Tuesday, December 31, 2013

History of Fisher Metal Detectors - Hobbies

The history of fisher metal detectors begins way back in the late 1920s with a German graduate of Dresden university who had immigrated to America. Dr Gerhard Fisher was working in Los Angeles developing direction finding equipment intended for use in aircraft and his work was even recognized by Albert Einstein. Dr Fisher listened carefully to pilots who used his system and found that they all experienced interference in certain areas and he explored this problem. He found that these areas all had conductive mineral deposits and that if he passed a piece of metal between the receiver and transmitter of his directional finder that readings changed. He immediately realized that a small device could be developed along the lines of his directional finder that could be used to locate minerals and underground objects.He worked further on this and in 1931 turned his home garage into a small factory producing the first crude metal detector called the metallascope and called his ga rage factory the Fisher Research Laboratory. Four people were employed here to make this machine which compared to todays detectors was heavy and bulky as electronics had not yet been developed and large vacuum valves were required to make it work. Sales increased until the garage was no longer big enough to cope with the demand and in 1936 they into another building and the device was patented. A variety of people now used this product from geologists to hobby hunters and utility companies to police officers searching for weapons. Within three years they had to move again into bigger workshops to cope with demand and research. The research was very important as fisher had to be at the forefront of technology because his patent expired letting other companies start to produce their own devices. He did this well and remained the major producer of metal detectors as well as producing items such as Geiger radiation counters, radio equipment and electrical metering systems. Even throughout the second world war and the Korean war the development of the metal detectors was never allowed to be stopped even although Dr Fisher worked on military projects at these times.The next move was in 1961 to Belmont and an even larger manufacturing facility as the company was still growing steadily year by year. Six years after this move Dr Fisher retired leaving Fisher Research Laboratory a well known and respected company. It continued to grow and moved again in 1974 and in 1990 to Los Banos and is now owned by First Texas Products who bought the company in 2006.Today the company still has its great reputation for quality products and offers a large range of metal detectors for treasure hunters including gold, coin, relic and underwater detectors. Industrial detectors for utility companies for finding cables, pipes and valves are also manufactured at the fisher factory. Security which is so important nowadays is also a branch of fisher detectors with a large ran ge of handheld and walk through metal detectors available.

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Monday, December 30, 2013

How to Determine Possible Sites for Metal Detecting - Hobbies - Collecting

Individuals are into metal detecting for different reasons. For the majority, the probability of finding lost jewels is enough motivation. To most, the returns of metal detecting has expressed several disparate boons and returns. Most gravitate towards the excitement of finding, studying of history through research and traveling, meeting new people as well as making friends through the course of all the travels as well as the development of one's discipline, perseverance and patience.

There are numerous ways you can research and begin the hobby of metal detecting.You can locate for ancient records and atlas in public libraries. This will aid and narrow down the sites where the possibility of finding old coins and relics is higher. These might be old schools, old churches, fort sites, old campgrounds, former battle sites, old playgrounds, old dumping grounds and the like.

Although gaining something extremely valuable is slim, for a novice, you can commence your quest by sifting through the seaside in order to study how to manage your metal detector, which is important, otherwise, making your own test garden would be best as this would help you learn to use and test the capabilities of your metal detector. A test garden cannot completely prepare you for what you may encounter in a real hunt situation. However, it can help you better understand the effects of ground minerals, moisture content, target angle, oxidation or rust, trash proximity, target defects, surface textures and provide practice in target pinpointing.

Another great way to find reliable information is to speak with old timers, or the locals.They are a best source of leads. The old timers might just live within your area and possess valuable information that sometimes cannot be find in old books and newspapers. Just ask the right questions and listen intently. They can point to you directions to your next potential metal detecting site!

Always be aware that a appropriate site for detecting is an area that has been utilized by a few people over a long period of time, or an area that has been utilized by thousands over a brief period of time. There are areas of human endeavor and natural events even calamities vast enough to capture a treasure hunter's attention and offer great potential reward. These can be an old town, old neighborhood, even places where natural and man-made disasters has occurred. Do not forget to include and consider places where criminal activities such as bank robbery, moon shining, embezzlement and smuggling has taken place. All these places can offer you opportunities for a place to jump-start your metal detecting. By finding these places, finding and unearthing the treasures will be up to you.

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Sunday, December 29, 2013


Over the years I have been involved in many hobbies including stamp collecting, coin collecting, radio controlled airplanes, flying and you name it. Of all those hobbies the only one that ever made any money was metal detecting. Not at first but as I learned more about it and acquired more sophisticated detectors it became more and more profitable. However making a profit was just a sideline. There are many more advantages to metal detecting. For one thing it is a great form of mild exercise and you are outside breathing fresh air. Also you learn a lot about history.

When I first got interested in metal detecting, I bought a cheap "build it yourself" kit from Radio Shack. It was midnight when I finally got it all assembled. I went out to the front yard and turned it on. Right a way a got a beep and dug up a scrap piece of tin. That was it. I now had the bug. I next visited a local treasure shop and looked over the commercial metal detectors. At that time the Compass brand was very popular. I bought the low end model. Big mistake. I very shortly realized the limitations it had. Back to the treasure shop. I traded in my low end model for a more sophisticated one. That's when I started making some interesting finds.

Living in California was a great advantage to metal detecting. Not only could I hunt old ghost towns and mining camps but there were also many beaches to hunt. Beach hunting is fun. All you need is your detector and a sand scoop. The possibilities are endless. I have found jewelry, coins, keys, knives, silverware and fishing equipment.

Hunting ghost towns and mining camps is a whole different ballgame. A little more equipment is necessary. You need various digging tools depending on the area. A really strong digging knife is mandatory. Sometimes a small pick axe is helpful. Finds run the gamut from old coins to all sorts of items from the gold rush days including military belt buckles, military buttons, gun parts, Chinese coins and opium tins.

Over the years metal detectors have become more and more sophisticated. The high end models will tell you what the target probably is and approximately how deep. They will also rule out many of the junk targets that plague metal detecting.

If you are just starting out in the great hobby of metal detecting your best source of information is obtained by joining a metal detecting or treasure hunting club. Also your local metal detecting dealer can be of great help.

If you are in the market for a metal detector take a peek here:/gp/product/B000RQQLWI?ie=UTF8&tag=mc0ae-20&linkCode=as2&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=B000RQQLWI

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Saturday, December 28, 2013

Metal Detecting - Persistence Pays - Hobbies

Do not get discouraged if you do not find treasure every time you go metal detecting. Chances are you won't be so lucky, but do not let that stop you from trying. It's juts like anything else you have to keep doing it. The more time you put in, the more likely you will find some goodies.

Even if you have the best metal detector in the world and the conditions on the beach are excellent, you won't find anything if you do not go out. Sometimes you just won't find anything simply because your in the wrong place at the wrong time. You need to be in the right place at the right time and when it happens it is golden.

It is an odds game. The more you dig, the more you will find. It's just that simple. With that said, it is a hobby but don't let it consume you. It is very easy to get gold fever once you start finding it.

I hunt an average of around three hours when ever I get out. At times I have done very well, other times I have not but I have never walked away empty handed. I always try to keep a positive attitude. It is amazing how well positive thinking works and how projecting positive energy mikes life a whole lot easier.

On my hunt the other day, I was not finding much if anything but the beach was nice, a little cool for me. I had to wear a long sleeved shirt but could still go barefoot. I love the way the sand feels under my feet. I found a spot on the beach that looked different and up to this point, I had only found some pull tabs and other garbage. This area had several depressions that were like giant puddles. It was a major difference to the rest of the beach which looked like a large flat slate so I decided to work this spot a little harder than usual.

My first target was an old pair of sunglasses. My observations seem to be correct. This might be a good spot after all. My next target was the largest silver earring I have ever found. It is so large that I thought it was a bracelet. It's hard to stay focused when you start to get excited. You have to remember, go slow. My next target was just a few inches from the large earring. It was a neat silver ring. I continued finding goodies in this spot. I had been detecting about two hours before finding that sticky spot and it just goes to show that persistence pays.

Want to see treasures found metal detecting? Click here Beach Metal Detecting

Need some information on metal detectors? Click here Metal Detectors

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Friday, December 27, 2013

Beach Metal Detecting Terminology - Hobbies

If you are just getting into the hobby of metal detecting and you are thinking about hitting the beach. I can tell you from personal experience there is no better place to hunt for Buried Treasures!

Just like everything else metal detecting has it's own lingo. If you are going to socialize with other metal detectorists you might want to know what some of it means. Here is a small list of beach metal detecting terms and their meanings.

The Dry: The dry is anywhere on the beach that the water has not hit in either a long time or ever. Hunting the dry can be fun and you can find some great treasure here. I also find more trash here than anywhere else.

The Wet: Ahh, the opposite of the dry. The wet is the area of sand that is exposed during low tide. The sand itself is wet and during high tide it is under water. At certain times of the year, this area of beach can be the most productive for gold. Do not miss it. Certain metal detectors do not function well here. The salt just makes them wild.

The Water Line: This is one is self explanatory. This is the area of beach where the water meets the sand. The water line is always productive at low tide and if it is not then you can always take a few steps towards the wet.

The Towel Line: This is an area of beach where everyone puts down their towels and lays out in the sun. This area can be part of the wet or the dry and should never be overlooked especially if the dry or the water line is not producing any treasures.

