Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Top 10 Prospecting Tips - Business

Top 10 Prospecting Tips

FREE Lead Generation Training Webinar reveals the Top 10 Prospecting Tips this #1 income earner in a Network Marketing Co., with thousands of reps, used to generate roughly 50 leads/day, ABLOLUTELY FREE, and you can do this and generate free leads too!

These ten prospecting tricks, 10 X 2-10 leads/day/trick equals roughly 50 quality leads/day for FREE for your business!

Prospecting tip #2 was the one that blew me away! It's quite possibly the funniest and most creative marketing trick I've ever heard of, and it literally had me laughing out loud. The best part is that it works like clockwork to attract serious, quality leads to you, all of which are guaranteed to ask you about your business!

It is what's duplicable that builds your business, not just what works. You must have clarity in your lead generation system to build a money making system.

All the celebrity named marketers you have heard of never quit. If you want to live the lifesyle they have achieved, you will need to put in the kind of work that they put in.

Tactic #1 of Top 10 Prospecting Tips

Use the system. What system are we talking about?

My Lead System Pro is the best mlm lead generation system on the planet. A copy/paste, step-by-step how to, video and recorded webinar training that is like nothing else there is out there.

Tactic #2 of Top 10 Prospecting Tips

Work events. Which events do we work?

I am not talking about putting on events, I am talking about working events. Events advertised in your local paper,, charity events, highend events, car shows, boat shows, etc..

Pick two per week, and don't give out, but GET as many business cards as possible without introducing what it is you do.

And then the next day follow up on the phone, "Hey, [first name], I met you at [event] and we didn't get a chance to talk much, but I was just wondering if I could ask you a question?"

How to cold call is to turn your prospects into your warm market. This is not cold calling, you have already met.

Wait for answer. "Would you be open to a side project that doesn't interfere with what you are currently doing"?

Is this MLM? Absolutely, if it wasn't I wouldn't be involved with it.

Tactic #3 of Top 10 Prospecting Tips

Ask For Referrals.

"Hey, you have got to know someone who has been affected by this economy or lost their jobs, would you mind if we see if they would like to see this?"

No, really? You can't think of anyone you know who is struggling?

And then call them back again and ask for another referral. "I talked to these people and they seemed really interested, is there anyone else you can think of?"

These and many more Top 10 Prospecting Tips revealed in this FREE webinar training for building an online internet business that duplicates. These tricks are already working for you competition, so you need to stay in the game.

What you do your prospects will expect to have to do. Make your system duplicable and simple to do so your people will also do what you do.

Would you be open to a side project that doesn't interfere with what you are currently doing?

How are you doing with generating leads online? Remember, building your business is not just what works, it's what duplicates.

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