Saturday, October 26, 2013

5 Steps To Create Your Personal Prospecting System - Business - Sales

The sales mechanism thrives on prospects. A comprehensive prospect system keeps the sales numbers going. If there aren't any prospects to work on, naturally, there would be no conversions to speak of. A sales person without prospects is almost like an employee without a job. A strong personal prospecting system is, therefore, mandatory for assured success in sales. The entire sales mechanism essentially thrives on it. Even if the numbers aren't going great, a solid sales prospecting system will always manage to keep the morale of the team high. Lack of prospects can make the entire sales force insecure.

Therefore, a lot of effort goes into the putting a personal prospecting system in place. Some simple steps can, however, get you there fast.

Creating a Personal Prospecting System

Ideally, a sales prospecting system should be created through logical steps. These would include:

* Lead Generation: The first step for a prospecting system is lead generation. Leads could be any bits of information that can be converted into business. Most importantly, they can be picked up from the most unlikely sources at times. Therefore, you should have a lead generation mechanism in place, within and outside the organization.

* Charting Prospects: Not all leads can be termed as prospects. Therefore, you need to study each one to arrive at some rough prospects that can be worked upon. Choose on the basis of the business segments that you normally cater to. This will help you carry out a more focused search.

* Arriving at Researched Qualified Prospects: Every organization will have a set of norms for qualifying their prospects and determining the ones to be pursued with a vengeance. You need to qualify them and place them in order of preference.

* Time Management: Manage your time judiciously. One single meeting with each of these qualified prospects should be enough to tell you which ones are worth pursuing. Therefore, there really isn't any point wasting time on all. Remember, a focused follow up with 20% of the prospects who are ripe will actually generate 80% of your business.

* Managing the Pipeline: The balance prospects who aren't getting converted immediately need to be placed in the pipeline and managed continuously. These could convert into hotter prospects of the future with relentless follow-ups.

Creating a personal prospecting system is as simple as this. You simply need to maintain a methodical approach for a comprehensive set of prospects to work on, at all times.

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