Coin Line: A coin line is a great thing to find and a wonder of physics. A coin line is a line of coins that runs straight and parallel to the beach. It is usually found in the wet. If you find a coin line work it hard because where there are lots of coins you just might find jewelry.

Sticky Spot: This is my personal favorite. This is a spot on the beach that defies all logic. In a sticky spot you will find lots of goodies in a random pattern. They will not be evenly distributed in a line. It's more like some giant hand from the sky reached down and threw them onto the beach. These sticky spots can be as small as a beach chair or as large as a house. Sticky spots are where I find the coolest things.

Now that you know some of the lingo, if you see a fellow detectorist and you strike up a conversation then you won't be left out in the dry! Happy Hunting

Need more tips? Click here Beach metal detecting. For a full line of metal detectors visit

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Thursday, December 26, 2013

Tips for Metal Detecting - Hobbies

Metal detecting can be a fun and relaxing hobby. However, knowing not only the local ordinances pertaining to detecting, finding, and keeping items but also basic etiquette can keep this enjoyable activity from becoming problematic. Here are some tips and tricks to keep in mind when you set out to find some treasure.Many experts suggest joining a metal detecting club so you can profit from the experience and advice of other hunters. Others say if you can find a more knowledgeable partner to search with you will be able to learn more quickly. Every metal detector enthusiast will tell you the number one thing you will find when detecting is trash. Bringing an extra bag so you can dispose of all the trash you collect is not only a good use of your metal detector, but it may also get you out of trouble if you happen to be searching where you aren't supposed to.The location you choose to search at is very important. Sometimes it can be difficult to find new spots to hunt in, bu t even a well-searched spot can be perfect if you know the right time to search. Wet ground is much better both for digging and for detecting in since water conducts metal signals better. The library, internet, and other detector enthusiasts are all possible sources for new locations in which to dig. Make sure you have permission from the appropriate people before detecting on someone's property, especially if you plan to take or keep what you find. Researching the local laws on detecting first will keep you from getting into legal trouble over any treasures that show up. Always remember to fill in your holes so that someone doesn't twist an ankle and sue you for injuries.When you first start metal detecting it can seem overwhelming if you pick somewhere with lots of signals. A field, backyard, or beach will likely be a great spot to get the hang of your detector and the way different signals appear for different items. Pulltabs from soda cans can sound the same as a nickel or gold ring so the best possible strategy is to simply dig everything. More often than not you will find pieces of trash, but you will also pick up treasures that others miss. If you are able to become really proficient at detecting the difference in items based on the signal, you will be able to dig in more "trashy areas" that other detector enthusiasts will pass up because of the noise level.

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Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Where to Find Gold Stocks - Investment - Stocks and Bonds

Gold has been a choice of every individual since ages. This is due to the varied uses of gold and its high value. Gold is used in a number of industries like electronics, art, jewelry, space voyages and many more. Besides this, gold is also an option for making high profits in form of gold stocks. Gold stocks are shares purchased from the gold mining companies. These have high value and their value increases with the price of gold. Investment in gold in form of gold stocks, gives you an opportunity for generating high profit in a short span.

Investors who are trading in stocks will have to keep a regular check on the stock market. This is to grab the opportunity for the best stock picks. If situation is not favorable then one has to keep himself away from this trading. Even some of the investors sell out the shares at a price lower than their purchased one thus bearing heavy losses. While, investing in gold is completely safe option and you can deal in it without actually buying it.

For investing in gold stocks, you have to buy shares from gold mining companies. As and when their profit increases, share prices also go up and thus you make profits. Gold prices always tend to increase because its supply can never meet its high demand. Due to lesser supply, its value increases. Therefore, it is beneficial to buy gold stocks even when the economy is uncertain. Whenever the demand for gold will increase, gold mining company will make higher profits and thus its share prices would go up.

Before purchasing shares from any of the gold companies you need to verify certain things about the company. Try to get an idea about the management strategy and the availability of natural resources in that particular mining area of the company. Also make sure that company has strong fundamental base and its share price will increase with the increase in the price of gold. It would be unsafe to invest in a company with heavy debts.

To reduce chances of risk, you can go for buying of ETFs which means gold exchange traded funds. The ETFs will include shares from many gold mining companies together. With this, even if few companies are in loss then also you are at safer side as you have option from other companies also and their profits would compensate that loss.

Investing in gold stocks should always be done very carefully. A proper research of the market and different gold mining companies is must before investing. This is because large amount of money is on stake. A reliable gold mining company will definitely generate high profits because investing in gold is the safest investment one can go for in this tough time of inflation.

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Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Real Estate Lead Generation Program - Why Invest in One? - Real Estate

As a real estate agent, you know other agents are tapping into online lead generation services and programs. But, is it for you? Are the leads of a high enough quality? Is it worth the expense? If you're looking for reasons you should invest in an online real estate lead generation program, keep reading.

Tap Into Online Market

Most prospective clients start their real estate information search online. Whether it's homeowners investigating how much their house is actually worth or prospective buyers perusing MLS listings, they're out there.

Most lead generation programs work by collecting web visitors' contact information when they request a free home evaluation, look up a listing or sign up for a newsletter. That contact information is then passed on to you.

Localize Your Leads

Because a lead's full contact information is collected, most lead generation companies are able to filter the incoming leads and only send you prospects who are selling or buying in your target area.

So, instead of casting a wide net over the entire Internet, you're localizing your leads and getting prospects who actually are more likely to buy or sell in your area.

Target Your Prospecting

Instead of cold calling, knocking on doors or sending out mailings, these leads are targeted, quality prospects. The contacts generated from most of these systems are individuals actively seeking information on real estate, agents or the prospect of selling or buying a home.

That targeted lead generation is efficient and cost-effective.

Pay for the Leads You Use

Not every lead generation program does this, but some offer a program where you can see partial information for leads and then you choose which leads you'd like to purchase.

So, instead of paying for leads that aren't of value to you, you can select the those you actually want and pay as you go.

Save Time

If you're a busy real estate agent, you may simply not have the time needed to focus on lead generation and prospecting. A good agent should spend at least 30 to 60 minutes every day on prospecting. If you don't have that time, why not let a lead generation service do part of the work for you?

So, if you're still on the fence about online real estate lead generation services, remember that they can save you time, be more cost effective, target your prospecting, localize your search and get you tapped into the online market that others may miss.

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Monday, December 23, 2013

Update on Venezuela Gold Mining: Eldora Gold Resources Canada News - Finance

Update on Venezuela Gold Mining: Eldora Gold Resources Canada News - Uncertainty grips expectant gold-mining communities in Venezuela. Continuing a report on the situation of gold-mining in Bolivar State and in particular on the Las Cristinas mine in Sifontes municipality, Correo del Caroni reporter, Natalie Garcia maintains that the end of the Crystallex concession has reopened the debate on the Venezuelan State's gold-mining policies, which could be said to have failed, given current labor instability and cordons of misery south of Bolivar State.Update on Venezuela Gold Mining: Eldora Gold Resources Canada News - VHeadline News Editor Patrick J. O'Donoghue reports: Several decades ago, the Las Cristinas was held up as the salvation of thousands of local inhabitants, who were scratching a living off illegal and wild cat mining. Las Cristinas, Garcia pointed out, has not been formally exploited for more than 20 years, even though it has around 31 million ounces of gold and proven reserves.There is also the Brisas del Cuyuni mine formerly in the hands of Gold Reserve, which is suing the government for compensation.

The journalist (pictured right) ventures that Las Cristinas' future looms uncertain because details have not been released about the next steps to be taken.

A proposal was launched in 2008 at a meeting of the Basic Industries & Mining (Mibam) Ministry to set up an "ALBA Gold Mining District," consisting of three blocks to be distributed among small-to-medium socialist mining companies belonging to the Bolivarian Alliance for the Americas (ALBA).

Update on Venezuela Gold Mining: Eldora Gold Resources Canada News - Within the strategy, there was a social plan to invest part of the money coming from gold production, creating a warehouse center, a gold refinery and mint, and a goldsmith network under the control of mining cooperatives. Part of the plan included building a copper recovery plant because of the association between copper and gold.

Garcia raises the possibility of a 50/50 joint venture between the State and VenRus, the Russian company, currently holding the La Isidora and La Camorra concessions.

Whatever the outcome, Garcia concludes, local communities are calling for the immediate activation of mining projects and their inclusion when it comes to distributing the profits.

The main call as ever is for new job opportunities and an improvement in the local communities' standard of living. Patrick J. O'Donoghue on Venezuela Gold Mining: Eldora Gold Resources Canada News - Our editorial statement reads:VHeadline.com Venezuela is a wholly independent e-publication promoting democracy in its fullest expression and the inalienable right of all Venezuelans to self-determination and the pursuit of sovereign independence without interference. Our stance is decidedly pro-governance (defined as being contrary to anarchy) and pro-government to the extent that we support all and any government policies aimed at consolidating and improving the living conditions and future prosperity of ALL Venezuelans, regardless of race, color or creed. We also seek to shed an international spotlight on nefarious practices and corruption which, for decades, has strangled this South American nation's development and progress. In every respect VHeadline Venezuela's declare d editorial bias is most definitely pro-Constitutional, pro-Democracy and pro-VENEZUELA.-- Roy S. Carson, Editor/Publisher

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Sunday, December 22, 2013

Website Traffic And Visitors Generation Is the Life-Blood Of Your Business - What You should Know - Business

About me, I receive weekly e-mails from people from various parts of the world, about how to succeed in a work from house company, like I am doing in my objective setting business with website develop it. My About SBI page explains why I totally suggest and endorse only SBI as the all purpose web-hosting and e-commerce tools package that you will ever need to grow your online or offline company.

