Thursday, December 26, 2013

Tips for Metal Detecting - Hobbies

Metal detecting can be a fun and relaxing hobby. However, knowing not only the local ordinances pertaining to detecting, finding, and keeping items but also basic etiquette can keep this enjoyable activity from becoming problematic. Here are some tips and tricks to keep in mind when you set out to find some treasure.Many experts suggest joining a metal detecting club so you can profit from the experience and advice of other hunters. Others say if you can find a more knowledgeable partner to search with you will be able to learn more quickly. Every metal detector enthusiast will tell you the number one thing you will find when detecting is trash. Bringing an extra bag so you can dispose of all the trash you collect is not only a good use of your metal detector, but it may also get you out of trouble if you happen to be searching where you aren't supposed to.The location you choose to search at is very important. Sometimes it can be difficult to find new spots to hunt in, bu t even a well-searched spot can be perfect if you know the right time to search. Wet ground is much better both for digging and for detecting in since water conducts metal signals better. The library, internet, and other detector enthusiasts are all possible sources for new locations in which to dig. Make sure you have permission from the appropriate people before detecting on someone's property, especially if you plan to take or keep what you find. Researching the local laws on detecting first will keep you from getting into legal trouble over any treasures that show up. Always remember to fill in your holes so that someone doesn't twist an ankle and sue you for injuries.When you first start metal detecting it can seem overwhelming if you pick somewhere with lots of signals. A field, backyard, or beach will likely be a great spot to get the hang of your detector and the way different signals appear for different items. Pulltabs from soda cans can sound the same as a nickel or gold ring so the best possible strategy is to simply dig everything. More often than not you will find pieces of trash, but you will also pick up treasures that others miss. If you are able to become really proficient at detecting the difference in items based on the signal, you will be able to dig in more "trashy areas" that other detector enthusiasts will pass up because of the noise level.

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