Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Real Estate Lead Generation Program - Why Invest in One? - Real Estate

As a real estate agent, you know other agents are tapping into online lead generation services and programs. But, is it for you? Are the leads of a high enough quality? Is it worth the expense? If you're looking for reasons you should invest in an online real estate lead generation program, keep reading.

Tap Into Online Market

Most prospective clients start their real estate information search online. Whether it's homeowners investigating how much their house is actually worth or prospective buyers perusing MLS listings, they're out there.

Most lead generation programs work by collecting web visitors' contact information when they request a free home evaluation, look up a listing or sign up for a newsletter. That contact information is then passed on to you.

Localize Your Leads

Because a lead's full contact information is collected, most lead generation companies are able to filter the incoming leads and only send you prospects who are selling or buying in your target area.

So, instead of casting a wide net over the entire Internet, you're localizing your leads and getting prospects who actually are more likely to buy or sell in your area.

Target Your Prospecting

Instead of cold calling, knocking on doors or sending out mailings, these leads are targeted, quality prospects. The contacts generated from most of these systems are individuals actively seeking information on real estate, agents or the prospect of selling or buying a home.

That targeted lead generation is efficient and cost-effective.

Pay for the Leads You Use

Not every lead generation program does this, but some offer a program where you can see partial information for leads and then you choose which leads you'd like to purchase.

So, instead of paying for leads that aren't of value to you, you can select the those you actually want and pay as you go.

Save Time

If you're a busy real estate agent, you may simply not have the time needed to focus on lead generation and prospecting. A good agent should spend at least 30 to 60 minutes every day on prospecting. If you don't have that time, why not let a lead generation service do part of the work for you?

So, if you're still on the fence about online real estate lead generation services, remember that they can save you time, be more cost effective, target your prospecting, localize your search and get you tapped into the online market that others may miss.

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