The SBI action guide does an excellent job in explaining in simple company communication, how anyone with completely no encounter in web site design or html (which isn't needed), can succeed in how to make a web site, just as I've carried out.

But because I obtain so many e-mail inquiries concerning traffic generation and website visitors in general, it produced sense to me to develop 1 entire page about how to generate website traffic, or web visitors for the beginner or newbie, as you pursue your entrepreneurship aspirations.

These are the same methods that I've been utilizing from June 2009 when my website went live, and has gone from an Alexa traffic rank of 8,500,000 in July 2009 to under 400,000 today.

Ok, you've got an excellent web site, and you've an excellent product and/or service that provides tremendous value to your visitors and possible customers, but unless you have the visitors, your web site will never be seen. Web visitors and traffic generation will be the life-blood for any little business owner; whether or not you are a small work at home mom a WAHM, or you've your own real estate business, increasing web visitors and growing your internet visitors day following day, month after month, is really a life-long procedure, if you would like to remain in business.

Top 10 Suggestions for Web site Visitors Generation In Growing Your Web Traffic

1) Submit To Numerous Web site Directories

There are hundreds if not thousands of web site directories that offer both free also as paid website directory listings. You should designate a particular quantity of your time, submitting your web site to website directories, and it does take time to submit your website. I try to submit a minimum of a couple of free websites a week. You just have to develop the self discipline to web site directory for your web site. In the event you implement sound time management suggestions for weekly website directory submission, in due time will increase your internet traffic, with increased internet visitors.

2) Submit Informative Articles to Write-up Directories

Article submission is key in maintaining and growing web site visitors. You just have to prioritize your daily tasks to create sure you are writing articles. If your web site company for example is about metal detecting, write and submit distinctive articles about the hobby of metal detecting.

Do a review of the top five metal detectors, and post the article to various write-up directories such as ezinearticles.com, or articles/directories.php. Writing key word focused articles having a link to your signature URL at the end, will start to establish credibility for your self as a credible authority inside your niche field of business. Ezinearticles.com for me, is most likely the very best article directory on-line today, and has brought my website tremendous web site visitors and web exposure.

3) Submit to Niche Web site Directories

There are niche website directories, just as there are general web site directories, you will find also specific niche directories that you will need to submit your web site to also. In the event you can get within the habit and develop the self discipline for weekly web site directory submission for at least the very first 6 months or so of your company, then you will start the snowball effect, that via your efforts will much more than return monetary dividends within the type of increased traffic generation and web site traffic for your business. A few of the much better renown niche directories.

four) Blogging for Dollars

An additional outstanding technique for increasing visitors generation and internet traffic, is to open a blog account. The personal blog account I use for growing my web site traffic is blogger. The nice feature of blogger, is you are able to easily put location in text links inside your weblog, which will take your visitors and could be purchasing clients to various pages on your website, noting the products and/or services that you are promoting.I try to do at least 2 new blogs a month. Develop an intelligent objectives plan for your business to blog to grow and improve your internet traffic.

5) Obtain One-way Back Links

Another technique you should start doing extremely early on, is developing high quality one way links,in creating what SBI teaches, and I still use, value link exchange with other niche companies germaine to your own company.

The only way to increasingly grow your web site visitors is via linking with other like-minded web sites. But the emphasis should usually be on the quality of links-not the quantity of links obtained. With the ever increasingly plethora of scam related websites appearing on the internet, you need to make sure you're linking with reputable websites that provide real value for their clients, just as I am doing with my successful website.

By no means ever compromise quantity over high quality of sites to link with. Reach out to these credible websites via e-mail, and provide to link with them for an exchange link to their site inside your link resources page. It is a win win, as both of you'll get a link back, which will create more website traffic, as much more and more links will be pointing back to your web site.

6) Create An Informative Survey or Questionnaire

Develop a survey on your website. SBI offers this invaluable service as component of the overall package known as SBI2-4u-sitesell.com, which permits a more interactive approach to e-business advertising and communication. I presently use this survey approach on a number of of the 136 pages I already have built on my website.

On my metal detecting page metal detecting, I've a questionnaire, whereby online contributors, who themselves are metal detector enthusiasts, can post their their greatest unusual or valuable finds. This increases my website visitors, and improves my overall rank with the search engines SEs.

Or you could develop a survey that's germaine to your company niche. There is no limit how such an user friendly, interactive approach and snow-ball your web visitors and in turn, increasingly grow your visibility and web traffic online. If you're not performing this, your already behind the 8 ball.

7) Tapping Into The Power of Social Networks such as Facebook & Twitter

Social networks and social media are here to remain, and powerhouses like facebook, and even twitter, are revolutionizing how company is now conducted online.

I currently use both facebook, twitter and others in my successful SBI business. The companies that can tap into the power of these social networks in their on-line advertising efforts, will reap the monetary rewards and benefits of their impact in helping you to grow your web visitors and your financial bottom line.

8 ) Do a Press Release About Your Company

Put out a public statement about your company and it's item and/or service you're promoting. Media can be a tremendous tool, in helping your grow your online presence by growing your internet visitors, by promoting your story of success, and your company's contribution to the community and your customers. In the event you have a business that provides value, why not allow the power and influence of the media to grow your web site traffic for you?

9) sign Up for Google Alerts

GOOGLE will be the most powerful global search engine online these days, and second to no one in its depth and breadth of influence that spans all corners of the world. Once you sign up and register with Google, you're able to sign up for google alerts. Google alerts are e-mails that Google will send you every day with respect to your company niche field.

If your company is gardening lets say, Google will e-mail you Google alerts about gardening; from bloggers about their greatest rose bush, orchids, to best suggestions for pest control in agriculture.

You can then comment on others blogs, posts about gardening in this example. You can then offer fresh insight on issues about gardening in this example, that others may never heard of or even be aware. You're able to put your name. e-mail, and in most cases, your URL to your web site. But be ever so careful to provide real value in your comments, never ever weblog to sell your services and/or goods.

10) Online Forum Participation

Forums are a tremendous vehicle by which your website company and your services will eventually be known. Do a google search, more likely there is a forum about your nice business. Sign up and become a regular forum member. The more active you're, the more that you will become known as a leader and an authority in your niche business.

Help and be helped. All these 10 steps that I've identified will have a profound impact inside your company, if you dare to be bold enough, and to have the creative-visualization to see where you would like to go with your company. And by no means is this an exhaustive list. This list of 10 are things that I do, and have been performing since my website went on-line in June 2009, and should become component of your company goals also.

You too can have the exact same level of success that I am performing, in the event you develop the self motivation and the self confidence in yourself and in your God given abilities. And yes, a whole lot of hope and faith doesn't hurt either. See you at the leading! Remember, your ability is only limited by your inability to take action.

11) BONUS....Content Content and More Content

With an ever growing number of web sites that come online, you need to make certain your website's content stays fresh and relative Not only does your content have to be fresh and vibrant, it must also be relative to what your visitors and would be customers are seeking.

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Saturday, December 21, 2013

The Most Important Tools In Gold Mining - Business - Industrial Mechanical

The rocker is a very important part of a miner's gold mining tools. Developed in Georgia the rocker box which is also called a cradle is one of those gold mining tools without which a miner will just not be able to exist or prospect successfully for gold. At one time, this was one of the most important of all gold mining tools and it was considered vital to gold mining - perhaps, even more important than a gold pan.

Portable and Hot Selling Items

In the early days, miners with sufficient skill levels succeeded in making their own rockers which were in fact constructed out of lumber sawn off from forests. These rocker boxes were very portable and were hot selling gold mining tools during the Klondike gold rush when miners were working up the placer deposits in the hills located high above creeks in that part of the USA.

Gold pans are of course vital items of gold mining tools and it is in fact one of the most versatile of all gold mining tools. For one, they are extremely portable and so they can be borne with the miner to various mining locations. Once you develop passable mining skills you will find that the gold pan helps you save more of your mined gold (especially, the fine gold) and far more than any other kind of gold mining tools can hope to do.

Gold pans are items of gold mining tools that are available as plastic pans and also as metal pans and some have smoother sides while others might come with riffles. Some gold pans can also have smoother bottoms while some may even have gold traps.

The gold spear is an item of gold mining tools that originated in England and has been well liked by miners. It works best on soft soil which can easily be penetrated by the spear which will then give readings about the presence of gold. However, be prepared to get some false readings as well. It helps if you touch the gold with the spear to get more accurate readings.

It pays to learn more about gold mining claims. From finding out more about expired claims to learning how to stake your claim and also learning about taking ownership of the gold mining rights there is more to gold mining than simply striking gold veins. If you are unsure about all that is required vis-a-vis staking your claim or finding expired claims you will need to search the Internet where you will come across many solutions that address these and other aspects of gold mining.

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Friday, December 20, 2013

The Most Important Tools In Gold Mining - Business - Industrial Mechanical

The rocker is a very important part of a miner's gold mining tools. Developed in Georgia the rocker box which is also called a cradle is one of those gold mining tools without which a miner will just not be able to exist or prospect successfully for gold. At one time, this was one of the most important of all gold mining tools and it was considered vital to gold mining - perhaps, even more important than a gold pan.

Portable and Hot Selling Items

In the early days, miners with sufficient skill levels succeeded in making their own rockers which were in fact constructed out of lumber sawn off from forests. These rocker boxes were very portable and were hot selling gold mining tools during the Klondike gold rush when miners were working up the placer deposits in the hills located high above creeks in that part of the USA.

