Friday, October 4, 2013

Why MLM Prospecting Systems Will Grow Your Profits - Other

It puts the frighteners on some people when you mention 'MLM prospecting' to them, people often think of cold calling and going up to strangers in shopping malls trying to convince them to join up with their opportunity Certainly not a situation everyone wants to be in!

But is there an alternative?

Yes there is. We can generate and prospect leads online. Many people have proved over and over again that the internet is a great tool to develop a very targeted lead flow.

By using an mlm prospecting system we can cash in on the leverage that the internet offers us. For sure there are a lot of different systems out there available, some are really good and others not so great.

Here are some of the things that an effective MLM prospecting system will do for you...

1) A lead capture page, sometimes known as a 'squeeze page' or 'landing page'. You will need to create a flow of visitors to this webpage, at this page you will provide answers that your visitors are looking for. As an example I have created my capture page so it directly targets those who are looking for more success in their MLM business and wish to leverage the internet to create massive downlines. I am making available the exact information that these folks are searching for. Once they read the page and then watch my video many people want to learn more and will then input a name, email address and telephone number. This system brings me qualified leads daily..

2) After the prospect is in the database the following up process can start. If your using an internet based mlm prospecting system the whole process can be automated using email. You can have the luxury of just creating your email messages once and setting predetermined times for them to be mailed out by using an autoresponder system like GetResponse. Your prospect will then receive regular emails from you and you have the opportunity to brand yourself as a leader and offer value (don't keep trying to sell them stuff! They will soon hit the unsubscribe link) Personally if a prospect has given me their telephone number I like to call them to connect on a more personal level, it really increases conversion rates big time.

3) You will continue to offer great training to your leads through email. If your in with a good prospecting system then you're going to have your own training centre where your subscribers can watch video training and have access to audios and written material. By providing continual value your emails are going to be opened far more often.

4) Not too often, but sometimes you need to be giving your leads the chance to buy a product through you. Make sure that the product is worthy of your recommendation, you don't want to be selling poor quality products, it will seriously degrade your reputation. Because you are offering value and not pitching your business at every opportunity you will have far more people wanting to buy a product that you recommend.

5) If you are a smart marketer then you will be using your system to gradually expose your prospects to your main business. You might want to invite them to webinar presentations or live web events, or direct them to company reviews you have written It's important not to overdo this; but because you are giving so much value to your prospect they are going to be much more likely to take a look at any business opportunity that you recommend.

You will quickly become an expert to your subscribers because of all the great stuff you have taught them! You are showing yourself to be a leader in the industry and in a much stronger position for success in your business. You always need to remember that people join people rather than a business. I'm sure you would have seen it before but there and already thousands of distributors promoting company replicated website without previously connecting with their prospect and expecting them to sign up. Unfortunately this strategy hardly EVER works

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