconscious mind to constantly improve your results.

Remember prospecting and a constant source of new prospects is the life of your MLM business. Likewise, the lack of prospecting and new prospects will mean the death of your business before you even get started. Get with someone that is successful at prospecting, is willing to work with and remember that in many cases that person will not be in your primary business opportunity. To Your Success!

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