Gold pans are of course vital items of gold mining tools and it is in fact one of the most versatile of all gold mining tools. For one, they are extremely portable and so they can be borne with the miner to various mining locations. Once you develop passable mining skills you will find that the gold pan helps you save more of your mined gold (especially, the fine gold) and far more than any other kind of gold mining tools can hope to do.

Gold pans are items of gold mining tools that are available as plastic pans and also as metal pans and some have smoother sides while others might come with riffles. Some gold pans can also have smoother bottoms while some may even have gold traps.

The gold spear is an item of gold mining tools that originated in England and has been well liked by miners. It works best on soft soil which can easily be penetrated by the spear which will then give readings about the presence of gold. However, be prepared to get some false readings as well. It helps if you touch the gold with the spear to get more accurate readings.

It pays to learn more about gold mining claims. From finding out more about expired claims to learning how to stake your claim and also learning about taking ownership of the gold mining rights there is more to gold mining than simply striking gold veins. If you are unsure about all that is required vis-a-vis staking your claim or finding expired claims you will need to search the Internet where you will come across many solutions that address these and other aspects of gold mining.

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Thursday, December 19, 2013

Gold Mining Equipment - Business - Sales

Gold Mining Equipment Introduction: Gold Mining Equipment. did not change much until the last decade. All the same, there are many new types of equipment now, such as underwater metal detectors, suction dredgers etc., that help increase the production or gold manifold. Gold mining equipment are made to withstand tough conditions and they can last long, as gold prospectors are most often working in very far distant locations, away from easy access to getting replacements in the event the equipment breaks. Before adding new equipment, gold prospectors should educate themselves on the subject to find effective gold mining equipment.

Rock is eliminated through the mine.Rock that contains gold, is hauled for the Crushing Facility. Rock without the need of gold is used for the overburden storage space areas. Large haul vans are applied to proceed the rock through the Mine for the crushing Facility, or for the overburden storage space areas. Ore crusher is processed on the two point Crushing and Screening Facility,and hauled for the Valley Leach Facility. The Valley Leath Facility may be a lined, zero discharge place in which dilute sodium cyanide procedure option dissolves the gold, and is also captured from the bottom in the lined area. The gold is recovered through the procedure option having a carbon adsorption process. The last product or service may be a gold and silver key named Dore.

To separate the gold through the ore collected through the diggers from the mine tunnel, the ore was 1st crushed with a sequence of hammers from the stamper head. The crushed ore was then operate more than copper plates that experienced been treated with cyanide after which tinned with "quick-silver" (mercury). Mercury includes a substance affinity to gold and therefore catches it. The resulting mixture was then heated to evaporate the mercury right up until only the gold remained. This technique of extraction was applied for several many years even though it absolutely was normally accepted that it absolutely was only 60% effective.

Gold Mining Equipment Products ?Spring Cone Crusher Used for secondory crushing process. Impact Crusher Often used for primary and secondory crushing process. Hammer Crusher Used for crushing big gold ore. Vertical Shaft Impact Crusher

Gold mining plant line analysis: To design a perfect gold ore mining plant line, crushers above is usually used as crushing equipment as well as miners also need vibrating feeders ,vibrating screen and belt conveyors to form a line fit for individual gold mining conditions.

Gold Mining Crushing Plant This is a simple gold ore crushing plant line for you to consider about it. In this gold mining plant line , Impact stone crusher and Jaw stone crusher are used for primary crushing machinery because of its high capacity of feeding stones. Spring cone crusher is used for the secondory crusher for it is good at breaking a liittle big gold ore into smaller rocks which can be crushed into as small as sand..What links primary gold ore crusher and secondory gold ore plant are belt conveyors. Also , vibrating feeders and vibrating screen are necessary for the design of gold ore stone crushing plant.

BinQ is a professional mining equipment manufacturer and exporter. We have a team of high quality research experts who have always been providing best crushing plant solutions for our customers. For more than 20 years, apart from Gold Mining Equipment, we have provided with stone crusher?jaw crusher?cone crusher and sand making machine.


iAutoblog the premier autoblogger software

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Ethical Gold Mining; The Social and Environmental Future of the Mining Industry - Finance

Soltera Mining Corp. (OTCPK: SLTA) reports agreement with Goldlake Group, a world leader in the production of natural/ethical gold

July 19, 2010 " (Investorideas.com mining stocks newswire) and its leading mining investor portals, reports on developments in the mining sector and the growing demand for "ethical gold".

With the oil and gas industry hit hard by the BP oil spill, the biggest environmental disaster in history, the mining sector is also facing pressure to meet environmental and ethical standards and a new breed of mining companies may emerge. Ethical gold is now becoming a new buzz phrase- and investors can expect to hear more about it.

Frequent contributor to Investorideas.com and other financial sites, Jon Nadler, Senior Analyst at Kitco Metals Inc. () recently wrote about ethical gold mining in his July 14th column, "The Other Price of Gold". Jon reports ""No Blood Diamonds" is a slogan for the times. Perhaps "No Dirty Gold" should have an equal billing, five years after the establishment of the organization bearing the same name. After all, how many gold buyers are aware that a single wedding ring's production entails the generation of 20 tonnes (that's 44,000 lbs.) of waste?"Full column: /news/mining/7141.asp

Soltera Mining Corp. (OTCPK: SLTA) is company that is shifting with the ethical gold trend and has recently announced key developments. Dr. Fabio Montanari, President and CEO of Soltera Mining announced June 23rd that Soltera signed an agreement with Goldlake Group, a world leader in the production of natural/ethical gold from alluvial deposits in Honduras, Central America. The first objective of the agreement is to develop eluvial gold production from the El Torno property in northern Argentina.This agreement has strategic value for both companies because on the one hand, it enables Soltera Mining to continue pursuing its goals of exploring and developing its flagship gold project El Torno through partnership with a mining entity with a solid reputation and, on the other hand, it allows the Goldlake Group to develop a new project concerned with the production of natural/ethical gold in line with the agreement to supply Cartier that has been active for one year.

Full news: /CO/SLTA/news/6231.asp

June 23rd mining giant GOLDCORP INC. (TSX:G )(NYSE:GG) was in the midst of controversy as the Inter-American Commission for Human Rights, known as CIDH filed complaints and demanded the Guatemalan government suspend operations at Goldcorp Inc's Marlin mine due to environmental and human rights violations. "They have to suspend operations," Fernando Barillas, an adviser to Guatemalan President Alvaro Colom stated.

The company responded on June 30th with, " GOLDCORP INC. (TSX:G)(NYSE:GG -) today presented its initial response to the recently completed independent human rights assessment (HRA) prepared by On Common Ground Consultants Inc. The report is the result of an eighteen month assessment of how the Marlin mine which is operated by Montana Exploradora de Guatemala, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Goldcorp, has affected human rights, and whether the Company has in place and is implementing effectively policies and procedures to mitigate the risks of potential conflicts with international human rights standards. "

Investorideas.com will be reporting on ethical gold and mining developments in a series of ongoing articles to bring the matter to the attention of interested investors in the sector.

About Soltera Mining Corp. (OTCPK: SLTA FRANKFURT: SN7):Soltera Mining Corp. is a unique exploration company in the sense that it is following two distinct lines of action. The first is conventional, with exploration concentrated on two carefully selected gold and base metal projects in Argentina, particularly the large-scale El Torno gold project in Jujuy. The second, less conventional action is to finance immediate small-scale gold production from a specific section of the 14 km gold-quartz vein at El Torno.

Investors can view the full company profile for Soltera Mining Corp. at /CO/SLTA/

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Soltera - Safe Harbor Statement: Certain statements contained herein are "forward-looking" statements (as such term is defined in the Private Securities Reform Act of 1995). Because such statements include risks and uncertainties, actual results may differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Information or opinions in this document are presented solely for informative purposes and are not intended nor should be construed as investment advice. We encourage you to carefully review the Company with your investment advisor and verify any information that is important to your investment decision

About our Mining Portals: and , portals within the InvestorIdeas.com content umbrella, feature industry and stock news, exclusive articles and financial columnists, audio interviews and podcasts, investor conferences, blogs, and a directory of stocks in the sector. Disclaimer: The following company profile release for Soltera Mining is a paid for submission. Our sites do not make recommendations. Nothing on our sites should be construed as an offer or solicitation to buy or sell products or securities. We attempt to research thoroughly, but we offer no guarantees as to the accuracy of information presented. All Information relating to featured companies is sourced from public documents and/ or the company and is not the opinion of our web sites. This site is currently compensated by featured companies, news submissions, company profile submissions and online advertising. Disclaimer/Disclosure: /About/Disclaimer.asp/About/News/Clientspecifics.asp

Contact Soltera Mining Corp.Fabio +1 888-768-5552

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Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Astra Mining Ltd Assessing Gold Mining Acquisition Opportunities in Karnataka State, Southern India - Business

Astra Mining Ltd, an Australian diversified mining company, is currently assessing acquisition opportunities for gold mines in Karnataka State, Southern India. Karnataka State hosts almost 75% of the total gold reserve in India and has potential reserves into the multi millions.

Adelaide, Australia 10 March 2011: Astra Mining Ltd is currently in the process of assessing the acquisition of 1 or more of 12 gold mines in Karnataka State, Southern India. The immense geological potential and the advanced infrastructural set up means there is huge potential for mining development in the area.

