Saturday, May 11, 2013

Prospecting Vs Recruiting In Your Online MLM Business - Business

If you are reading this the chances are that you have an online mlm business or are looking to join one. I am not going to tell you to join my business or anything along those lines in this article because that is not what this article is about. This article is about something a lot bigger than that. Something that plays a huge role when it comes to having an online business and wanting to succeed in it. Over the past couple days I have been talking about recruiting and prospecting and how important they both are. However in today's article I will put them both up against each other, and tell you which one is more important when it comes to your online mlm business. Are you ready for the fight?Recruiting for your online mlm businessI would quickly like to go over this as this is the first important thing you need to take care of if you want to build your business. This is one of the two things that us marketers do in the network marketing industry. You can forget about eve rything else you have been told and everything else you have read about having an online mlm business. I say this because everything that you do right from your research to advertising to getting leads to building relationships is all done for your business. We all do those things in order to grow our team and build our business. Pretty simple and straight forward right? Without this recruiting process, our business would not grow and we would not be able to earn that residual income that so many people are so desperately after.Prospecting for your online mlm businessNow that we have swept the recruiting part under the rug, the second thing is the prospecting. Prospecting isn't actually the second thing that your role is if you have an online mlm business, but it is a very important process that is a part of your journey to success. Prospecting is something that many marketers know they need to do, but do not do it mainly because of fear. They have the fear to connect with t heir leads and get themselves out there. You are not making it any easier for yourself if you do this. I cannot stress the importance of connecting with your leads and building relationships because that is what mlm and having an mlm business is about.So which one is more important?I personally believe that the prospecting is more important when it comes to having an online mlm business. The reason and only reason why I say this is because quality always whoops the ass of quantity. Would you rather have a team of 10 or 20 people who are hard working, willing to succeed and are in it to win it, or 10 to 20 people who are lazy, want you to do everything for them and will end up quitting and leaving your team after a month or two? Let's not also forget the fact that when they leave your team, you WILL lose money and your pay cheque will be cut down. Definitely not cool! This process of people quitting your team called attrition is something that many marketers face and it reall y is a right pain in the backside.So for me prospecting definitely wins in its fight against recruiting. It isn't a landslide victory, but more like a victory when a boxer wins by getting just a couple of more points than his opponent. None the less, both of these are very important if you want to get results in your online mlm business so put more time into these activities instead of anything else.

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