Sunday, August 4, 2013

Desired Metal Detecting Finds - Hobbies

Whether you are new to the hobby of metal detecting or a seasoned hobbyist, the thrill of the hunt is only made more memorable with the success of finding something of value. When a target of value is detected it proves that there still is treasure out there to find. We love to hear the variety of stories about metal detecting finds that cover areas in just about every land area across this Earth.

One of the most common finds recorded in just about every environment there is that of coins. One type of target that can be found in just about every environment that is detected is that of coins. On the beach, most coins are found that have been lost to current beach goers. However, coins are also commonly found in open fields, riverbanks, and historical sites like those of old churches or old fields where horse racing or revivals were set up. A substantial coin cache was found in the UK. A team of archaeologists found a broken pottery jar filled with Iron Age coins. Although the value at their time of their circulation was high, the value is less now.

The value is found not in the amount the coins are worth, but in the history of the Iron Age that they represent and the highlighting of the importance of this time period. Also, there are stories of successful coin shooting at old church sites. A team of two friends who decided to check out some old church sites in Pennsylvania found a variety of coins as they detected the church lots. Among the coins were Standing Liberty Quarters, wheat pennies, buffalo nickels, and a 1909 Barber half. Such a variety of coins found in a very accessible location for detecting and all within just one short day. The list of coins stories is numerous. Check with a fellow detectorist and he/she will probably have a story of their own.

Another type of find is that of relics. Imagine picking up a metal detector for the first time and heading out to explorer- not expecting anything except a fun adventure. Well, that is just what happened to one man in Scotland when he went out and happened upon a lot relics that dated back to 300 BC! Talk about luck! There are stories galore that talk about the worthwhile relic finds that are found not more than 6 inches under the dirt. Walked over by more people than could be imagined, but never found. Along with luck and preparation, a keen eye is always an asset to a detectorist. One such example is a woman who had been detecting for seven years over open fields and beachfronts. On one trip she took with her son, she spotted a small pendant no larger than a small sized stamp. On it was pictured the Holy Trinity. This find was valued at $400,000. Along with these examples of relics are hundreds of stories of Civil War Memorabilia, Roman Empire artifacts, Native American relics, and numerous finds that date most wars and time periods.

The ultimate thrill of a detectorist is to have that one find - the one target that stands out from all of the rest. It could be a find that a museum or historical site is interested in or it could be a valuable artifact that brings you monetary gain. Although these finds are definitely worthwhile with recognition, its the thrill of finding that true buried treasure that every metal detectorist is after. So get your metal detector ready, do a bit of research on an area, hope that luck is on your side and head out. There are truly numerous, undiscovered metal detecting finds left out there!

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