India is the largest buyer of gold, but smallest producerIndia is currently the largest buyer of gold, but smallest producer. Gold imports stood at 739 tonnes during the year 2009-10, with production of gold in India reported as being just 12.82 tonnes in the year 2006-07. Import needs are expected to grow exponentially in the near future, and Astra Mining Ltd is planning on being at the forefront of mine development in India, which will reduce the need for importing and aid in boosting the countrys economy internally, said Jaydeep Biswas, Chief Executive Officer of Astra Mining.

Gold production is currently confined to only three mines in Karnataka, however Astra Mining Ltd is planning to expand on this by exploring the vast areas of greenstone belts in the areas that have reported gold occurrences. These include the extension areas of belts in Kolar, Hutti and Gadag, which have significant exploration data that has been collated for the next generation of gold exploration. Astra Mining Ltd plans on using this data to take full advantage of the mining possibilities in the area.

The southern India state of Karnataka covers almost 190,000 sq. km. of land, more than half of which is occupied by the Archean Dharwar Supergroup of rocks. This Supergroup of rocks hosts an extensive collection of granite greenstone belts, each containing gold mineralization in varying forms. Approximately 75% of Indias total high grade gold reserves reside in this area, which is mainly due to the presence of the Kolar Gold Field (KGF). Having produced nearly 800 tonnes of gold over its history, the KGF accounts for the most well-known, and profitable, open-cut mines in the area.

The KGF is divided into two belts across the Balaghat North Fault system. Mining operations were taking place in the area until the 80s, closing due to non-feasible operations at deeper mining levels, however studies have revealed there is still significant underground resource potential. Although all 4 mines in the area have high mining potential Nundydroog has the greatest, with proved and probable reserves of 27 million tonnes, having a grade of 5.3 g/t for proved and 4.4 g/t of probable reserve, with possibilities for expansion already being explored. The presence of mills, housing, tailing dumps and other infrastructure also enhance the mining opportunities in the area and reduce initial output costs, said Silvana De Cianni, Managing Director of Astra Mining.

The Nundydroog champion load also offers mining potential by open cut method. Although the reserves of gold ore have not been proved, an estimation under measured resource category of around 3.2 million tonnes of average grade of 15g/t has been made in some exploration reports.The hundreds of years of mining that have occurred in the KGF have led to 37 million tonnes of mill tailings which have been distributed over 13 dumps scattered over Karnataka. These tailings can be treated, and the gold removed, however due to their age some are likely to be weather damaged and contain hydro-sulphates.

Prospecting LicensesAstra Mining Ltd is intending to apply for a number of Prospecting Licenses (PL) for multiple greenstone belts, including 3 which are situated with the Dharwar Craton and 3 in Hutti-Maski. Each PL has been assessed in terms of geological milieu, style of mineralization and previous exploration data including gold incidence.

iAutoblog the premier autoblogger software

Monday, December 16, 2013

Gold Mining Equipment - Business - Sales

Gold Mining Equipment Introduction: Gold Mining Equipment. did not change much until the last decade. All the same, there are many new types of equipment now, such as underwater metal detectors, suction dredgers etc., that help increase the production or gold manifold. Gold mining equipment are made to withstand tough conditions and they can last long, as gold prospectors are most often working in very far distant locations, away from easy access to getting replacements in the event the equipment breaks. Before adding new equipment, gold prospectors should educate themselves on the subject to find effective gold mining equipment.

Rock is eliminated through the mine.Rock that contains gold, is hauled for the Crushing Facility. Rock without the need of gold is used for the overburden storage space areas. Large haul vans are applied to proceed the rock through the Mine for the crushing Facility, or for the overburden storage space areas. Ore crusher is processed on the two point Crushing and Screening Facility,and hauled for the Valley Leach Facility. The Valley Leath Facility may be a lined, zero discharge place in which dilute sodium cyanide procedure option dissolves the gold, and is also captured from the bottom in the lined area. The gold is recovered through the procedure option having a carbon adsorption process. The last product or service may be a gold and silver key named Dore.

To separate the gold through the ore collected through the diggers from the mine tunnel, the ore was 1st crushed with a sequence of hammers from the stamper head. The crushed ore was then operate more than copper plates that experienced been treated with cyanide after which tinned with "quick-silver" (mercury). Mercury includes a substance affinity to gold and therefore catches it. The resulting mixture was then heated to evaporate the mercury right up until only the gold remained. This technique of extraction was applied for several many years even though it absolutely was normally accepted that it absolutely was only 60% effective.

Gold Mining Equipment Products ?Spring Cone Crusher Used for secondory crushing process. Impact Crusher Often used for primary and secondory crushing process. Hammer Crusher Used for crushing big gold ore. Vertical Shaft Impact Crusher

Gold mining plant line analysis: To design a perfect gold ore mining plant line, crushers above is usually used as crushing equipment as well as miners also need vibrating feeders ,vibrating screen and belt conveyors to form a line fit for individual gold mining conditions.

Gold Mining Crushing Plant This is a simple gold ore crushing plant line for you to consider about it. In this gold mining plant line , Impact stone crusher and Jaw stone crusher are used for primary crushing machinery because of its high capacity of feeding stones. Spring cone crusher is used for the secondory crusher for it is good at breaking a liittle big gold ore into smaller rocks which can be crushed into as small as sand..What links primary gold ore crusher and secondory gold ore plant are belt conveyors. Also , vibrating feeders and vibrating screen are necessary for the design of gold ore stone crushing plant.

BinQ is a professional mining equipment manufacturer and exporter. We have a team of high quality research experts who have always been providing best crushing plant solutions for our customers. For more than 20 years, apart from Gold Mining Equipment, we have provided with stone crusher?jaw crusher?cone crusher and sand making machine.


iAutoblog the premier autoblogger software

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Gold Mining in India: Golden Opportunities - Business

Gold mining needs both numerous processes and technique in extracting gold from the ground. Gold can be a dense, soft, shiny metal and it's also probably the most malleable and ductile identified on earth. Since ancient times, gold was highly valued as a result of its gorgeous shape and alluring shine. Since its discovery, it has been considered so highly-valued; the royalty indulged themselves greedily having a vast collection of gold. Gold was very first mined within the Kolar Gold Fields in Bangarpet Taluk of Kolar District of Karnataka state, India. In present times, mining in India, particularly in this location, encounters controversy and socio-political issues.

Gold mining in India had been initial established around the 2nd to 3rd century A.D. Nonetheless, the tradition of mining gold started at least as the first millennium B.C. Gold served as the main medium of exchange within the Roman Empire. It also served as a motivation for the Romans conquest on Transylvania and campaign on Britain. Compared to earlier crude methods in gold mining in India, the Romans employed hydraulic methods on a big scale, extracting gold from extensive alluvial deposits.

As a result of the extensive mining in India, especially within the Kolar Gold Fields, some locations now have a low yield of gold. Within the Kolar Gold mines, there are about only three million tons of gold ore of low to extremely low top quality. If re-opened, the mine would offer to yield about 1 ton of gold per year for the next 12 years but it would call for quite a heavy capital investment. For practicalitys sake, this is one of the main reasons why the mines are closed by its owners, the Bahrat Gold Mines Limited, due to reducing deposits and growing expenses.

Gold mining in India began given that its discovery and appreciation by man. It was not till the year 2001 that the mines had been exploited of its rich deposits. Looking at the long span of time, it is of no surprise that mining in India is reaching its very first toll - there are still other locations with wealthy deposits, but it would no doubt undergo the identical predicament.

As a result of its incredibly high population, many Indian citizens are trying to find opportunities to make a living and survive life on one of the worlds most populated countries. Gold mining in India gives numerous workers the opportunity to a better life. When the Kolar Mines closed down, numerous of its workers waged a bitter struggle to re-open the mines - whose court verdict as much as now unfortunately remains unclear. Mining in India persevered given that time immemorial. Could it possibly survive several more years?

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Saturday, December 14, 2013

Iron ore crusher processing plant with vibrating screens : Eldorado Gold Starts Operations at Turkey Gold Mine - Business

Eldorado Gold has started operations at Efemcukuru gold mine in Izmir, Turkey, with all necessary permits to carry out full mining and processing operations in place.

Currently, low grade ore is being fed to the mill, with mining activities continuing in the south ore shoot, and about 16,000t at 10.5g/t gold being stockpiled at the plant site.

RELATED: vibrating screens

Eldorado Gold is studying the Efemcukuru mine's potential to increase its annual gold production from 120,000oz to 150,000oz per annum.

Eldorado Gold president and CEO Paul Wright said the high-grade operation at Efemcukuru will contribute to low-cost ounces and help ensure that Eldorado remains in the industry's lowest quartile of production cash costs. iron ore processing plant

In addition, the Kisladag mine reached a significant milestone, producing over 1Moz of gold since it began operations in 2006. iron ore crusher

Eldorado has started operations at Efemcukuru gold mine in Izmir, Turkey, with all necessary permits to carry out full mining and processing operations in place.

Currently, low grade ore is being fed to the mill, with mining activities continuing in the south ore shoot, and about 16,000t at 10.5g/t gold being stockpiled at the plant site.

RELATED: vibrating screens

Eldorado is studying the Efemcukuru mine's potential to increase its annual gold production from 120,000oz to 150,000oz per annum.

Eldorado Gold president and CEO Paul Wright said the high-grade operation at Efemcukuru will contribute to low-cost ounces and help ensure that Eldorado remains in the industry's lowest quartile of production cash costs. iron ore processing plant

In addition, the Kisladag mine reached a significant milestone, producing over 1Moz of gold since it began operations in 2006. iron ore crusher

Eldorado Gold has started operations at Efemcukuru gold mine in Izmir, Turkey, with all necessary permits to carry out full mining and processing operations in place.

Currently, low grade ore is being fed to the mill, with mining activities continuing in the south ore shoot, and about 16,000t at 10.5g/t gold being stockpiled at the plant site.

RELATED: vibrating screens

Eldorado Gold is studying the Efemcukuru mine's potential to increase its annual gold production from 120,000oz to 150,000oz per annum.

Eldorado Gold president and CEO Paul Wright said the high-grade operation at Efemcukuru will contribute to low-cost ounces and help ensure that Eldorado remains in the industry's lowest quartile of production cash costs. iron ore processing plant

In addition, the Kisladag mine reached a significant milestone, producing over 1Moz of gold since it began operations in 2006. iron ore crusher

Eldorado Gold has started operations at Efemcukuru gold mine in Izmir, Turkey, with all necessary permits to carry out full mining and processing operations in place.

Currently, low grade ore is being fed to the mill, with mining activities continuing in the south ore shoot, and about 16,000t at 10.5g/t gold being stockpiled at the plant site.

RELATED: vibrating screens

Eldorado Gold is studying the Efemcukuru mine's potential to increase its annual gold production from 120,000oz to 150,000oz per annum.

Eldorado Gold president and CEO Paul Wright said the high-grade operation at Efemcukuru will contribute to low-cost ounces and help ensure that Eldorado remains in the industry's lowest quartile of production cash costs. iron ore processing plant

In addition, the Kisladag mine reached a significant milestone, producing over 1Moz of gold since it began operations in 2006. iron ore crusher

iAutoblog the premier autoblogger software

Friday, December 13, 2013

Astra Mining Ltd Assessing Gold Mining Acquisition Opportunities in Karnataka State, Southern India - Business

Astra Mining Ltd, an Australian diversified mining company, is currently assessing acquisition opportunities for gold mines in Karnataka State, Southern India. Karnataka State hosts almost 75% of the total gold reserve in India and has potential reserves into the multi millions.

Adelaide, Australia 10 March 2011: Astra Mining Ltd is currently in the process of assessing the acquisition of 1 or more of 12 gold mines in Karnataka State, Southern India. The immense geological potential and the advanced infrastructural set up means there is huge potential for mining development in the area.

India is the largest buyer of gold, but smallest producerIndia is currently the largest buyer of gold, but smallest producer. Gold imports stood at 739 tonnes during the year 2009-10, with production of gold in India reported as being just 12.82 tonnes in the year 2006-07. Import needs are expected to grow exponentially in the near future, and Astra Mining Ltd is planning on being at the forefront of mine development in India, which will reduce the need for importing and aid in boosting the countrys economy internally, said Jaydeep Biswas, Chief Executive Officer of Astra Mining.

Gold production is currently confined to only three mines in Karnataka, however Astra Mining Ltd is planning to expand on this by exploring the vast areas of greenstone belts in the areas that have reported gold occurrences. These include the extension areas of belts in Kolar, Hutti and Gadag, which have significant exploration data that has been collated for the next generation of gold exploration. Astra Mining Ltd plans on using this data to take full advantage of the mining possibilities in the area.

The southern India state of Karnataka covers almost 190,000 sq. km. of land, more than half of which is occupied by the Archean Dharwar Supergroup of rocks. This Supergroup of rocks hosts an extensive collection of granite greenstone belts, each containing gold mineralization in varying forms. Approximately 75% of Indias total high grade gold reserves reside in this area, which is mainly due to the presence of the Kolar Gold Field (KGF). Having produced nearly 800 tonnes of gold over its history, the KGF accounts for the most well-known, and profitable, open-cut mines in the area.

The KGF is divided into two belts across the Balaghat North Fault system. Mining operations were taking place in the area until the 80s, closing due to non-feasible operations at deeper mining levels, however studies have revealed there is still significant underground resource potential. Although all 4 mines in the area have high mining potential Nundydroog has the greatest, with proved and probable reserves of 27 million tonnes, having a grade of 5.3 g/t for proved and 4.4 g/t of probable reserve, with possibilities for expansion already being explored. The presence of mills, housing, tailing dumps and other infrastructure also enhance the mining opportunities in the area and reduce initial output costs, said Silvana De Cianni, Managing Director of Astra Mining.

The Nundydroog champion load also offers mining potential by open cut method. Although the reserves of gold ore have not been proved, an estimation under measured resource category of around 3.2 million tonnes of average grade of 15g/t has been made in some exploration reports.The hundreds of years of mining that have occurred in the KGF have led to 37 million tonnes of mill tailings which have been distributed over 13 dumps scattered over Karnataka. These tailings can be treated, and the gold removed, however due to their age some are likely to be weather damaged and contain hydro-sulphates.

Prospecting LicensesAstra Mining Ltd is intending to apply for a number of Prospecting Licenses (PL) for multiple greenstone belts, including 3 which are situated with the Dharwar Craton and 3 in Hutti-Maski. Each PL has been assessed in terms of geological milieu, style of mineralization and previous exploration data including gold incidence.

iAutoblog the premier autoblogger software

Thursday, December 12, 2013

gold mining equipment in south africa - Food - Restaurant Reviews

Gold mining equipment in South Africa

Gold mining in South Africa has been the principal focus of black economic empowerment, resulting in a changing ownership structure. Gold mining industry boomed with the increase in the price of gold and the worldwide economic slowdown, investment in gold has increased. Demand for gold, particularly from India and China, also increased. Up until a few years back South Africa was the world's largest gold producer. China surpassed South Africa as the world's largest producer in 2007. Nowdays, gold mining in China, Australia and the United States are also well developed, beside South Africa.Gold mining equipment companies in South AfricaThere many gold mining equipments companies in South Africa. Gold mining equipment plays an important role in gold mining industry. SBM is a professional gold mining euqipment company of gold ore crusher, gold mining equipments and gold mill machines. In gold mining, high technology gold mining equipment, such as gold detectors, elegant modern dredges, and lightweight sluices will be needed.Gold mining equipment manufacturer in South AfricaSBM is really a manufacturer of gold mining equipment,gold ore crusher, gold mining automatic washer who can design and provide the entire gold mining equipment, gold ore crusher, gold ore grinding mill, gold ore mining plant etc. In gold ore mining, we will pick the suitable gold ore crusher to your gold ore mining, according to your requirements and character of gold ore. SBM gold mining euqipment stands the exam of your time.

Company ProfileShanghai Shibang Machinery Co., Ltd is a high-technology enterprise of Shanghai city. It is a professional manufacturer of mining crushers and industrial grinding mills, located in beautiful Pudong New District, with factory area of 50,000 square meters. The company features advanced CAD and computer simulation test system, which ensures the quality of design, development, manufacturing and after-sale service. The company has formed a complete production-chain that takes crushers and mills as the main products and vibrating screen, vibrating feeder, etc. as supplementary products. The major products are: R-pendulum grinding mill, high pressure suspension grinding mill, high pressure micro powder mill, straight centrifugal mill, jaw crusher, impact crusher, vertical shaft impact crusher, vibrating screen, vibrating feeder, sand washing machine, belt conveyor, etc. Especially, the high pressure suspension grinding mill YGM 9517 and PCL vertical shaft impact ha ve won the honor of Shanghai high technology conversion effort. Shanghai Shibang has become a major production and export base of sand-stone and powder-making machinery in China.Shanghai Shibang Machinery Co. Ltd., has independent import-export right with a special international market department to deal with exporting affair. We have a professional after-sale service faculty to provide considerate and all-around-way service for the customers. Our products have taken up a considerable place in the world market. They have been exported to America, Italy,Turkey, Australia, Singapore, Indonesia, Vietnam, Iran, India, Chile, Venezuela, Libya, Ethiopia, United Arab Emirates, Kazakstn, Kyrgyzst and receive high popularity.Market demand is the drive and basis of our endless innovation. Rich technical experience and the application of high technology make our products rank a leading place in the industry in technology content, performance, reliability and maintenance cost, etc. We e xpect your choice and prepare to provide you with heartfelt service at any time.

Service ViewSince the establishment, Shanghai Shibang Machinery Co., Ltd. has regarded " All is for clients" as its service goal and has provided high-quality, high-taste, high-efficient and all-around-way service for its clients.Our considerate service, accurate manufacture and reasonable price will satisfy you to the best.Client-oriented and provid all-around-way service for our clients; Service-centered and provid customized and high-valued products for our clients; Quality-hightened and serve our customers to the best of our ability!On sales of products, clients' interest is our first consideration. Our service pursues accuracy and specific. From consultation before sales, enthusiastic services to recommending products in sale, we are all accurate and careful. From powerful design, development, manufacturing, debugging and maintenance, repay visit from time to time to strict quality guarantee, abundant spare parts with reasonable price and quick, satisfying service, ev ery step is full of our cautious preparation and all these are done to minimize clients' worries.Our company strengthens communication with our clients, not only hoping to learn clients' evaluation of our products, but also hoping to enter a new era of "leading people to consume and making them reassured". Realize high efficiency and low cost of the company, improve feedback speed of market, quicken technical innovation, ensure high quality and reduce production cost--- we do all these to enable the clients to get more benefits and to seek more business opportunities in the market. We promise to create more values for you and the society.Shibang people have created the brand "Shibang" with many years' hard work and experience. Without satisfactory clients there will be no futures for the company. We must develop new technologies and new products for our clients, and make our popularity on a high level in this field; we must heighten our position and set a good example in the field. A group of experienced staffs are ready to serve you with enthusiasm at any moment!

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Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Gold Mining in India: Golden Opportunities - Business

Gold mining needs both numerous processes and technique in extracting gold from the ground. Gold can be a dense, soft, shiny metal and it's also probably the most malleable and ductile identified on earth. Since ancient times, gold was highly valued as a result of its gorgeous shape and alluring shine. Since its discovery, it has been considered so highly-valued; the royalty indulged themselves greedily having a vast collection of gold. Gold was very first mined within the Kolar Gold Fields in Bangarpet Taluk of Kolar District of Karnataka state, India. In present times, mining in India, particularly in this location, encounters controversy and socio-political issues.

Gold mining in India had been initial established around the 2nd to 3rd century A.D. Nonetheless, the tradition of mining gold started at least as the first millennium B.C. Gold served as the main medium of exchange within the Roman Empire. It also served as a motivation for the Romans conquest on Transylvania and campaign on Britain. Compared to earlier crude methods in gold mining in India, the Romans employed hydraulic methods on a big scale, extracting gold from extensive alluvial deposits.

As a result of the extensive mining in India, especially within the Kolar Gold Fields, some locations now have a low yield of gold. Within the Kolar Gold mines, there are about only three million tons of gold ore of low to extremely low top quality. If re-opened, the mine would offer to yield about 1 ton of gold per year for the next 12 years but it would call for quite a heavy capital investment. For practicalitys sake, this is one of the main reasons why the mines are closed by its owners, the Bahrat Gold Mines Limited, due to reducing deposits and growing expenses.

Gold mining in India began given that its discovery and appreciation by man. It was not till the year 2001 that the mines had been exploited of its rich deposits. Looking at the long span of time, it is of no surprise that mining in India is reaching its very first toll - there are still other locations with wealthy deposits, but it would no doubt undergo the identical predicament.

As a result of its incredibly high population, many Indian citizens are trying to find opportunities to make a living and survive life on one of the worlds most populated countries. Gold mining in India gives numerous workers the opportunity to a better life. When the Kolar Mines closed down, numerous of its workers waged a bitter struggle to re-open the mines - whose court verdict as much as now unfortunately remains unclear. Mining in India persevered given that time immemorial. Could it possibly survive several more years?

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Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Gold Exploration, Gold Mining - Business - Organizational

Gold Exploration and Mining

From the ancient time of Greeks and Romans to modern 21st century, gold has always fascinated mankind with its natural beauty and shine. Gold mining industry is a million dollar industry generating employment opportunities throughout the world and serving humans since ages. Till date, gold is considered as symbol of wealth, power, beauty and purity. Even the production of small gold piece requires very long and complex processes.

Rachana Global has gained years of experience in exploration of natural resources and mining. The group has attained proficiency and is regarded as one of the key player in natural resources mining and exploration. Through intense research, our company has located favorable Gold mines in Mutare-Manica, Mozambique and Zimbabwe and additional search is instituted for Gold mines in Tete province. Our state-of-the-art infrastructure and well experienced team of geologists, mining engineers, and technologists helps us to cater quality Gold mining services around the world.

The high quality and peer reviewed Gold ores are produced through extensive research and Gold mining exploration at various places. With the technological developments and latest advancements, various Gold mining companies have located different gold mine regions around the world for production of best quality gold. Gold mine production methods differ from region to region and no general method of how gold is mined and produced is available.

However, the changing dynamics of the gold industry has been a concern. Increasing volume at existing Gold mines or bringing fresh new mines is now getting a tedious capital intensive process. Gold mines operating cost is steadily rising with an upsurge in the demand and the current consumption of the yellow metal. This has raised the eyebrows of many professionals involved in the business and is the key reason why Gold exploration and mining is in the hands of key players only. Rachana Global is one such leading Gold mining company continuously involved in offering Gold mining services at various favourable geographical locations. The company has acquired several licenses for Gold mining in selected regions. Various Gold mining procedures have been established for producing gold and supplying it globally.

Mr. Manoj Sompura established Rachana Global Excavation Ltd long ago in 1996. Considered as a man of honour, Mr. Manoj Sompura has led his life with confidence and magical charisma. He has always set an example for his team as a result of which Rachana Global Excavation Ltd is regarded as topmost leading company in the field of natural resources exploration and mining. His planned business strategies and ultimate dedication towards mining and exploration industry has always helped him to walk through tough times. Rachana Global, an ISO 9001-2008 certified company has laid ambitious plans to spread its wings in the area of detergent cakes manufacturing including detergent powder, toilet soap, bathing soap and many such products.

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Monday, December 9, 2013

Iron ore crusher processing plant with vibrating screens : Eldorado Gold Starts Operations at Turkey Gold Mine - Business

Eldorado Gold has started operations at Efemcukuru gold mine in Izmir, Turkey, with all necessary permits to carry out full mining and processing operations in place.

Currently, low grade ore is being fed to the mill, with mining activities continuing in the south ore shoot, and about 16,000t at 10.5g/t gold being stockpiled at the plant site.

RELATED: vibrating screens

Eldorado Gold is studying the Efemcukuru mine's potential to increase its annual gold production from 120,000oz to 150,000oz per annum.

Eldorado Gold president and CEO Paul Wright said the high-grade operation at Efemcukuru will contribute to low-cost ounces and help ensure that Eldorado remains in the industry's lowest quartile of production cash costs. iron ore processing plant

In addition, the Kisladag mine reached a significant milestone, producing over 1Moz of gold since it began operations in 2006. iron ore crusher

Eldorado has started operations at Efemcukuru gold mine in Izmir, Turkey, with all necessary permits to carry out full mining and processing operations in place.

Currently, low grade ore is being fed to the mill, with mining activities continuing in the south ore shoot, and about 16,000t at 10.5g/t gold being stockpiled at the plant site.

RELATED: vibrating screens

Eldorado is studying the Efemcukuru mine's potential to increase its annual gold production from 120,000oz to 150,000oz per annum.

Eldorado Gold president and CEO Paul Wright said the high-grade operation at Efemcukuru will contribute to low-cost ounces and help ensure that Eldorado remains in the industry's lowest quartile of production cash costs. iron ore processing plant

In addition, the Kisladag mine reached a significant milestone, producing over 1Moz of gold since it began operations in 2006. iron ore crusher

Eldorado Gold has started operations at Efemcukuru gold mine in Izmir, Turkey, with all necessary permits to carry out full mining and processing operations in place.

Currently, low grade ore is being fed to the mill, with mining activities continuing in the south ore shoot, and about 16,000t at 10.5g/t gold being stockpiled at the plant site.

RELATED: vibrating screens

Eldorado Gold is studying the Efemcukuru mine's potential to increase its annual gold production from 120,000oz to 150,000oz per annum.

Eldorado Gold president and CEO Paul Wright said the high-grade operation at Efemcukuru will contribute to low-cost ounces and help ensure that Eldorado remains in the industry's lowest quartile of production cash costs. iron ore processing plant

In addition, the Kisladag mine reached a significant milestone, producing over 1Moz of gold since it began operations in 2006. iron ore crusher

Eldorado Gold has started operations at Efemcukuru gold mine in Izmir, Turkey, with all necessary permits to carry out full mining and processing operations in place.

Currently, low grade ore is being fed to the mill, with mining activities continuing in the south ore shoot, and about 16,000t at 10.5g/t gold being stockpiled at the plant site.

RELATED: vibrating screens

Eldorado Gold is studying the Efemcukuru mine's potential to increase its annual gold production from 120,000oz to 150,000oz per annum.

Eldorado Gold president and CEO Paul Wright said the high-grade operation at Efemcukuru will contribute to low-cost ounces and help ensure that Eldorado remains in the industry's lowest quartile of production cash costs. iron ore processing plant

In addition, the Kisladag mine reached a significant milestone, producing over 1Moz of gold since it began operations in 2006. iron ore crusher

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Sunday, December 8, 2013

Gold - Gold Mining Terminology - Business - Business Ideas

Gold Mining Terminology

With years of experience in mining industry, Rachana Global is a dominant player in providing services for Gold mining and Fluorite mining. Rachana Global is one such exploration and mining services provider whose name can best be associated with all the gold mining terminology as stated below:Flour Gold/Gold Dust: Gold that is so fine that it looks and feels like flour or dust is called flour gold or gold dust.

Hard Rock Mine: A hard rock mine is a tunnel that is dug into solid rock for the sole purpose of finding valuable or precious rocks, minerals, or metals. Gold originates deep within the earth in places called Pockets. The pockets are filled with gold, heavy ore, and quartz.Hard Rock Mining: Hard rock mining refers to the underground mining techniques used to excavate hard minerals, mainly those minerals containing metals such as ore containing gold, copper, zinc, nickel and lead.Placer Mining: Placer Mining is the most common form of mining, it involves mining gold that has been washed away from it's source and deposited in small cracks, holes, or sand bars in the mainstream of a river.. It almost always involves the use of water in some way or another. Placer mining tools generally include the rocker box, sluice, dredge, highbanker, shaker table, drywasher, and always the pan.

Electronic prospecting: Electronic prospecting is a method for detecting gold, silver or other types of precious metals using a metal detector. The most known of electronic prospecting is done when nuggets are searched for.Ground Balancing: Ground balancing is the ability a metal detector has in order to ignore or get rid of the effect of detection of iron minerals or salt that is wet. Ground balancing is very important when it comes to searching for gold.

Gold Panning: The process of locating the richest gold bearing ground with the help of detecting equipments like gold pans and dredges.Wet Panning: Wet panning is the action that is done for gold with water that is used to create the state of suspension that allows the gravity to make the gold flakes sink into the riffles of a gold pan.Gold Metallurgy: The process of recovering gold from its ores, refining it and preparing it for commercial use is known as Gold Metallurgy.

Gold Mining: The technical and mechanical way of removing gold from its ores using various mining methods is known as Gold mining.Gold Refining: The mechanical process of separating valuable gold from the other waste materials from its ore using gold refining equipment is called gold refining.

Smelting: Smelting is the purifying process of heating the gold with a chemical substance called flux. The flux bonds with the contaminants and floats on top of the melted gold. The gold is then cooled and allowed to harden in molds, and the flux-contaminant mixture (slag) is hauled away as a solid waste.Gold dredging: The process of extracting gold from sand, gravel and dirt using water and mechanical methods and placer mining equipments like gold dredge is called as gold dredging.

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Saturday, December 7, 2013

gold mining equipment in south africa - Food - Restaurant Reviews

Gold mining equipment in South Africa

Gold mining in South Africa has been the principal focus of black economic empowerment, resulting in a changing ownership structure. Gold mining industry boomed with the increase in the price of gold and the worldwide economic slowdown, investment in gold has increased. Demand for gold, particularly from India and China, also increased. Up until a few years back South Africa was the world's largest gold producer. China surpassed South Africa as the world's largest producer in 2007. Nowdays, gold mining in China, Australia and the United States are also well developed, beside South Africa.Gold mining equipment companies in South AfricaThere many gold mining equipments companies in South Africa. Gold mining equipment plays an important role in gold mining industry. SBM is a professional gold mining euqipment company of gold ore crusher, gold mining equipments and gold mill machines. In gold mining, high technology gold mining equipment, such as gold detectors, elegant modern dredges, and lightweight sluices will be needed.Gold mining equipment manufacturer in South AfricaSBM is really a manufacturer of gold mining equipment,gold ore crusher, gold mining automatic washer who can design and provide the entire gold mining equipment, gold ore crusher, gold ore grinding mill, gold ore mining plant etc. In gold ore mining, we will pick the suitable gold ore crusher to your gold ore mining, according to your requirements and character of gold ore. SBM gold mining euqipment stands the exam of your time.

Company ProfileShanghai Shibang Machinery Co., Ltd is a high-technology enterprise of Shanghai city. It is a professional manufacturer of mining crushers and industrial grinding mills, located in beautiful Pudong New District, with factory area of 50,000 square meters. The company features advanced CAD and computer simulation test system, which ensures the quality of design, development, manufacturing and after-sale service. The company has formed a complete production-chain that takes crushers and mills as the main products and vibrating screen, vibrating feeder, etc. as supplementary products. The major products are: R-pendulum grinding mill, high pressure suspension grinding mill, high pressure micro powder mill, straight centrifugal mill, jaw crusher, impact crusher, vertical shaft impact crusher, vibrating screen, vibrating feeder, sand washing machine, belt conveyor, etc. Especially, the high pressure suspension grinding mill YGM 9517 and PCL vertical shaft impact ha ve won the honor of Shanghai high technology conversion effort. Shanghai Shibang has become a major production and export base of sand-stone and powder-making machinery in China.Shanghai Shibang Machinery Co. Ltd., has independent import-export right with a special international market department to deal with exporting affair. We have a professional after-sale service faculty to provide considerate and all-around-way service for the customers. Our products have taken up a considerable place in the world market. They have been exported to America, Italy,Turkey, Australia, Singapore, Indonesia, Vietnam, Iran, India, Chile, Venezuela, Libya, Ethiopia, United Arab Emirates, Kazakstn, Kyrgyzst and receive high popularity.Market demand is the drive and basis of our endless innovation. Rich technical experience and the application of high technology make our products rank a leading place in the industry in technology content, performance, reliability and maintenance cost, etc. We e xpect your choice and prepare to provide you with heartfelt service at any time.

Service ViewSince the establishment, Shanghai Shibang Machinery Co., Ltd. has regarded " All is for clients" as its service goal and has provided high-quality, high-taste, high-efficient and all-around-way service for its clients.Our considerate service, accurate manufacture and reasonable price will satisfy you to the best.Client-oriented and provid all-around-way service for our clients; Service-centered and provid customized and high-valued products for our clients; Quality-hightened and serve our customers to the best of our ability!On sales of products, clients' interest is our first consideration. Our service pursues accuracy and specific. From consultation before sales, enthusiastic services to recommending products in sale, we are all accurate and careful. From powerful design, development, manufacturing, debugging and maintenance, repay visit from time to time to strict quality guarantee, abundant spare parts with reasonable price and quick, satisfying service, ev ery step is full of our cautious preparation and all these are done to minimize clients' worries.Our company strengthens communication with our clients, not only hoping to learn clients' evaluation of our products, but also hoping to enter a new era of "leading people to consume and making them reassured". Realize high efficiency and low cost of the company, improve feedback speed of market, quicken technical innovation, ensure high quality and reduce production cost--- we do all these to enable the clients to get more benefits and to seek more business opportunities in the market. We promise to create more values for you and the society.Shibang people have created the brand "Shibang" with many years' hard work and experience. Without satisfactory clients there will be no futures for the company. We must develop new technologies and new products for our clients, and make our popularity on a high level in this field; we must heighten our position and set a good example in the field. A group of experienced staffs are ready to serve you with enthusiasm at any moment!

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Friday, December 6, 2013

Disadvantages of gold mining shares - Business - Product Reviews

- The quantity of a gold mine's reserves is never accurately known. Gold mining reserves (and their poor relative 'resources') are assessed by miners' core drilling programs which sample a prospective gold seam to measure gold concentrations in the rock at different locations. The amounts discovered in chemical analysis are extrapolated over a wider area to identify the likely reserve amount overall, but there is no guarantee it will be found during the extraction of commercial gold mining. Consequently there is a risk that recorded reserves do not reflect reality. Human nature gets in the way of accurate sampling, especially in companies whose function is principally exploration rather than the operation of mines. Prospectors raise money by encouraging investors that there is gold underground, and although a great deal of effort may be made to keep the process honest you only have to overlook a couple of poor rock samples (let's just call them damaged) to manipulate the l ikely reserves upwards. In the end the investor must trust both the geologists and the company's financial controller - both of whom may have to make the occasional fine judgement. It is almost always in their interest to err on the side of optimism. A pessimistic outlook rarely got a gold mine built.

- There can also be unforeseen engineering problems in extracting ore. These can increase the production costs, and only small percentage increases can eat into the mine's profitability.

- Another issue is that the costs of the mine can be borne in a currency other than dollars - the trading currency of the output. Exchange rate movements can greatly affect mine profitability by creating currency translation adjustments - both profits and losses.

- Perhaps the greatest variable is shareholder sentiment. Because of the wide attraction of gold shares during good gold bullion markets the shares tend to outperform not only gold, but also any reasonable valuation of the mine's future cash-flow. Investors are often not familiar with the yield numbers they should expect on a mine compared with - say - a supermarket, because whereas there is no reason that using a supermarket will wear it out, the mine certainly will be worthless within a few years, once its ore is gone. So the return must pay back both the original investment and provide some profit during its life. A 20 year lifetime mine must yield in excess of 5% per annum before it makes any profit for the long-term investor at all. Few gold mining shares can do this, so in effect the share price of many mining shares already discounts a substantial bullion price improvement. That is an indication that they could be overvalued.

- Adding to the problem of evaluating the investment quality of even well-established mines is the fact that their accounts are unusually opaque. Many people (including your author) who are perfectly comfortable with general purpose financial statements, for ordinary commercial businesses, start to tremble when presented with gold mining company accounts.

- Corporate culture is another problem. These days many companies (not just gold mining companies) are run more for the benefit of their managers than their shareholders. Many managers don't like paying dividends because it diminishes the cash pile remaining for staff salaries and new corporate adventures - like exploration or takeover activity. Very few gold mining companies could be accurately described as vehicles for the straightforward exploitation of underground gold ores in the interest of shareholders. Instead the assets can become the playthings of boards of directors whose best interest tends to be served by punting shareholders' money on opportunities which are sufficiently credible to grant a possible future beyond the current working mine's life. In the absence of strict and generous dividend policies shareholders in gold mining companies are investing in the strategic competence of their board at least as much as in gold.

These disadvantages of gold mining shares have got worse in recent years. Exploration businesses which have found gold in smaller countries have been forced to build roads, hospitals, schools and other social infrastructure, as well as repair the damage they do. The host government is quite quickly able to assess the value of a newly discovered resource, and to load the permission to mine accordingly. The social costs have increased far faster than the value of the gold found.

Gold mining shares are a potentially risky but simultaneously exciting investment. They tend to be reasonably correlated to gold prices but typically much more volatile, and subject to many variations which are independent of bullion market forces. Buying gold bullion is less expensive on dealing costs.

Choosing the right gold mining stocks - or even just the right gold mining index to follow - is crucial. But while individual gold mining companies can offer the potential of high-risk returns, the gold mining industry as a whole is facing growing problems of cost, politics and finance.

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